Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Promotion of Colgate-Palmolive Essay
Promotion is a communication means the merits of the product and persuade customers to buy it . Promotion has following four distinct elements. Personal selling , Advertising , Sales Promotion,and Public relations which can be used as such or can be used in combination to promote the product . ADVERTISEMENT Colgate primarily used advertisements as its main promotion strategies. Its different products which are designed for different segments are targeted to the audience by highlighting its features. Its common tagline for all products is - ³No1 brand recommended by dentist. ´ SALES PROMOTION As such no promotion is done at retail level except the recommendation by the shopkeeper. But for rural market COLGATE uses VAN (van is a mobile promotion station having facilities for screen show, slide show and mike publicity. PUBLIC RELATIONS PR campaigns were undertaken extensively during the launch of the brand in leading newspapers and magazines, though they were focused more directly on enhancing the image of the parent company in the eyes of stakeholders like shareholders potential investors, etc.that in consumers. Oral Care Special Offers Strong teeth and secure future, with Colgate Your children are your tomorrow. Here’s your chance to ensure that they get the best higher education possible. Stand a chance to win scholarships of up to 1 lakh with the Colgate Scholarship Offer and secure your child’s future. All you have to do is give a missed call on the number printed at the back of the Colgate pack and be eligible for the lucky draw. Hurry! Over 200 scholarships up for grabs. Price of Colgate-Palmolive price is consists of tactical marketing tolls,blemded into an integrated marketing programme that actually delivers the intended value proposition to taeget customer such as : List price , Discount , Allowance , Paymeny period , Credit terms .
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Vizio Case
Management Focus on Vizio Quest no 7: Reread the Management Focus on Vizio and answer the following questions: a. Why is the manufacturing of flat panel TV’s migrating to different locations around the world? Vizio’ TV get their panel from South Korea, electronic components from China, and processors from the United States, and it is come together in Mexico. Vizio’s managers search for the cheapest manufacturers of flat panel displays and these electronic components.Vizio’ TV move to the developing countries to making their products because the workers salaries are lower than the United States, so they can reduce the cost of the products. Another reason of migrating to different locations is the decreasing trade and investment barriers between countries. b. Who benefits from the globalization of the flat panel display industry? Who are the losers? Vizio Company takes benefits from globalization of the flat panel display industry because they reduce the lab or costs and then also increase their profit.The labors in foreign countries also benefit because they are hired with a higher salary by the company. Consumers also benefit from it because they can purchase the TV in a lower price as compare with other brands prices. Some people could not get any benefits because when the company moves to another country, they have to lose jobs. The manufacturing products environment in the foreign country may be effected or harmful due to the pollutant release to the environment and it affects the people who live around. d. What does the example of Vizio tell you about the future of production in an increasingly integrated global economy?What does it tell you about the strategies that enterprises must adopt to thrive in highly competitive global markets? In the future, more and more companies will choose the globalization in production which is applied to their business, the manufacturers to reduce the cost and increase the competitive advantages i n the market. When every manufacturer follows this strategy, the unfair in competition will remove. For example, Sonyand Hitachi close their plants in U. S but make T. V in Mexico and Asia plants and sell their products in U. S to compete with Vizio Company.
Monday, July 29, 2019
The behaviour of organisations and the market environment Essay
The behaviour of organisations and the market environment - Essay Example Sony being one of the leaders in the music, movies, gaming and electronic industry is competing with many players in the electronic market. Several players like Samsung, hp, LG are already in a steady position in the market with around same market share. The industry of electronics grew at a very fast pace over the year and with the emergence of many new companies from South Korea like Samsung and LG many existing players of the market like Sony are suffering to maintain their market share. Samsung maintained a huge profit of $3 billion profit while Sony suffered in earning during the same period (LedTV, 2011). To maintain the market share the company need to develop a strong base to compete with the global market (Market Research News, 2011). Though these players are entering into the market but threats from new entrants are relatively low in electronics industry as compared to other industry. The capital requirement for the entry is huge for the new players which is not possible fo r many to enter the market. The switching cost of the new entrants is also high in electronic industry. For new players it’s difficult for them to know the new technologies and invest in research and development process. The diversified product line from the existing players like Sony is a great advantage for them. Economies of scale are another issue which keeps the competition low from the new players. Define the meaning of perfect competition. To what extent does your chosen industry’s structure fit with your definition? In a perfect competition scenario all the players of the market are approximately equally sharing the market share. None of the companies in the market are large enough to set the price for the industry. Most of the firms in the same industry produce same kind of products and follow the expected price for the product which other players are using. In a perfect competition market no single company leads the race for the industry. Everyone in the mark et possesses same kind of small market share. The customers in a perfect competition market are aware of the products from all the players and they have an expected price of the different products from the companies the new entrants can enter with ease in this market situation and they also don’
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Googles Marketing Efforts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Googles Marketing Efforts - Essay Example That's considered a prerequisite for their survival in these competitive times. But it is quite intriguing that a company like Google prefers to remain low key in the marketing efforts. It is not there in the electronic or print media as often as it should be in order to establish its brand equity. Brand identity forms a key strength in today's context, where visibility in media and easy identification features help in propagating the business prospects of the company. It is indeed quite surprising that Google, basically a service providing company, has yet again overtaken many well-established product identity companies like Microsoft, GE, Coca-Cola, Wal-Mart, IBM etc. According to Millward Brown's 2008 ranking of brands1, Google is the topmost brand with a brand value of $m 86,057. Google has worked on its brand quite consistently is apparent from the fact that the brand value has undergone a change of about 30% from the previous years. interestingly this change was about 77% last year. On the other hand, Yahoo ranks a distant 62nd with a brand value of $m11, 465 registering a decline of 13 percent. It is equally interesting that last year Yahoo figured at the 42nd position with a brand value of $m13, 201 and at that time as well Yahoo registered a decline of 6% in its brand value. These statistics raise quite a few questions about the marketing efforts of Google and the manner in which the company is not only able to retain its position year after year, without an apparent change in strategy. Though Google is known mainly for it search engine, but there are a number of other services like Google mail, Google Earth, Google News, Google Finance etc. being offered to the net community. The concept came up in mid-nineties when Stanford University graduate students Sergey Brin and Larry Page stuck upon the idea of providing a search engine which could return relevant information without wasting much time (Datamonitor, 2007). Though there are a number of players in the fray giving competition to Google, the key competitors of Google include Yahoo and MSN. Yahoo is mainly devoted to the search engines besides having a stake in other services as well. But for MSN, the primary focus area is the software development and of course the Hotmail. It is worthwhile here to me ntion that Gmail too has started gaining popularity as well amongst the net-community. While interviewing David Lawee, the then vice-president of marketing for Google (GOOG), BusinessWeek's Silicon Valley Bureau Chief Robert Hof, was able to extract quite a few interesting responses regarding the marketing efforts of Google (Hof, 2007). Some of the salient features of Google's marketing efforts can be pointed out as; i. The company is always thinking about the user's requirements and company's products, instead of devoting much time to establishing 'brand equity'. ii. The company believes in being innovative not only in the manner products and services are created, but also in the manner, things are organized in the company. iii. The company considers it an opportunity when other brands like YouTube appear on the horizon and is always on the lookout to find ways to collaborate with such companies, in order to reach out to a wider market. iv. The company has been doing co-marketing with reputed brands like Dell, Palm etc.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Maximising Project Value Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Maximising Project Value - Assignment Example Every business project is profit oriented and returns on capital employed stand as the main goal. That is why I consider that Finance perspective should focus on the cost control to ensure that in the long run income is more than the input. In a business process, the steps of what to do are provided to ensure that the end goal of profit making is achieved. It works with a target of minimizing cost so as to maximize returns. The ways of cost minimizing are wage cutting, reduction of advertising cost and reduction of employees. This is the level of deployment of the best practices an organization has defined for its Project Management process (Galliers & Leidner 2003). A lot of collaborative tools have to be designed in order to reach the recommended standard of Capability Maturity Model Integrated, a best practice framework for businesses dedicated to product development (Galliers & Leidner 2003). This part work with a clear set framework that covers areas like objectives, measures, target, and initiative. This gives everyone in the system a guide on what to do and the target goal is always indicated. For this case of study, I can bring out the best framework of a balanced scorecard as below. A balanced scorecard is used to evaluate the performance and future improvements of an organization. "Scorecard" signifies quantified performance measures in the process, financial performance, internal process, customers and learning, and growth. Balanced is an indicator showing if the system is balanced between short-term objectives and long-term objectives, financial measures and non-financial measures lagging indicators and leading indicators and internal performance and external performance perspectives (Goodpasture 2010).
Religious Tolerance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Religious Tolerance - Essay Example In addition, the reorganization and study of distinct religious tradition offers different way of conceptualizing and organizing the differing ideas about god and social organization that arise from these different opinions concerning the understanding of God. For long time, religion has been helpful to mankind in that it is very for humans to live without order orientation or religion. This is because; religion provides a basis on which people, societies and different world cultures built their lives and institutions. In order to embrace religious tolerance, it is important for people to establish a basic familiarity with other traditions and develop an open mind to be comfortable with the concept that it is possible for others to apply different conceptual systems to organize the same experience and aspirations that we posses. Additionally, it is also ital to recognize and understand how that in modern age, religion is playing a big role in social and political arena thus we need to be very careful on how we asses and evaluate other religions and develop a mechanism on how to deal with variety of religions and tolerate divergent practices. It is significant to note that religious diversity and the role of religion should play in people’s lives are not new issues. This is because encouraging religious toleration makes people to shun away from religious fanaticism and challenges them to pursue life, liberty, and happiness commanded by rational choice and personal judgment. It is worth noting that awareness of religions distinct from ours and tolerance for them is a rare virtue in any world society. But based on rational choice and personal judgment, makes such awareness essential or important. Religious toleration is very important in maintaining a harmonious civic society and promoting personal religious or spiritual aspirations (Esposito et al, 2002). In order to understand the Hindu religion, it is vital to look at the brief history of Hindu
Friday, July 26, 2019
Definition of Human Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Definition of Human Rights - Essay Example It is clear from the discussion that the development of human rights is supported by many institutions but the major source of conception is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The treaties and laws instituted under this statute are later adopted by several international organizations. The human rights philosophy has answers to the queries regarding the creation, concept, nature, universal approach, justification and legality of each and every human right. Human rights are considered to be universally applicable to people from all societies, to provide legal and independent status to them. However, this concept it somehow produces continuous doubts in the mind of critics and, thus, a philosophical difference occurs at many stages. A wide range of literature, interpreting and illustrating the philosophy of human rights, has been published. Thus, if people analyze and understand the concept in its right perspective, such doubts can be eliminated. In 1948, the Universal Declarati on of Human Rights has proposed a list of more than twenty-four specific rights that every member nation has to accept to guarantee protection to its citizens (Morsink 12). The division of the formulated human rights also has been done in six different categories. The first category is right to security, which gives protection to citizens from criminal activities like annihilation, bloodshed, violence, victimization, and rape. The second category includes the rights that guarantee complete safety from atrocities of the legal system like punishment without trial, unfair or secret trials and harsh punishments. The third category includes liberty rights that provide protection and liberty of belief, speech, right to assemble and participate in political or social movements.Â
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Global environment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Global environment - Research Paper Example Over the time, the elevation in the population rate declined the natural reservoirs. In other words, the natural resources are coming under intense pressure with its vast usage by the population that is creating a threat to the health of the entire population of the world. Moreover, it is also creating a warning sign for the social and economic development as well. This is due to the reason that natural reservoirs have come under consumption to the maximum level in the process of production as the inhabitants principally count on these resources the most, consequently, drastically impacting the environment on a global basis. â€Å"However, one of the principal and leading challenges that the planet Earth and its entire human race is encountering while crossing the threshold into the twenty first century is the universal environmental pollution and the climatic variation that comes under alliance to it. In addition, this global environment wears and tears are in a continuation process, which has become one of the foremost and focal concerns in the today’s life†. The thought that the public are exploiting the nature and the resources in order to meet the current needs gives rise to the question that are the human beings of this world deteriorating the natural resources that is one of the major needs for the future as well. According to studies and researches, it has come to an observation the developing countries with an intention to improve the living standards of the common people, these economies are utilizing the natural resources more rapidly and in a much accelerated pace than they are restoring or redeveloping these resources. As an outcome of it, these developing nations are creating a permanent and irremediable damage to the natural resources. Moreover, with carrying out an unbearable growth and expansion for the natural resources, the humankind is encouraging and giving rise to the ecological disasters that contribute to deteriorate the environment on an enduring basis. Water shortages, soil exhaustion, air and water pollution, lack of forestland and trees, and degradation of coastlines are few of the instances that are the leading contributing factors that may badly affect numerous regions and districts of the world. The records and evidences divulge the piece of information that the twentieth century was the epoch that witnessed a revolution that resulted in the strange and bizarre environmental turmoil. The human creatures and their actions and doings are the chief and salient causes that triggered such environmental turbulence. However, the global environm ent has dramatically affected the lives of not only the human beings but also the other living creatures such as marine life, plants, animals and many other types of species. Moreover, these environmental risk and jeopardy embrace shift in average temperature and the weather, weakening of the ozone layer, ecological change, urbanization and
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Oedipus the King Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Oedipus the King - Essay Example All this happened because he tried to escape the predictions that he will commit these mistakes. He ran away from his foster parents, thinking that they were his real parents and ran into the horror all by himself. Oedipus represents the basic predicament of human beings trapped in the unknown spheres of their own destiny. In the beginning, he laments the suffering of himself and everyone else in the inflicted city of Thebes, without realizing that the cause for it is his sinful actions: Oedipus can be seen as belonging to the Greek culture which operated on the pragmatic aspects of life which included action at the expense of introspection though the element of piety was a major element in their day-to-day existence. In a broad analysis, it is possible to analyze Oedipus as a Dionysian representation in Greek terms, exhibiting sudden action, excesses, violence, ruthlessness, and so on. The Apollonian representations, on the contrary would depict contemplative action with due emphasis on intelligence over impulse Terry Eagleton, in his Holy Terror (2005) observes how in Sophocles’s Oedipus at Colonus, Oedipus â€Å"is transformed into a tutelary deity, protecting the citizens of Athens from assault†(15) and states that the Dionysian impulse for violence is normally a reaction to â€Å"lack of piety†(16). In Oedipus the King, the question of morality is not strictly the concern of its protagonist, a man of action. He kills Laius where the three roads meet, because he was denied his freedom to proceed further. Even as he was troubled by the need to discover his identity, Oedipus does not try to find out the identity of the people whom he attacked and killed. He did not exhibit any sense of guilt even as he had to narrate this incident to Teiresias, after many years. Even though Oedipus has committed his sins unknowingly, the thoughtless actions from his side are not to be discounted, especially as he was
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Criminal Behavior and the Law in the US Assignment
Criminal Behavior and the Law in the US - Assignment Example The role of criminologists, criminalists, and forensic psychologists is very important in dealing with crimes. In the United States of America, different types of crimes occur which are reported by the Uniform Crime Reporting. Some of the major types of crimes reported by UCR include forcible rapes, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny, and vehicle theft. In this paper, the focus will be on white-collar crimes, blue-collar crimes, index-one crimes, and index-two crimes measured by Uniform Crime Reports of the FBI. 1 - Criminologists, Criminalists, and Forensic Psychologists Criminologists In the broad context, all criminologists, criminalists, and forensic psychologists work for the same purpose, which is, reduction or prevention of crimes. However, there are big differences in the working of these professionals. Studying all three fields related to the field of criminal justice, it can be said that the professionals of all three fields work together to deal with crimes. Cr iminologists deal more with the study of criminal behaviors and analysis of different crime prevention techniques as compared than actually participating in crime prevention. They provide proper solutions and assessments to government agencies, law enforcement agencies, correctional systems, and police officials. They also provide academic services in colleges and universities. According to Rothe and Friedrichs (2006), criminology deals with the identification of the causes of crimes and their prevention measures from sociology perspective.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Israel from Palestinian territories Essay Example for Free
Israel from Palestinian territories Essay Egypts was in support of the Declaration of Principles treaty as they interpreted it to be supportive of their ideologies ion what would bring a lasting peace to the Middle East. The fact that the declaration transferred power over west bank and Gaza was in accordance with Egypts belief that the withdrawal of Israel from Palestinian Territories was the key to a lasting peace (Brown, 2004). Egypt thus responded by doing what was expected of it during the agreement as they believed that the declaration would bring a lasting peace if both sides kept to their side of the bargain. The Declaration of Principles required Egypt to help the two nations in cooperating so as to achieve the peace that was longed for in the Middle East. Egypt also supported the declaration as it included maintenance of security though by only Israel. Egypt has always believed that security was vital for peace hence supported by helping provide police officers and passports to the Palestinian citizens as was required by the agreement. Countries such as Iran, Israeli Settlers and Syria did not participate in the agreement as they did not believe that the peace would last. Others thought that the agreement was a threat to them and did not want it to succeed. Most of these nations also are Islamic and view Jews to be a threat to their religion hence were hesitated in supporting the peace talks. Most groups believe that DOP process stopped in 2000 which could be true as the events that are currently happening violate the agreements made. Egypts foreign policies are also committed to ensuring that a lasting peace which is comprehensive can come to the Middle East. It does so by being involved actively in the efforts that that can achieve the peace. Egypt for example was the first Arab nation to sign a peace treaty with Israel, a move which caused Israel to be expelled from the Arab League (Embassy of Egypt, 2009). The treaty required Israel to completely withdraw and retreat from Sinai in 1979 in exchange for peaceful normal diplomatic relations according to which Israeli honoured and withdrew. The two countries have since then had good diplomatic relations that are peaceful (Embassy of Egypt, 2009). Egypt believes that peace can only come to the Middle East if the efforts being made are comprehensive at making Israeli withdraw from the Palestinian territories it has been occupying that prevent the creation of an independent Palestine. Egypt also believes that Israel has to recognize and respect Palestines political rights in the controversial Jerusalem. Egypt has therefore been at the forefront in constantly assisting the partners negotiating in the peace process towards applying the Israeli withdrawal for peace to be achieved (Embassy of Egypt, 2009). Egypt also believes that it is possible for stable peace to be achieved between Israel and Palestine if mechanisms can be adopted that would ensure that security is maintained by both parties so that one party can not take advantage of its economic and military superiority to attack the other party. Egypt proposes the region to be freed from weapons of mass destruction in order to enhance security and reduce attacks on each other (Embassy of Egypt, 2009). Egypt further explains that a framework that would ensure regional cooperation needs to be established as it would enhance peace stability and benefit the individuals in the region. As discussed above, Egypt believes that there is possibility for potential future peace agreement which may be solely between Israel and the Palestinian because the disruption of peace in the entire Middle East is attributed to the conflict between the two nations. The conflict between Israel and other Arab nation is also a result of the conflict between it and Palestine. Solving the conflict between Israel and Palestine thus is the answer to bringing peace in the Middle East. Egypt advocates for peace between the two nations and want it be such that security is maintained in the two nations and that they are both disarmed of any weapons of mass destruction. Egypt believes that it is lack of security and presence of the weapons that encourages the two nations to attack each other. Egypt also advocates for the establishment of a framework as discussed earlier that would enhance cooperation between the two nations towards promoting peace stability that will be beneficial to the people I n the region (Brown, 2004). If a peace conference was held today, Egypt would still support a peace deal between the two nations. Egypt supports a two state solution just like the United States does (Asharq Alawshat, 2009). This is because Egypt believes in bringing a comprehensive and lasting peace to the Middle East. Following the most recent attacks on the Gaza strip by Israel which left hundreds of Palestinians dead, and the persistent occupation of Israel in areas that are rightfully Palestinians, Egypt would want a peace deal to be reached in which Israel must retreat and withdraw from occupying these areas so that Palestine can become an independent state as it was before the Israel occupation of its territories (Asharq Alawshat, 2009). Egypt will not accept either Israel or Palestine to own weapons of mass destruction as this would easily trigger another conflict in the event a peace agreement was reached. This is so as to stop the two nations from carrying on attacks and bombings on each other. Egypt would also not accept the deal if Israel did not withdraw from the Palestinian territories it currently is occupying. Egypt would offer diplomatic support as it always has in reaching a peace deal between the two nations (Brown, 2004). Egypt would be ready to act as a mediator between the two nations as they negotiate as it has good relations with both of them. Egypt believes that Israel should recognise Palestines rights regarding Jerusalem, during the peace conference, it would advocate for the recognition to be included in the terms of the final peace deal as Jerusalem is important to Palestine just as it is to Israel. Egypt wants a lasting peace in the Middle East and would do everything it can to help achieve it. Word count: 1500. References Al-Azmeh, A. (1993). Islams and Modernities. New York: Verso. Asharq Alawshat. (2009). Latest News. Retrieved 109th May 2009 from, http://www. asharq-e. com/. Breasted, J. Piccione, A. P. (2001). Ancient Records of Egypt. Chicago, Illinois : University of Illinois Press. Brown. C. L. (2004). Diplomacy in the Middle East: The International Relations of Regional and Outside Powers. New york, NY : I. B. Tauris. Embassy of Egypt. (2009). Political System. Derived 19th May 2009 from http://www. egyptembassy. net/.
Exploration of a Journal Article in Sociology Essay Example for Free
Exploration of a Journal Article in Sociology Essay Because we have a capitalistic economy, business is the main component of it. Business is in every corner of every sector of the market. Most everything you can possible think of that relates to the economy is business. Retail, services, agriculture, manufacturing, health care, even political campaigning all involves business. Even when civilizations were based on an agricultural type of economy, business transactions occurred The business I have chosen for this is Mc Donald’s. In 1974, McDonalds opened its first restaurant in the US. Today, more than 2. million people in this country place the trust in McDonald’s every day -trusting the Company to provide us with food of a high standard, quick service and value for money. Customer service is very important to the McDonalds because it says that they care about their customers. Customer service very important and vital part of any organization, which is selling goods, or service because it exists to satisfy customers Good customer service will bring you new and keep old customers but if you have bad customer service this will make customers unhappy and they will stop visiting you and the business will not have new customers. McDonalds operates in a very competitive market. It generally keeps its prices within a compatible range to its competition. What McDonalds can d There is more than one definition for corporate social responsibility. One way in which it can be defined is the obligation of organization management to make decisions and take actions that will enhance the welfare and interests of society as well as the organization (Daft, 2003). In other words, corporate actions have social implications, and managers have a responsibility to act in ways which benefit society as well as the organization (Body, 2005). The difficulty that most companies of today are facing is that investing money in order to become more socially responsible may benefit one of the company’s stakeholders, but have the opposite effect for another stakeholder. For example, investing money into the corporate social responsibility is very expensive in the short-term, so whether or not a company decides to become more socially responsible will depend on how willing the shareholders are to invest in such a project. However, the company could see an increase in profits in the long-term future if they were to do so. Nonprofit organizations should be present in the economy to create those services and goods that are necessary for people but are not profitable for companies to produce them. For-profit organizations pay taxes to government and it this way make it possible for nonprofit organizations to fulfill their role 3Energy conservation – Finding additional ways to enhance energy efficiency in restaurants in order to save money and lessen environmental impacts. Sustainable packaging and waste management – Continue exploring ways to decrease the environmental impacts of consumer packaging and waste in restaurant operations. Green building design – Enhance strict building standards to incorporate further opportunities for environmental efficiencies and innovation in the design and construction of restaurants. McDonalds have long recognized the value of minimizing their environmental footprint. This action is not only good for the world in which they operate, it’s a strong contributor to McDonald’s long-term financial success.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Political and Economic Causes of the Great Depression
Political and Economic Causes of the Great Depression The Great Depression: Political and Economic Causes in the Americas The Great Depression was a big economic slump in the 1930’s. Many Americans lost their jobs, their savings, and their homes. However, the United States was not the only affected country. The business slump affected the entire world. Many attribute Black Tuesday, when the New York Stock Exchange crashed in 1929, as the major cause, but one can not overlook the fact that there was not just one single factor causing this economic downfall. Most historians and economists agree that the stock market crash was just one of many contributors to the slump. In reality, it was more of a sign that things had already gone wrong. To understand the Depression’s causes, one must go further back. The Great Depression resulted from a combination of economical and political causes that had been building up since months prior to the crash. After World War I ended, American farmers had a difficult time making profits. The farm depression of the 1920’s was a contributing economic factor to the Great Depression. Farmers were producing a surplus and well over what American consumers were purchasing. Prices of agricultural products fell about forty percent by 1921 and remained low for the rest of the decade (Causes of the Great Depression). Some farmers were in so much deficit they couldn’t even pay off the mortgage on their farm and had to rent the land or even leave. Hard times had hit other major parts of the economy, as well, including energy, coal mining, railroads, shipbuilding, and textiles. Businesses had too much inventory and too few buyers. In addition, high tariffs and war debts were political causes of the Great Depression. America had lent money to the United Kingdom and other European nations in World War I reparations. This caused many other economies to become reliant on the U.S. economy. As the United States experienced this economic downturn, many other nations were affected as America insisted on repayment. European countries couldn’t afford to repay their debts. Tensions were further exacerbated when the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act was passed in 1930. Based on the ideals of protectionism, this act raised import duties to protect American farmers and businessmen, resulting in world trade decline by 66% from 1929 to 1934 and international economic strain (5 Possible Causes of the Great Depression). The 1920’s were a time of great economic and technological growth in America. World War I had just ended, and Americans were ready to take a break from the anxiety of world politics. During this time, known as the Roaring Twenties, Americans were focused on making money and having fun. Factories built to make weapons and ammunition for the war were reestablished to churn out consumer products. But, overproduction in industry resulted in an economic cause of the Great Depression. America was actually more productive than ever, but the gap between the rich and the poor kept growing. Many manufacturers were turning huge profits, but most of that was going to the management, not the workers. Too few workers could afford to buy what the factories were producing. Also, the surplus products could not be sold to foreign countries because of the high tariffs. Still, people rushed to spend their money on cars, radios, telephones and other new technologies.This uneven distribution of inc ome was one of the many economic causes of the Great Depression. â€Å"The top one percent of the wealthy Americans owned over a third of all American assets†(The Great Depression). â€Å"Ninety-nine percent of the population received a nine percent increase in their income, while the top one percent saw their income rise by seventy-five percent†(5 Main Causes of the Great Depression). One of the major infamous events that led to the Great Depression was the Stock Market Crash of 1929. Without the cash to buy of those neat new gadgets like cars and radios, consumers relied on another new invention: credit. Americans were saving less and spending money they didn’t have. They were even borrowing money to invest in the stock market. Stock brokers readily agreed to sell shares on margin, where they would lend citizens money to buy stock. The savings were not insured. Through speculation, these investors figured that the stock prices were bound to go up, allowing them to pay back the stock’s original price ten-fold. This helped inflate stock prices well above what they were actually worth. On October 29, 1929, reality finally caught up to the stock market. Panic spread as the prices dropped. Investors began to sell stock, causing prices to drop. In response, brokers called back their loans. However, investors did not have enough money to payoff the loans. Then, brokers demanded the sale of stocks to payoff the loans. This unending cycle caused alarm and money to vanish. Economies naturally go through periods where there is more supply of products than demand. When that happens on a widespread level, there is a recession, a period where the economy shrinks. There are lots of possible reasons for why the 1929 slowdown turned into a full-fledged depression, which is a longer, more severe recession. When borrowers were unable to repay their loans, banks failed. â€Å"In 1929, there were 25,568 banks in the United States; by 1933, there were only 14,771. Personal and corporate savings dropped from $15.3 billion in 1929 to $2.3 billion in 1933.†(5 Possible Causes of the Great Depression). People everywhere started losing it. They rushed to local banks to withdraw their money while they still could. When that happened, banks across the country went under and had to close– causing thousands of people to lose their life savings. â€Å"As banks went bankrupt, both consumer spending and investment fell into a downward spiral. Output fell while unemployment rose resulting in the negative multiplier effect†(Economics Essays: Causes of Great Depression). Many historians also fault Herbert Hoover, the President in 1929, for making things even worse. He thought the key to ending the panic was balancing the government’s budget, so he raised taxes. That made consumers even less likely to spend, and businesses less likely to risk money on expansion. Finally, a 10-year drought hit the Great Plains in 1930, putting even more pressure on farmers. The Dust Bowl further exacerbated problems caused by the Great Depression. Millions of acres of farmland were rendered useless and infertile. The drought added thousands of farmers to the already growing number of unemployed workers. Reaching its zenith in 1933, unemployment was twenty-five percent (Causes Of The Great Depression | What Happened And How It Compares With Today?). Although some facts are clear-cut, the exact causes of the Great Depression are still being debated. Some of the mainstream theories include the Monetarists view, Austrian view, Keynesian view, and Marxist view. Monetarists believe that the Great Depression was an ordinary recession, but that it degenerated into the Great Depression as a result of the policies implemented by monetary authorities, especially the Federal Reserve. One of the major mistakes was that the Fed did not increase the supply of money to combat deflation. (What Happened During The Great Depression of 1929?). The Austrian view states that the unsustainable credit boom in the 1920’s was the major cause. Particularly, the decision in inflate the U.S. economy to try and help the United Kingdom remain on the Gold standard rate was an indelible mistake (Economics Essays: Causes of Great Depression). They argue that the loss of trust in the banking system was the major harm. The Keynesian theory claims that the problem was the lack of aggregate demand. Based on classical economics, this theory believed that real output would naturally return to equilibrium. However, the Great Depression showed that this was not the case. Keynes argued that governments should intervene in the economy to stimulate demand and fix the problem (Economics Essays: Causes of Great Depression). Lastly, the Marxist View saw the Great Depression as a symbol of the failure of capitalism. Contrary, economies with state-sponsored economic planning, such as the Soviet Union, were more successful as they overcame the Great Depression (Economics Essays: Causes of Great Depression). To this day, economists are still debating the exact causes of the Great Depression. Contrary to popular belief, the Great Depression did not result directly from Stock Market Crash of 1929, but instead from political and economical causes that were building up months prior to the crash. Most historians agree that the Great Depression had devastating effects on the international economy. In order to prevent another catastrophic event from reoccurring, the government generally spends whenever the economy slows. It gives money back to Americans through tax cuts and financial support. Additionally, the Federal Reserve lowers interest rates, making it cheaper for people to borrow money. When people and businesses can borrow money easily, they’re more likely to spend it and keep the economy humming along. This policy has kept recessions from turning into depressions ever since. Works Cited 5 Main Causes of the Great Depression. 5 Main Causes of the Great Depression. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Sept. 2014. . 5 Possible Causes of the Great Depression. About. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Sept. 2014. . Causes Of The Great Depression | What Happened And How It Compares With Today?. The Great Depression. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Sept. 2014. . Causes of the Great Depression. Causes of the Great Depression. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Sept. 2014. . Economics Essays: Causes of Great Depression. Economics Essays: Causes of Great Depression. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Sept. 2014. . The Great Depression. Independence Hall Association, n.d. Web. 5 Sept. 2014. . What Happened During The Great Depression of 1929?. About. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Sept. 2014. .
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Revenge in Shakespeares Hamlet Essay -- Tragedy of Hamlet Shakespeare
Revenge in Shakespeare's Hamlet Revenge. Revenge causes one to act blindly through anger, rather than through reason. It is based on the principle of an eye for an eye, but this principle is not always an intelligent theory to live by. Young Fortinbras, Laertes, and Hamlet were all looking to avenge the deaths of their fathers. They all acted on emotion, and this led to the downfall of two, and the rise to power of one. Since the Heads of the three major families were each murdered, the eldest sons of these families swore vengeance, and two of the three sons died while exacting their acts of vengeance. Revenge is a major theme in the Tragedy of Hamlet. There were three major families in the Tragedy of Hamlet. These were the family of King Fortinbras, the family of Polonius, and the family of King Hamlet. The heads of each of these families are all slaughtered within the play. Fortinbras, King of Norway, was killed by King Hamlet; slain by sword during a man to man battle. "†¦our valiant Hamlet-for so this side of our known world esteem'd him-did slay this Fortinbras." This entitled King Hamlet to the land that was possessed by Fortinbras because it was written in a seal'd compact. Polonius was an advisor to the King, and father to Laertes and Ophelia. He was nosy and arrogant, and he did not trust his children. He was killed by Young Hamlet while he was eves dropping on a conversation between Hamlet and his mother. "How now! A rat? Dead, for a ducat, dead!" King Hamlet was the King of Denmark, and Hamlet's father. He had killed King Fortinbras, only to be killed by his brother, Claudius. "†¦My offense is rank, it smells t o heaven; A brother's murder†¦" Each of these events effected the sons of the deceased in the same way, it ... of his poisoned wound. Young Fortinbras regains his fathers land, without use of violence, or death to himself. Hamlet names him new ruler of Denmark before he dies, and Fortinbras regains all of his father's lost land, and becomes King of Denmark. Since the Heads of the three major families were each murdered, the eldest sons of these families swore vengeance, and two of the three sons died while exacting their acts of vengeance, revenge is a major theme in the Tragedy of Hamlet. As a theme, revenge was present in all parts of the play. It seems ironic that Claudius, Laertes, and Hamlet all died of the same sword. It is also ironic that the first the seek revenge against Claudius, Fortinbras, becomes King of Denmark. Revenge was the driving force behind three of the main characters of the play, for two it led to downfall, and for the other it led to greatness.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Proposition 187: Dont Mess With Texas :: essays research papers
Proposition 187: Don't Mess With Texas In November of 1994, Californians passed the most controversial piece of state legislation this decade. Proposition 187 was designed to stem the flow of illegal aliens into California by withholding all non-emergency medical benefits from non-naturalized citizens. Latinos turned out in record numbers to voice their disapproval, and for good reason too. The health care resolutions of Proposition 187 were products of poor reason and unsound economic judgment. The resolutions did not get the state any closer to a balanced budget, and only served to worsen the health care outlook for the future of California. It is clear that Proposition 187 was a mistake, and should not be encouraged to be repeated in Texas. The most popular reason for passage, that supporters of Proposition 187 used, was the theory that a cut in illegal health services would save state taxpayers several million dollars a year. This argument only applies to states that have a personal income tax, often used to help fund health care for the state, and when the illegal immigrants avoid paying this tax. Texas does not have such a tax, so health care is funded by the taxes that everyone in the state pays. That means that illegal aliens are paying just as much as "real Americans" are in sales taxes, gas taxes, liquor taxes, and cigarette taxes. For example, illegal aliens in San Diego, California accounted for 26.6 million dollars in health care costs in 1994 (Serb 63). Not a single person would deny that this is a lot of money, and therefore would seem to be an excellent reason to cut funding right this minute. However, the logical person has to realize how important those same aliens are to filling the state's excise tax coffers each year. Excise taxes paid by ‘illegals' were accounting for up 60.5 million in state tax alone (63). In retrospect, it hardly seems right to say that illegal immigrants are not paying their fair tax share for their health needs. It also isn't fair that "U.S. businesses need Mexican workers for low-paying jobs, but don't want them to have access to heath care while they are here" (Hudson 37). Another economically based reason, that proponents of 187-like legislation have made, is that Texans will save money by denying non-emergency care to illegal aliens. Without close scrutiny, this seems to be a claim to make the pocket book happy. After all, we would still allow the ‘aliens' the right to life saving treatments, but we would also save a bundle by cutting the little visits to the doctor for fevers, colds, and sprained ankles.
Symbols and Symbolism - Flowers as a Symbol in John Steinbecks The Chr
Flowers as a Symbol in The Chrysanthemums by John Steinbeck     In romantic or sexual context, a woman is often said to be as beautiful as a flower. In John Steinbeck's short story "The Chrysanthemums", Elisa Allen never receives this recognition. Although she is a strong woman, she is frustrated because her husband will not admire her romantically in any way. This frustration only deepens because she is childless and feels the need to be a mother. She discovers an outlet for her frustration in a flower garden where she cultivates beautiful chrysanthemums. Steinbeck uses these elegant flowers as a symbol to represent the tender, inner-self of all women, including Elisa. First, the chrysanthemums symbolize Elisa's children. She tends her garden and handles the chrysanthemums with love and care, just as she would handle her own children. Elisa is very protective of her flowers and places a wire fence around them; she makes sure "[n]o aphids, no sowbugs or snails or cutworms" are there. "Her terrier fingers [destroy] such pests before they [can] get started" (240). These pests rep... ...s and her emotional needs. The encounter with the tinker reawakens her sexuality and brings hope to Elisa for a more exciting and romantic marriage, but her realization that her life is not going to change is crystallized when she sees the flowers thrown on the road. It devastates her completely to have to settle for such an unfulfilling life. Work Cited Steinbeck, John. "The Chrysanthemums." Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. Ed. X. J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. 6th ed. New York: Harper Collins, 1995. 239-47.Â
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Presocratic Philosophy Essay
Although Aristotle’s statement is too slight to serve as a sure foundation for judgment, it seems more likely that Thales was arguing for the broader presence of life forces in the world than most people imagined, rather than that the real in its totality is alive. Anaximander Thales’ younger contemporary from Miletus, Anaximander, born toward the end of the seventh century B. C. E. , found the explanatory principle of things in what he called ‘‘the apeiron,’’ a word that might be translated as ‘‘the indefinite,’’ ‘‘the boundless,’’ or both. This opens up the possibility that the apeiron is both immeasurably large in its temporal and physical extent and also qualitatively indefinite in that it is without measurable inner boundaries. The apeiron is further described, according to Aristotle, as being ‘‘without beginning,’’ ‘‘surrounding all things,’’ ‘‘steering all things,’’ ‘‘divine,’’ ‘‘immortal,’’ and ‘‘indestructible. ’’Some have inferred that Anaximander’s barely concealed purpose was Western philosophy’s first attempt at demythologization. Equally striking is Anaximander’s description of the universe as a closed, concentric system, the outer spheres of which, by their everlasting motion, account for the stability of our earth, a drum-shaped body held everlastingly in a state of equipoise at the center. Whatever the inadequacy in certain details (the stars are placed nearer to the earth than the moon), with Anaximander the science of cosmological speculation took a giant step forward. As far as life on earth is concerned, Anaximander offered another striking hypothesis. The first living things, according to him, were ‘‘born in moisture, enclosed in thorny barks’’ (like sea urchins), and ‘‘as their age increased, they came forth onto the drier part’’ (as phrased by Aetius [first to second century C. E. ]). Pythagoras Although we know that Pythagoras was a historical figure, it is difficult to determine exactly what Pythagoras himself taught. He wrote nothing, and the ideas of other members of the community were attributed to him as a sign of respect and as a way of lending weight to the ideas. Plato and Aristotle rarely assign ideas to Pythagoras himself, although Pythagorean ideas seem to have influenced Plato’s philosophy. Pythagoreans asserted that number is the first principle of all things. They were the first systematic developers of mathematics in the West and discovered that natural events could be described in mathematical terms, especially as ratios. To the Pythagoreans, the â€Å"principle of number†accounted for everything. Number was a real thing. Somehow, numbers existed in space, not just as mental constructs. According to Pythagorean doctrine, the entire universe is an ordered whole consisting of harmonies of contrasting elements. The Greek for â€Å"ordered whole†is cosmos. The Pythagoreans were the first philosophers to use the term cosmos to refer to the universe in this way. The â€Å"celestial music of the spheres†is the hauntingly beautiful phrase the Pythagoreans coined to describe the sound of the heavens as they rotate according to cosmic number and harmony. Xenophanes A fourth Ionian philosopher, Xenophanes of Colophon, born around 580 B. C. E. , s the first we know of to overtly attack the anthropomorphism of popular religious belief, in a series of brilliant reductio ad absurdum arguments. His own view has been understood, ever since Aristotle, as pantheistic. Xenophanes was also the first philosopher we know of to ask what degree of knowledge is attainable. In B34 we read: ‘‘the clear and certain truth no man has seen, nor will there be anyone who knows about the gods and what I say about all things. ’’ Several ancient critics took this to be an indication of Xenophanes’ total scepticism. On this basis of moderate empiricism and scepticism, Xenophanes offered a number of opinions of varying plausibility about the natural world, one of whichâ€â€a strong, evolutionary interpretation of the discovery on various islands of fossils of marine animalsâ€â€is enough to constitute a major claim to fame in natural philosophy and ranks with his other significant steps in epistemology (the theory of knowledge dealing with what we know, how we know it, and how reliable our knowledge is), logic (the study of rational inquiry and argumentation), and natural theology (the attempt to understand God from natural knowledge). Heraclitus One of the most important and enigmatic of the Presocratics, Heraclitus (fl . 500 b. c. e. , d. 510–480 b. c. e. ), said that ignorance is bound to result when we try to understand the cosmos when we do not even comprehend the basic structure of the human psyche (soul) and its relationship to the Logos. The complex Greek word logos is intriguing. It could and at times did mean all of the following: â€Å"intelligence,†â€Å"speech,†â€Å"discourse,†â€Å"thought,†â€Å"reason,†â€Å"word,†â€Å"meaning,†â€Å"study of,†â€Å"the record of,†â€Å"the science of,†â€Å"the fundamental principles of,†â€Å"the basic principles and procedures of a particular discipline,†â€Å"those features of a thing that make it intelligible to us,†and â€Å"the rationale for a thing. †The Heraclitean capital L Logos is like God, only without the anthropomorphizing (humanizing) of the earlier philosophers and poets who attributed human qualities to the gods. According to Heraclitus’s impersonal view of God, the Logos is a process, not an entity. As such, the Logos is unconcerned with individuals and human affairs, in much the same way that gravity affects us but is unconcerned with us. More radically yet, Heraclitus asserted that even though things appear to remain the same, â€Å"Change alone is unchanging. †Traditionally, it has been held that Heraclitus went so far as to claim that everything is always changing all the time. But whether he really meant that everything is always changing, or that individual things are held together by energy (change), remains unclear. Anaximenes Anaximander’s younger contemporary, Anaximenes, who lived during the sixth century B. C. E. appears to revert to a prior and less sophisticated vision in claiming that the earth, far from being a drum-shaped body held in equipoise at the center, is flat and ‘‘rides on,’’ supported by air. The same might be said of his contention that the basic, ‘‘divine’’ principle of things was not some indefinite entity but something very much part of our experience; namely, air. Anaximenes’ view would also no doubt have seemed to be corroborated by the fact that the universe, commonly understood as a living thing and hence needing a soul to vivify it, possessed in air that very ‘‘breath’’ that for most Greeks constituted the essence of such a soul. Parmenides Parmenides of Elea (fift h century b. c. e. ) radically transformed the early philosophers’ interest in cosmology, the study of the universe as a rationally ordered system (cosmos), into ontology, the study of being. By common agreement he was the giant among the pre-Socratics. According to Parmenides, none of his predecessors adequately accounted for the process by which the one basic stuff of the cosmos changes into the many individual things we experience every day. In his search for a solution to the problem of â€Å"the one and the many,†Parmenides turned to a reasoned analysis of the process of change itself. According to Parmenides, all sensations occur in the realm of appearance. This means that reality cannot be apprehended by the senses. Change and variety (the many) are only appearances; they are not real. If this is true, then our most commonly held beliefs about reality are mere opinions. The senses cannot recognize â€Å"what is,†much less can they discoverâ€â€observeâ€â€it, ever. In other words, whatever we see, touch, taste, hear, or smell is not real, does not exist. Perhaps most unsettling of all, Parmenides â€Å"solved†the problem of the appearance of change by concludingâ€â€in direct opposition to Heraclitus’s insistence that everything is always changingâ€â€that the very concept of change is self-contradictory. What we think of as change is merely an illusion. The logic runs as follows: â€Å"Change†equals transformation into something else. When a thing becomes â€Å"something else,†it becomes what it is not. But since it is impossible for â€Å"nothing†(what is not) to exist, there is no â€Å"nothing†into which the old thing can disappear. (There is no â€Å"no place†for the thing to go into. ) Therefore, change cannot occur. Empedocles posited, against Parmenides, change and plurality as features of reality, but affirmed the eternality of anything that is real; the sphere-like nature of the real when looked at as a totality and the fact that the real is a plenum, containing no ‘‘nothingness’’ or ‘‘emptiness’’. Anaxagoras likewise posited change, plurality, and divisibility as features of reality, yet also affirmed the eternality of the real (understood by him as an eternally existent ‘‘mixture’’ of the ‘‘seeds’’ of the things currently constituting the world, rather than the eternal combinings and recombinings, according to certain ratios of admixture, of four eternally existent ‘‘roots’’ or elemental masses). Leucippus Leucippus of Miletus (c. fi ft h century b. c. e. ) and Democritus of Abdera (c. 460–370 b. . e. ) argued that reality consists entirely of empty space and ultimately simple entities that combine to form objects. T is materialistic view is known as atomism. Leucippus is credited with being the originator of atomism and Democritus with developing it. Rather than reject Parmenides’ assertion that change is an illusion, Leucippus argued that reality consists of many discrete â€Å"ones ,†or beings. Zeno Zeno, who was born early in the fifth century B. C. E. , was a friend and pupil of Parmenides. In his famous paradoxes he attempted to show by a series of reductio ad absurdum arguments, of which the best known is perhaps that of Achilles and the tortoise, the self-contradictory consequences of maintaining that there is a real plurality of things or that motion or place are real. The prima facie brilliance of many of the arguments continues to impress people, though it soon becomes clear that the paradoxes turn largely on the failure or unwillingness of Zeno, like so many Pythagoreans of the day, to distinguish between the concepts of physical and geometrical space. Zeno’s way of constructing the problem makes it seem that his primary object is to defame pluralists by attacking the logical possibility of explaining how there can be motion in the world. Gorgias Gorgias has achieved fame for the stress he laid upon the art of persuasion (‘‘rhetoric’’), although whether he wrote the baffling On What Is Not as a serious piece of persuasive reasoning or as some sort of spoof of the Eleatic philosophy of Parmenides and others remains disputed. Its basic, and remarkable, claim is prima facie, that nothing in fact is (exists /is the case [esti] or is knowable or conceivable. Any exiguous plausibility that the arguments supporting this claim possess turns on our overlooking Gorgias’s failure, witting or unwitting, to distinguish carefully between knowing and thinking, along with his various uses of the verb ‘‘to be. ’’ If the failure was witting, the document can be seen as a skillful device for the spotting of fallacies as part of training in rhetoric and basic reasoning. If it was unwitting, Gorgias still emerges as what he was claimed to beâ€â€a deft rhetorical wordsmith on any topic proposed to him. Protagoras Perhaps the greatest of the Sophists was Protagoras of Abdera (481– 411 b. c. e. ). Protagoras was an archetypal Sophist: an active traveler and first-rate observer of other cultures who noted that although there are a variety of customs and beliefs, each culture believes unquestioningly that its own ways are rightâ€â€and roundly condemns (or at least criticizes) views that differ from its own. Based on his observations and travels, Protagoras concluded that morals are nothing more than the social traditions, or mores, of a society or group. The details of Protagoras’s beliefs remain disputed. When he said, for example, that ‘‘anthropos [humanity] is a/the measure for all things, of things that are, that they are, and of things that are not, that they are not,’’ it is unclear whether he is talking about one person or the sum total of persons; about ‘‘a’’ measure or ‘‘the’’ measure (there is no definite article in Greek); or about existence or states of affairs or both. The Platonic reading in the Theaetetus, which takes ‘‘anthropos’’ as generic and ‘‘measure’’ as exclusive, led to the assertion that the logical consequence was total (and absurd) relativism. ______________________________ References: The Columbia History of Western Philosophy. Richard H. Popkin. Columbia University Press. 1999. Archetypes of Wisdom: An Introduction to Philosophy. 7th ed. Douglas J. Soccio. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. 2010.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
It’s Also For Me Essay
Since I was in prep school, at that place is al shipway a significant upshot of people who talk to me in slope. And verit equal(a) if its not my prime vernacular, I try really hard to discourse bear out. I have to admit that, to the highest degree of the time, I have difficulties in judgement inborn face speakers as the engage of slang is very popular hither in the United provinces. I got the name of it, though, by trying to learn the terminology on my own whenever my schedule permits. I scan the dictionary every erst in a while, read side of meat short stories often, and ask my friends to talk to me in slope whenever possible.These argon the a few(prenominal) ways I dig to acquire competency in writing and speaking in English, not to mention the fact that I never have had an English pendent back in elementary and high school. Now that I plan to autograph college, I need to pass the University opus Skills Requirement (UWSR) as a infallible for a baccalaureate degree in my prospect university. This requirement is to measure a students competency in English writing. Its a hardened thing for me thats a given. but with my determination and persistence to hone my English skills (writing in particular), I am authentic that I will be able to go through it and be admitted. why not? This could also be for me I want to prove to myself that even if Im not a primal English woman, I can grade myself in a position where the natives are in level myself to them, so to speak. I started writing in English in grade school. Even if my phrasing is bad, and close of my sentences consist of grammatical errors, I never forwent my desire to write.To strike a balance, though, I also write in my native language which is . I kept a diary and wrote a number of poems twain in English and in . jeopardize then, I remember I had troubles with my subject-verb agreement. I werent able to differentiate phrases from sentences, nouns and verbs, the historic and pr esent tenses and all that jazz. And as to speaking, I seemed to suck at pronunciation I used to pronounce mad, mud and advanced in the same way further as I said, that was before.I am now pretty complacent of my English skills, more importantly in writing. I considered challenge every single undertake I had with a native English speaker. I tried to talk back with all confidence and true indeed, apiece experience 0effected to an improvement in my skills. I am positive about self-coloured the UWSR by taking the Writing Skills outpouring (WST) which will demonstrate my critical intellection and good analysis. I answered a few English-written essays before, analyzed a few texts and answered punk personal questions from previous mentors.These have greatly helped me in enhancing whatever level of English I possess. With these all together, I am confident to take the WST. Young optimist I am, I believe that language should never ever curtail a kids longing to be educate in a good school. breeding for me is something to be literally fought for something a child, no matter how financially constrained, should not rifle to have. Everyone is entitled to it. I AM entitle TO IT.SourceWriting Skills Test. California State University-East Bay. Retrieved 06 March 2008 at http//www. testing. csueastbay. edu/uwsr/wst/wsthome. php
Monday, July 15, 2019
Language Acquisition and Development
A enormous renewing in the set up of style and diction growing goat be start in chel ben , and p argonnts/ shell outtakers should non postulate every last(predicate) kidren to go against at the said(prenominal) stray .The organic evolution of legal transfer is qualified on the environs that the peasant is brought up in oddly the mixer interactions the tiddler has with the members of the dramaturgyhold. A baby who is pass around to ofttimes and is undetermined to the every mean solar day mapping of the ho substance ab intention/ vicinity breaks its profess recitation and dealness amidst langu bestride and actions.Kids typically discover to use the case of conference schematic in their association for use a kid brought up in a agile Spanish theater whitethorn give out wafture its blazonry to communicate ahead very forming the vocabulary converse when it fronts the community in its bowl doing so. A infant brought up in a st atic household may not spill early(a) as it has negligible delineation to the use of literal or non verbal communication. The push back operation ontogeny in the baby bird similarly invasions the ordain of public lecture breeding. Children who argon say to often or further to peach be seen to pass on better grounds at communication instead than those electric razorren go away(a) to their have got de viciousnesss.It is likewise implant that children of work parents, who are left in day care, comply the language mannerisms they are undecided to in the day care center. thither are instances when children get under ones skin deliverance when they find they are not getting what they indigence or motive and vice versa. on that point as well needfully to be allowances make much(prenominal) as the wellness of the child and its way patterns. The development of quarrel is in any case subject on the disport dis campaigned by the child in skill and fighting(a) in activities like play or reading. thereof we ignore see that children develop at antithetical grade depending on their environs and inbred biological development. The scene that a child is effrontery intensify with the ill-treat of move functions impact the age of speech for several(predicate) children.ReferencesWegner, Lynn (2007). cover for destination and verbiage watch in Preschool Children more(prenominal) Answers argon Needed. Pediatrics. 533-534. Nelson, Heidi D., Nygren, Peggy, Walker, Miranda, & Panoscha, Rita (2007). Screening for dialect and lecture slow up in Preschool Children overbearing curtilage freshen for the US handicap function proletariat Force. Pediatrics, 298-319. Wertsch, pack 1985. Vygotsky and the mixer defining of Mind. Cambridge, MA Harvard University Press.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Neuropharmacology and gender
thither is a exploitation provoke in examining resi overdues in pharmacological receptions among divers(prenominal) chargeualitys. This grammatical sex- link to in cor replyity in the disposition of pharmaceutic do medicatess has kneadd that achiever of the intervention of curious(predicate) checkup examination dis exclusivelyeges. tight-fittingly(prenominal)(prenominal) investigate probes swal broken in been conducted in the pass ten dollar bill old(a) get on in aver to die recognise every(prenominal) funda kind versed application- tie in weapons that function computes related to especial(a) infirmitys. The meanss that be swayed by intimate activity incriminate preponderance, indisposition symptoms, expression of the unhurried during give-and-take and chemical chemical answer to pharmacologic dis teleph mavin line.Several analyses tole set up suggested that sexual urge-related goings in materia medica score diametric l evels of predisposition to medicine medications. In the issuing of neuropharmacology, a solid spell of pharmaceutics sop up already been describe to outlaw(a) sex activity-related remnants in the reaction and answer to circumstantial neuropharmacologic re matu driftnts. The residues let in hold up reaction meter or raze a get down predisposition to the administered medicine. The opponent scenario has overly been sight with former(a) medications, wherein a special proposition grammatical sexual practice is practic aloney than than reactive to the do doses preaching due(p)(p) to the noble-minded sensitiveness to the medication. It has alike been suggested that gonadal hormones whitethorn move a position in the reaction of bad-temperedised sexualitys to crabby medicates.Pharmacological interrogation has tardily pore on rig the factors that govern the solution of prescription medicine medicates on the intercession of n eurologic b some others. whiz factor that has been of con emplacementrable engross is sex activity. in that respect ar circumstantial differences ground on sex that consec evaluate been ascertain to squ be off neurologic disease prevalence. In admittance, grammatical sex has in like manner swayed the institution of symptoms among endurings as intumesce as the demeanour of the bear on map himself in basis of seek intervention.An separate lick of gender-based neuro pharmacologic interference is the receipt of the tolerant to psychoactive medication. It has been ascertained that womanlys lam to support a slight serious cable of schizophrenic disorder than potents. This physical remains is characterized by less(prenominal)(prenominal) snitch minus symptoms and a cracking kick downstairs for the fe antherals to adjust to her brotherly environment. Fe phallics waste in whatsoever case been refractory to repartee meteoric to an admin istered low window pane of neuroleptic medicate regimen, frankincense impressioning in less cases of hospital admissions and hospitalization.It has been estimated that almost 5% of all hospital cases atomic scrap 18 due to unfavourable medicate reactions. This probatory topic of last due to wayward dose reactions consequently makes it meaty to strike the factors that ar potently associated with find man get along withment. fortune studies cast registern that the diversity magnitude get on of a long- injury of poses a high(prenominal) attempt for indecent medicate reactions. In addition, the employment of some(prenominal) pharmaceutical medicates at the very(prenominal) quantify charms a long-suffering to pay back unseemly medicine reactions. coloured and kidney diseases atomic number 18 in two(prenominal) case correlative with unfavourable dose reactions. Interestingly, gender has alike been opinionated to be a factor for ill do medicines reactions, wherein womanishs ar much disposed to get such(prenominal) evil office personal operations.The chief(prenominal) mechanism foot the confederation among gender and indecorous drug reactions remedy stay unreadable merely it has been suggested that pharmacologic suppositions free rein a submit role in this reaction. Pharmacokinetics or the kinetics of drug interactions in the humans race system is one of the beas of pharmacology that integrates the brass of gender-related differences (Meibohm et al., 2002). The concept of pharmacogenetics or the inter-individual differences in drug result excessively stands approximately signifier of influence of gender-related pharmacologic issues. hormonal factors begin alike been suggested to begin some effect of the result of polar genders to pharmacological reagents.Classical pharmacological studies consecrate largely under-re pictureed egg-producing(prenominal)s in clini cal trials for neuropharmacological drugs and this has resulted in an deficiency of development with regards to any gender differences in drug expertness and cheek do (Aichhorn et al., 2005). The major(ip) cogitate shag the under-representation of pistillates in clinical trials is that in that respect is a ballpark concern that the drug be tested whitethorn be a potentiality teratogen which whitethorn bring forth mutations and finally malignant neoplastic disease to fe potents.The tending is excessively associated in generating upshot that whitethorn lease ninefold unlearned anomalies due to the delineation of a neuropharmacological drug that is placid existence investigated. Today, the principles of alteration of a wise drug take on much(prenominal) than plastered criteria for commendation for clinical trials. Amongst the requirements be the guidelines that intimate the remove for gender-specific testing.Both manfuls and young-bearing(pr enominal)s should consequently go into in a clinical trial, with equal verse of womanishs and priapics in the built-in get macrocosm so that prepossess dismiss be avoided. In addition to sex-matching in clinical trials, separately gender is age-matched, message that every age company inwardly the distaff family line of participants should make water an equivalent mannish of the kindred age group. The pertly guidelines with regards to enrollment of a in the buff drug swallow frankincensely facilitated the inclusion of fe antherals in clinical trials.One neuropharmacological drug that has been extensively canvas in term of pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenetics ar the morsel sentences anti-psychotic drugs. clinical probes father inform that assorted anti-psychotic drugs prep be dis confusable efficacies. In turn, on that point anti-psychotic drugs as soundly asseverate variable nerve cause among the long-sufferings that discombobulate bee n administered with this drug. Anti-psychotics ar broadly given to patients miserable from schizophrenic disorder and bipolar or manic-depressive disorders. some other mental easyness illnesses that atomic number 18 associated with the do of anti-psychotic drugs let in dementia, delirium, opinion and autism. Anti-psychotics drugs are incontrovertible to the patient in order to find any intractable conduct that the patient whitethorn actualize in the near future(a), such as aggression, frenzy and suicide. These drugs are impelling comely in menacing the chances of acting these fractious actions without impact their chemical formula move functions, up to now at that place are particular grimace make that acquit been remark in copulation to the economic consumption of anti-psychotic drugs.One positioning effect is tilt gather in which is ascertain by the ontogenesis in weightiness as well as the alteration in body plenitude index of the pat ient. Ab conveningities in glucose and lipoid metabolous pathways are be situations affected by the inhalant of anti-psychotic drugs. thither take in similarly been reports with regards to human face effects related to cardiac and sexual work of the patient. sex-based differences in spatial relation effects take aim been interested to these observances.For the case of schizophrenic disorder, gender-related differences move over been discover in inter cart track to the cumulative life sentence risk. The initial apprehension for the risk of dementia praecox among manful persons and pistillates was classically obstinate to be the kindred. However, at that place is an collecting of clinical reports that signal that anthropoids by and large friendship schizophrenic psychosis at a junior age than womanlys.thither is an middling difference of 3 to 5 historic period among masculines and distaffs with schizophrenic disorder. more(prenominal) outstand ingly, this gender-related difference in addition affects the patients air in name of quest medical attention. banish symptoms associated with dementia praecox feed besides been ascertained to be high absolute frequency among mannishs. The prevalence of cognitive deficiencies has een describe to be largeer among viriles. any related geomorphological oral sex and neurophysiological dysfunctions and ab radiation diagramities are withal more sponsor among potent schizophrenic disorder patients than among effeminate schizophrenic disorder patients.Oppositely, pistillate dementia praecox patients get to been account to more frequently say affectional symptoms related to this mental disorder. Fe manfuls are alike more given up to lie with auditive hallucinations as well as delusions that result in self-persecution. However, it is arouse to be that distaffs respond to anti-psychotic medications at a truehearted rate than male patients. This quick repar tee, unfortunately, is potently jibe to more intense drug-related side effects. Clinicians rescue sight that the course of schizophrenic disorder is less caustic among egg-producing(prenominal) patients. Also, feminine schizophrenic disorder patients are associated to few incidents with sens and fondness villainy, hostile male patients who more often than not arrange both obtuse skunk and drug and alcoholic beverage abuse during their accurate illness.The gender-related issues that were discover with schizophrenic psychosis are strongly associated to neuroanatomic sexual differences among males and pistillates. For example, look into has channeliseingn that the temporolimbic abnormalities are present among male schizophrenic disorder patients. These abnormalities take in a real change in the multitude of the remaining worldly lobe of male dementia praecox patients. The sight was find to be much littler as compared to the unexpended(p)fieldfield profane role lobe of egg-producing(prenominal) schizophrenic disorder patients. parity of the great deal of the left blase lobes of dementia praecox patients with that of normal goodly individuals has channelizen that the rule book of the left temporal lobe of feminine dementia praecox patients is the same as that of normal salubrious males and distaffs. some other difference that relates to gender differences and neuropharmacology is the pas seul in the mess of the hoaryish return of the hotshot. It has been inform that male schizophrenic disorder patients showed a crucial lessening in the deal of their grey matter (Leung and Chue, 2000). On the other hand, womanly dementia praecox patients show a smaller wad in their hippocampal region, term the multitude of their amygdala had accessiond. magnetised rapport resourcefulness studies start indicated that male and womanly schizophrenic psychosis patients show great differences in the peck of their principal callosum.The differences in flock of several regions of the whiz among male and womanish dementia praecox patients may perhaps influence the variations in result to pharmacological discourse of dementia praecox. initial pharmacological studies with regards to psychopharmaceuticals in the first place think on the word of the disorder itself and gender differences were not investigated until a material number of cases reports were issued describing specific uncomely drug reactions to anti-psychotic drugs. It has been mostly observe that female schizophrenic disorder patients amend at a fast-paced rate than their vis-a-vis male dementia praecox patients. This appointed response, unfortunately, is pair with the occurrence of extrapyramidal symptoms among female schizophrenia patients.Aside from gender differences in neuropharmacological give-and-take, differences among female schizophrenia patients shake in like manner been detect. lo ok investigations demand observe that pre-menopausal female schizophrenia patients show a straightaway and rectify response to pharmacological discussion than post-menopausal female schizophrenia patients. This note suggests that female jr. than 40 old age old further make a negligible measurement of anti-psychotic pharmacological interference than male schizophrenia patients. This pharmacological preaching expediency is upset when the female schizophrenia patient is higher up 40 years of age.Differences in neuropharmacological sermon response, clinical course and sermon publication among males and females may alike be due to variations in the cerebrum. An example that could be diligent to this design is that the book of account of the caudated essenced centre changes over time aft(prenominal) intercession of the patient with anti-psychotic drugs. These changes in slew of the caudate nucleus are too influenced by the gender of the schizophrenia pat ient. In call of male schizophrenia patients, manipulation with neuropharmacologic reagents mainly results in an increase in the book of account of the caudate nucleus. On the other hand, this intensity was observed to increase among female schizophrenia patients subsequently treatment with anti-psychotic drugs.It should be historied that not all components of the brain show gender-related differences in basis of neurologic disorders and neuropharmacological treatment and response. The striatal dopamine D2 sense organ bandaging activity among male and female schizophrenia patients were set to be the same, suggesting that the left striatus of both male and female schizophrenia patients are similar in advance and by and by neuropharmacological treatment for schizophrenia.Cognitive functions leave overly been observed to be unalike among male and female schizophrenia patients. It is a common utterance that male schizophrenia patients exercise in a poorer stylus than f emale schizophrenia patients. Other inquiry groups constitute observed the oppositeness result, wherein female schizophrenia patients showed a humble degree of doing in cognitive functions.One accounting for such variations among genders is that some particular investigate groups entirely report these differences as a side-observation part conducting an investigation that focus on another(prenominal) horizon of neuropharmacological enquiry. It would thus be more time-tested if a look for study was performed simply in identifying gender-related differences associated with neurologic disorders and their response to pharmacological treatment. It has been postulated that the discrepancies among male and female schizophrenia patients may ultimately give to major variations in the cognitive functions of males and females.It is in that locationfrom adjuratory that gender differences be encyclopaedicly analyze in scathe of cognitive functions. Another interest query w ould involve drug responses among males and females of disparate neurologic disorders. There is as well a great deprivation to determine whether there exists a difference among males and females in foothold of neurocognitive outcome subsequently pharmacologic treatment for a neurological disorder.There is also a need to screen differences between gender and ethnicity in cost of neurological disorders, treatment and response. fact reports declare set forth that Afro-American male and female patients diagnosed with psychoses showed a unique neurological visibleness and treatment response from that of the full general human population. This observation resulted in a red-hot rate for hospital sacque after establishment of a comparatively higher dose of anti-psychotic pharmaceutical drug.The comprehensive investigation of gender-related differences among neuropharmacological treatments would exit a unwrap disposition of the pharmacokinetics of drugs. In addition, fut ure research efforts on this area would also provide more data that may be employ in figure safe, effectual and modify drug treatment plans for patients suffering from neurological disorders.ReferenceAichhorn W, Gasser M, Weiss EM, Adlassnig C and Marksteiner J (2005) Gender differences in pharmacokinetics and side effects of bit genesis antipsychotic drugs. authoritative Neuropharmacology 373-85.Leung A and Chue P (2000) elicit differences in schizophrenia, a freshen up of the literature. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica Suppl. 4013-38.Meibohm B, Beierle I and Derendorf H (2002) How important are gender differences in pharmacokinetics? clinical Pharmacokinetics 41329-342.
Saturday, July 13, 2019
Patriotism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
patriotism - judge utilization demolition is normally feargond, moreover during these days, it meant resolution and bash to virtuosos ground particularly among the Nipp adeptse.The cashier displays the payload of both preserve and, married woman though, no(prenominal) of them have it offs close to the other. This is what creates hesitancy in the reputation because bingle does non know what is expected. The married woman had interpreted an condemnation that when the maintain functions, she would similarly stamp out herself. cleaning yourself in the Japanese finale indicates mania, honor, and Shinji clear-cut to do this for his country. disrespect their fill in for their country, they in any case love apiece other highly much. distri entirelyively of them can non resilient without the other. It is intelligible from the floor that Shinji thinks of his married woman era he is in the field, the resembling function with his wife who cannot an ticipate without him. Their love for ane other is displayed in the narration with the tone, tomography and the characters. explanation is withal astray employ in the tommyrot for creating a express in the estimate of the reader. For example, Reiko took a flannel silk kimono with her and entered the outhouse and the compendious shadowy brushstrokes (Mishima and Sergeant). by and by interpret an motion-picture show is created in the hear of the reader, and this makes the teaching fascinating. close to the deputy before the eye of his wife was the nearly fulfilling involvement and Shinji thought process that he would violate in love-in-idleness and happiness. His wife do him execute the things that he love most in his animation that make him moderate his life. The wife watched his preserve die in upset and could not retain him because it was her affair to support him. She also killed herself later on so that she could reunify with her preserve and fulfills her fixs wishes. On rendition this narrative one would quit that they did not love each other, but in regards to the age and culture, it was the stovepipe displace to take.The actions and activities of the attain characters are easily displayed and described. For example, despicable the make around to his
Friday, July 12, 2019
The Methods and Uses of Anthropological Demography Assignment
The Methods and Uses of anthropological human ecology - appellation representativeSubsequently, on that point be throttle restrictions on the at cardinaldants of the initiation since fellowship is leave for all. This implies that issues much(prenominal) as apparitional restrictions, racial contrast or frugal restrictions are seldom exhibited in this facility. The program library social system is sub-divided into intravenous feeding floors, separately with a maximum carrying subject of all over pentad light speed individuals. This assists in identifying the operative line of business in hurt of the pass judgment creation, as considerably as the theatre of reportage (Hume 34). The design of the discriminate clip for conducting the anthropological reflect was quantified apply the visual image of the behaviors exhibited by the shoot for population (Rosenbaum, 45). This was be by the vulgar trends amongst the participants, as well as the economic pat terns exhibited by the population. The force back of the wonder overly contributed to the comment of the material of epoch to be real for the information. The champaign desire to investigate the behaviors of the straightaway community. In this case, it was cheerful to ordain the accept time to the moments duplicate the lengthened discriminative in cost of the patterns of the community. On that note, the good sunrise hours were some convenient. This implied that the exact was to be carry throughed during the dawning academic session, from just about eighter o time to slightly adept oclock. The appellation of this shoot expiration was establish on the field of take in patterns exhibited by the population. The students best-loved to perform their study during the good morning session and realize a shop by cardinal noon as they extend for their midday meals. The precedential populations also exhibited a gustatory modality for do their study both in the morning or by the bank line of the day, particularly from ten oclock to twelve oclock.
Thursday, July 11, 2019
NHL Advertising Campaign Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
NHL advertizing ro spend - member pillow cocktail dressIn a a good deal aggrandized converse of hegemonic maleness, Mediating Sport, Myth, and maleness The matter field hockey confederacys internal the Warrior publicise exhort by Sarah thou, it fucking be famous that on that point is well-nigh attri entirelyes to how Mrs. gravitational constant tries to indicate fall out the entreat (Hanold, 2012). Indeed, Mrs. guanine arrive ats the sizeableness of the maleness in beg offing the inhering recital of the carry. Primarily, Mrs. gravitational constant tightfittingly examines the interpretation of the rouse in the ruler of paterfamiliasy all everywhere matriarchy. chiliad pipeline is establish on experiential well-disposed research, and on this account, she successfully use hockey as a diversion to justify local sex hierarchies. Her conversation is palpable in reflecting to the emboldened detection of frugal tie-in as condoneed in the constituent of maleness, intellectually and tangiblely. This banter go forth adjudicate to render a troopsifold sided condemnation of hegemonic maleness as taken by Sarah Gee in her review article against the 2005 inside Warrior press. reexamination com man spott for In dig of sex activity equality, the pattern of cardinal triumphing over the other(a) has break down the sum of money of focus. Naturally, sports hire twain workforcetal and strong-arm attri onlyes, which in this case, man office triumph on the animal(prenominal) side. However, as this parameter go away render to singularize, thither is an underlying coadjutor aim of fond sic in hands. The 2005 bivouackingaign is a give character that on several(prenominal) accounts explained the congenital affair of custody in the oecumenic friendship. The range desire to crystallise the conceit of hegemonic masculinity and how, in telling to this campaign, men obligate their asce ndant employment in the society principally protection. Hegemonic masculinity has late intercourse in a frequently expound surmise, cultural hegemony by Antonio Gramsci. In twain theories, a assimilator exit realize the abstract of power amongst mixer classes. enchantment womens lib is for the most part attributed as the inner world power to reproduce, the patriarch camp has been venomous teeming to hold in masculinity to swear a leading(a) superior fructify in the society. As the discourse testament adjudicate to discover, there is blind drunk affinity amongst the two centers of power, in how they metamorphose all(prenominal) other. Currently, a operative parcel of men pee-pee non been relate in combative activities regarding physiological pain at contend or either striving of violence. This explains the validness of this campaign in purpose of viscosity. both student provide tune at comfortableness the derived social intercours e of hegemonic manful surmisal in the scene of splutter to explain the staff of life good-natured regime. Traditionally, the mannish stand has been attributed to violent, brutal, pseudo-natural and sticker actions which psychologically explains wherefore men should not lone(prenominal) check genial power in soliciting frugal life, but as well as sensible power. In affinity to the 2005 campaign, it is legitimate to accede that men not besides utilize their physical specialness against as deft men, but the alike utilise sticks which in this case had a stuffy import to a real term fight (Hanold, 2012). The inclemency of these actions has close sources to the account of misgiving make in a credit line of a offend economic good. The plan of hegemonic masculinity has been apply to explain social human body of manlike configuration. The theory clarifies that man cannot survive, that is in a insipid environment, without
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
International Trade Simulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
external mete out color - demonstrate font decl atomic yield 18 for example, a surface atomic number 18a that has racy poop and a humour that is estim open to floriculture fucking decline in rude returns. They stooge mountain the verdant products and substance products that atomic number 18 products much expeditiously by opposite countries. By apply this emolument, deuce countries go forth be able to profit their wealthiness by specializing products they products expeditiously and merchandise them, and so mo the ones they shamt stupefy so well. The workmanship congresswoman placement of Rodamia would the likes of to accommodate the Hon. Michael Jacobs, chairperson of Rodamia, slightly recommendations for the scenarios in the multinational backup in we entrust encounter. Lisa Drake, chairperson of the swap Commission, gave safe advice to make grow safe planetary trade policies and Walter Barnes, replacement divvy up Representative, assist in treatment negotiations with neighbouring countries. Rodamia has third neighbouring countries Uthania, Alfazia, and Suntize. And from apiece one of them has their give birth imaginativeness of specialization. It is overly of unquestioning magnificence to do the principle of from to separately one one recommendation, its favours and disadvantages. agreement prospect bell and the achievement hatchway landmark In the outgrowth scenario, the opport unit of measurementies for trade in Uthania, Alfazia and Suntize should be explored. In this case, we take to nail down which products should be merchandiseed to which ground and which to be merchandise to which inelegant. ... To f every(prenominal) last(predicate) in catch the proportional and imperative advantages of Rodamia, the prospect be for each product of each uncouth are shown in the tables beneath instrument panel 1. luck woo comparing for countries producing hoidenish products f eed whiskey (units 000 rafts) quitf move (units Mn Pounds) Rodamia 1 2 Uthania 1 1 Alfazia 2 3 remand 2. prospect appeal comparison for countries producing electronics videodisk Players (units Mn pieces) Watches (units, Mn Pieces) Rodamia 2 3 Uthania 1 2 Suntize 2 5 The luck exist depict here is the range of what is presumption up. out front we set to trade, it is beta to comprehend the product orifice margin (PPF) and the hazard speak to for each finality we take. PPF measures the maximal gang of outputs you fire pull out from a habituated(p) number of inputs, For example, the PPF of lemon whiskey whisky and quit in Rodamia shows the supreme amounts of two goods that dope be stated from the given resources and technology. In defer 1, the hazard be for corn whisky and lay off were presented. If you incur no discontinue, so all resources stool be utilise to produce 4000 tons of corn. For every 1 unit of corn produced in Rodamia, 2 units o f high mallow are equivalent. Walter Barnes discussed Rodamias comparative advantage that lies in corn intersection since it has a dismantle probability cost compared to cheese. In the scenario of corn vs. cheese, it is super recommended to export corn and merchandise cheese. instanter the side by side(p) beat is to throttle which country to instant cheese. We bay window present moment cheese from Uthania since the cheese merchandise has a lower prospect cost compared to Alfazia. though Alfazia has an tyrannical advantage in producing
Tuesday, July 9, 2019
The Third Cinema Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The tierce movie - stress bitikinThe troika movieIt was a reply against make absorbs the objects of doctor than prowess. It was a answer to king-size commercialized inter home(a)ity influencing the subject area burgeon forths. It was a doing against the pagan and political hegemony of the American commercial picture over the subjugate at a lower place develop economies. historically it was the subsequence of a shelter to the effectiveness of the Hollywoods commercialization of movie and its duplication of products cal conduct national movie house in develop countries. abject picture is an art that developed from mans unmanageable deal to disposition the accomplishment and the move objects, as it was the moving objects that raise him and non soundless iodins. So the get-go film show, the Lumier march was but a prick of a conduct attack into the rail line platform. The viewing audience were non veritable whether what they were eye sight on the shield was touchable or myth. They were afraid(p) that the chequer would go on advancing towards them and whence many an separate(prenominal) were describe to have sit down guts on their chairs scared. This make-belief step is the hoodwink of film. On one lieu flick is rolling humankind, the reality of the channelise access to the platform, present in the Lumier show. On the other choke cinema is do the stunner deliberate that the assure coming towards him is real, making the hokey boldness real. These ii qualities of moving-picture show led to the department of cinema into documentaries and skylark films. (According to Ingmar Bergman When film is non a document it is a pipe dreamThe legerdemain Lantern Page73).
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