Saturday, August 31, 2019
Newspaper Reading and relating to The Human bill of rights
The first article (July 4) is about the growing dangers of Kuwait work trucks that travel on roads while being severely overloaded with logs, iron rods, furniture, and water. There are several reasons why these vehicles have become veritable road hazards responsible for numerous accidents. Reckless driving was cited as one of the highest cause of road accidents involving these trucks. Some citizens attested to instances showing drivers’ utter lack of consideration for pedestrians even to those who have physical disabilities. One man recalled an incident involving his cousin who was a cripple, who died after being run over by a lumber truck. Others cite poor vehicle conditions as another primary cause of accidents. One British expatriate living in Kuwait narrated how water tankers usually have bad brakes and how being overburdened with water makes it more difficult for truckers to maneuver.He also narrated about one instance of recklessness wherein the truck driver suddenly cut in front of him, almost killing him was he not able to step on his brakes. Another hazard was trucks with loose fastenings of furniture or iron bars. Such objects fall from the truck and cause trouble for motorists behind the truck. The article’s reporter discussed an incident about how he himself experienced one such incident. Safety measures taken to prevent hazards from vehicles on the road are vague. There are certain periods of time where the law prohibits trucks from driving inside the city but such laws are often violated by truckers and Kuwait’s local police seem to be inadequate in preventing such violations.This issue is clearly a violation of Article 3 of the Declaration of Human rights which seeks to protect the life, liberty and security of all persons. The truckers’ lack of discretion with regards to the pedestrians that they interact with constitutes an utter disregard to Article 3 which should be addressed by the Kuwait government, especially si nce the usual victims of such accidents are those who are disabled.The second article (July 5) is about how the Kuwait Parliament gives ardent attention to the needs of disabled individuals. The Parliament has released an order calling on state agencies to provide specialized services to people with special needs. Kuwait National Assembly member Saad al-Sharia discussed in the 4th Arab Parliamentary Symposium on Disabled Persons’ Disabilities how due attention should be provided to people with special needs especially in the aspect of integrating such people into society as productive individuals. The Parliament member gave emphasis on investing in the use of human resources in nation building and service.This move by the parliament is in respect of human rights. The parliament hopes to incarnate the deeper meaning of humanity and humanitarian causes towards the development of its civilization. Specifically, parliament aims to create specialized educational institutions to ad dress the needs of special children who are not able to learn through conventional means. Parliament aims to establish more centers for rehabilitation research. It also aims to modernize such institutions that currently exist. The project will also create clinics and entertainment utilities that can cover people of all ages and of all physical, mental and psychological disabilities.The third article (July 6) reports the strengthening of the Kuwaiti resolve to provide better governmental services. It discusses how the state is funneling ample finances and gathering substantial human resources to raise public awareness of special needs in its continuing advocacy for human rights. In an interview with Secretary of the Arab Parliamentary Caucus of the National Assembly Jamal Al-Kandari, it was revealed that Kuwait has already â€Å"mapped out†specific plans for disabled individuals to be properly integrated into the society and assume roles that will be both productive and fulfi lling.In the ongoing symposia for disabled individuals, legislation for the protection of the human rights of disabled individuals was also put into focus. Much emphasis was given on the current dangers that face disabled individuals in different parts of Kuwait. Dr. al-Shuraye’s lecture, he discussed that as these people are not as mobile as normal individuals, they are more prone to becoming victims of accidents especially on the road. It was concluded by the article that the Kuwaiti delegation will arrive at several useful recommendations to serve the interests of handicapped individuals in Kuwait.The fourth article (July 7) narrates how the Farwaniya Hospital in coordination with Kuwait’s Ministry of Interior has made the announcement of building a security kiosk at the entrance of the hospital. The move was made after several alarming actions taken by several individuals that threatened to harm both patients and doctors inside the facility. Several weeks prior to the announcement, it was reported that the hospital received an anonymous terrorist threat due to some of the relatives of the patients who were unhappy with hospital management. Other instances involved violence perpetrated by relatives of patients who died while inside hospital care. The relatives of the deceased patients felt that the doctors were responsible for their relatives’ deaths and took matters into their own hands. Although no incident of serious injury has yet to be recorded inside hospital premises, hospital officials nonetheless became concerned with preempting any such possibilities from actually occurring.This prompted hospital officials to set up meetings to solve growing problems in securing hospital premises. It was brought up that the lack of means for proper visitor identification is the biggest risk that the hospital has of intrusion. This led to the forwarding of the idea of setting up a security kiosk that would be able to properly identify indivi duals visiting patients inside the hospital so as to secure hospital patients and personnel.The last article (July 8) discusses how Kuwait officials and concerned groups currently feel about Kuwait’s move to give emphasis to the human rights of disabled individuals in the region. Dr. Fahad Al-Wardan, the ministry’s Nursery Department Director stated that the government moves aimed at encouraging the disabled to exert more efforts in developing themselves educationally and morally. He said that this was also the aim of the movement for the general public; to have them well informed about the current issue of physical, mental, and psychological disabilities and in the process gets them to be involved in the government project. Dr. Al-Wardan discussed several findings with respect to research on disabled individuals, citing that both literature and actual research suggest that such individuals still have considerable potential to serve society.Dr Al-wardan also made refer ences to the existing government efforts on improving disabled individuals’ lives prior to the government announcement, stating that it was a fulfilling activity both for the recipients and the volunteers. He expressed satisfaction in the current progress of the movement in the country, and anticipation at the recently announced project of the Kuwait Parliament to give emphasis of disabled individuals’ well-being. Dr. Al-Wardan hoped that included in the parliament’s proposed plan was to increase the pay scale for social workers who are currently one of the lowest paid sectors in society. He emphasized on the role of social workers in providing guidance and assistance to the disabled. He also gave due credence to the major role that donations from private organizations have made to the overall effort of helping disabled individuals.The five articles are linked together with respect to their relationship to upholding human rights. In the first article, the danger s to individuals by the recklessness of certain groups in society were discussed as a violation of the tenets of article 3 in the declaration of human rights. The second article provides a possible response of government, the main protector of the human rights of a particular citizenry, to uphold such rights of a disenfranchised group in society identified as the disabled individuals.This was strengthened by the 3rd article which gave in extensive detail the proposed government plan to alleviating the plights of disabled individuals. The fourth article saw a similar plight related to the article 3 of human rights. This was the right to security that both doctors and patients in the hospital in question required. The government acted on that right by helping the hospital set up security measures to prevent future incidents from occurring. Finally, the last article reaffirmed the human rights of disabled individuals in the perspective of current actors in the movement.In conclusion , it can be said that although the prevalence of human rights violations can still be seen in the area of Kuwait, government is doing what it can to solve the issue. Government should always work hand in hand with the private sector, concerned individuals and volunteers, and disenfranchised groups themselves in order to detect societal problems involving violations in human rights and provide for the appropriate means for these problems’ eventual alleviation.References:A license to kill on Kuwait roads. July 4, 2007. Retrieved July 9, 2007 from Kuwait Times website: Parliament heeds people with special needs. July 5, 2007. Retrieved July 9, 2007 from Kuwait News Agency website: Kuwaiti support for disabled people. July 6, 2007. Retrieved July 9, 2007 from Kuwait Times website: ews.php?newsid=OTgyNjQ1NjQ3Checkpoint at hospital. July 7, 2007. Retrieved July 9, 2007 from Kuwait Times website: humanitarian deed. July 8, 2007. Retrieved July 9, 2007 from Kuwait Times website:
Friday, August 30, 2019
Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Heart Rate Essay
Introduction: Our bodies need to be in balance in order to function properly, and there are many ways the body maintains balance, or homeostasis. Homeostasis is the maintenance of nearly constant conditions in the internal environment. Our normal heart rate is an example of our body in homeostasis and any sort of change, or stimulus, can alter it. Exercise, adrenaline in the blood, and a low blood pH are all stimuli that increase the heart rate. Exercise, for example, stimulates stretch receptors in the muscles. These receptors then send a signal to a part of the brain called the medulla oblongata that receives the sensory input. It then in turn sends nerve impulses to the sinoatrial node in the heart. This node generates an impulse and initiates contraction of the heart at a quicker pace. Thus, the heart beats faster, which equals an increased heart rate. This is an example of a homeostasis imbalance. The heart reaches homeostasis again when exercise ceases and the heart rate drops down to its basal rate, or its rate at rest. This whole process is an example of a negative feedback cycle: a stimulus (increased heart rate) sends receptors to the control center (medulla oblongata), which then sends effectors (impulses by the vagus nerve, or the efferent pathway) to the heart to slow the heart contractions, thus reducing the heart rate and bringing it back to its basal rate. In our experiment we studied heart rate before and after a brief exercise session. Our hypothesis is exercise will increase the heart rate, and a negative feedback mechanism will occur to restore the heart rate back to its normal basal rate. Materials: Stop watch, metronome, stairs Methods: †¢Eight subjects took their own resting, or basal, heart rate for 15 seconds while standing up. Some subjects chose to take their heart rate at their carotid artery, and some took their pulse using their radial artery. This number was multiplied by 4 to get beats per minute. This is how all heart rate measurements were taken throughout the experiment. †¢Subjects did exercise session. They walked down 57 stairs and then back up those same 57 stairs for a total of 104 stair steps. This was done at a pace of 85 beats per minute. The whole session took 1 minute 45 seconds. †¢Subjects immediately took their heart rate after they completed the exercise. †¢After 1 minute of completing the exercise, subjects measured their heart rate again. This was done at 1 minute intervals for a total of 5 heart rate measurements after completing the exercise. †¢All together, subjects took 6 heart rate measurements: 1 before the exercise, and then 5 after the exercise. Data/Results: See attached graph and table. Conclusion/Discussion: The data shows that heart rate increases during and after exercise and begins to drop back down close to the basal rate after rest. The heart progressively decreases after each minute of rest. Our results show a negative feedback mechanism was used to control the heart rate after exercise. The increased heart rate stimulated the medulla oblongata which sent impulses to the sinoatrial node of the heart to slow down contractions and decrease the heart rate. Different subjects had differences in the time it took for their heart rate to drop after the exercise, but heart rate decreased nonetheless. Overall, our hypothesis was shown to be correct from the experiment. We chose the heart rate as our variable because it is easy to measure and gives clear results. We predicted that the heart would increase after a brief exercise session, and our results matched that prediction. As for other experiments, we could perform different activities or tasks and measure our hear t rate after those. We could even hold a serious/heated discussion and see if heart rate is affected in an intense conversation. There are many different things you could do to test heart rate, as exercise is just one example. Data: Each subject and their heart rate at certain time interval: SubjectBefore exercise0 minutes rest1 min. rest2 min. rest3 min. rest4 min. rest 1100 BPM120 BPM104 BPM104 BPM104 BPM104 BPM 2120160156156152148 37210076807672 47212080727272 596136124120100100 66812072727680 76011664646464 86816084888084 Summary statement: Heart rate increases during and after exercise and begins to drop back down close to the basal rate after rest. Citations Heart Rate Regulation in Humans. (2010, January 23). The Student Room. Retrieved August 24, 2013, from
Thursday, August 29, 2019
United Nations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
United Nations - Essay Example After the end of the World war one, the League of Nations was formed by the great and victorious powers who participated in the war. The goal was simple, not to allow another war in the future. Due to the failure of the Versailles treaty, all were looking for another organization which could bring stability to the world.The organization had success in solving conflicts between different countries namely The Aaland island issue between Sweden and Finland, Upper Silesia problem between Germany and Poland, The Memel problem of 1923 in Lithuania, humanitarian crisis in Turkey, conflict Between Greece and Bulgaria etc. however the organization faced failures also they were the crisis in Italy in 1919, Teschen problem between Poland and Czechoslovakia, the Vilna conflict between Russia and Lithuania, the war between Russia and Poland in 1921, the invasion of the Ruhr, conflict between Italy and Albania etc are few of them (League of Nations, n.d)The year 1970 was an important year in the h istory of the world as far as relations between countries were concerned. Many important changes occurred in Europe as well as in Asia. The concept of Third World got prominence during this period. The erstwhile Soviet Union, which was a great super power during that period, took initiatives for setting up an international jurisdiction with the cooperation of other countries. G.I. Tunkin a renowned soviet jurist was credited for formulating the first volume of international law in 1970. the law was made by him based on the events took placed internationally since 1917. The main highlights of the law were the nature of legal relationships among socialist countries, principal factors at work in international politics, legal nature of international organizations, international law, foreign policy, diplomacy etc (Tunkin, G.I. n.d) After the failure of the league of nations, a new organization was formed by the world powers after the second world war ,which came to be known as the United Nations established in the year oct24,1945 (Charter of the United Nations, n.d). The general assembly of the United Nations was established in the year 1945, the main objective of the assembly was to become a major policy making establishment of the UN. The general assembly consists of 192 member countries. Normally meeting sessions are generally conducted in between September and December every year (Functions and Powers of the General Assembly. (n.d). The International Security Council, another r prominent arm of the UN comprises of five permanent members. They are US, China, Russia, France, and the UK. It also has ten non permanent members having a term of one year. There is a president of the Security Council who is selected among the member countries holding the office for one calendar month (About the Council. (n.d)). The international court of justice established in 1946 is another important establishment of the UN. The main aim of the ICJ is to look after the judicial matters globally. It is situated in The Hague, Netherlands. The main activity of the court is to settle dispute submitted by member countries as well as to provide advices (International Court of Justice, n.d) East Timor was a small country neighbouring Indonesia under Portuguese occupancy in the year 1975 Indonesian forces attacked the region and annexed it. The conflict forced the Portuguese to withdraw from East Timor on the condition that East Timor should remain a self governing region. In 1991, the Portuguese authorities went to the court against Australia on the reason that Australia and Indonesia had a treaty between them for the exploitation of "Timor gap". The complainant claimed that the actions of Australia for exploration were against the self governing rights as well as other rights of the people of East Timor. The Portuguese authorities also claimed that the treaty between Australia and Indonesia was against the administering rights of Portugal in the area. The ICJ did not entertain jurisdiction in this matter because of the reason that a
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Short Writes Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Short Writes - Article Example Katie Fallon argues over priorities, she believes that people must feel accountable for disturbing the natural balance in the wake of temporary economic gains. Coal mining is centuries hold occupation for people living in West Virginia. Coal is definitely an energy efficient fossil fuel, but the side effects that it leaves on the environment, and the health of the people challenges its usefulness. Almost 95% of the power generation in West Virginia is carried out by burning of coal, whereas the overall contribution of coal in energy production is 35% nationwide. Therefore, the author believes that people should unite and take a step in preserving and protecting the water bodies in Western Virginia. Definitely, burning of fossil fuels and other associated industrial activities has damaging effect on the environment. Katie Fallon is right when she blames the inhabitants of West Virginia for showing irresponsibleness. Her desire for the restoration of West Virginia is valid, because the scenario that has been express by the author is more than just alarming; it appears as an emergency situation that demands emergency measures. To further elaborate her arguments, Katie Fallon have used a narrative style; all the clauses of her arguments are more or less first hand experiences. Since, she is the inhabitant of that place her concerns for the upcoming generations of West Virginia are understandable. She claims that her ancestors were involved in coal mining, however, she argues that the times have changed, and so has the technology, therefore, the people need to accept the mistakes that they have committed in the past, and they should look towards restoration. Overall the article cannot be rated as 100% convincing, there were a few loop holes in the text, moreover, at times while reading this blogpost it seems that there are few missing junctions in the article. However, Katie Fallon has been successful in conveying her message, and the data
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Greenwich Construction Ltd Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Greenwich Construction Ltd - Assignment Example Company are reviewing the types of ICT devices they should provide to their employees to enable them to maximize their effectiveness when working away from their office. Some of the devices which can be useful for the company are;Laptop: This is the basic miniature version of a desktop computer. It helps in carrying the office along and also makes working at home a lot more comfortable. With the help of networking, officials can remain in constant touch through instant messaging and emails. Laptop or Notebook (as some people prefer to call it) is generally smaller than a briefcase, which can be easily transported and conveniently used in temporary spaces such as on airplanes, in libraries, temporary offices, and at meetings. A laptop typically weighs about 5 pounds and is 3 inches or less in thickness. Companies like Greenwich Construction Ltd. can even order for bulk supplies with special requests to laptop manufacturers for adding some more company specific features on all the lapt ops. This way it gives a unique identity to the laptops. Of course it will depend on the number of laptops that are being procured. Laptop computers generally cost more than desktop computers with the same capabilities because they are more difficult to design and manufacture. A laptop can effectively be turned into a desktop computer with a 'docking station', a hardware frame that supplies connections for peripheral input/output devices such as a printer or a larger monitor. Palmtops: In its consistent urge to make gadgets smaller, the computer itself was reduced from a huge ENIAC to the small PC and then to laptop. Now we are in the age of palmtops. A palmtop is also called a Personnel Digital Assistant (PDA), a Smart Phone, or Pocket PC. It was during the late eighties that we heard about PDA. But after some initial hiccup, it has now firmly established itself in the communication world. PDA is a handheld digital organizer. In fact Personal Digital Assistant is a term for any small mobile hand held device that provides computing and information storage retrieval capabilities for personal or business use. It was in the year 1993 when its first variant 'Newton' appeared from the stable of Apple Computers Ltd. But the price tag of $700 for a complicated and not very useful product (at that time) proved to be too prohibitive for the product to become popular. It was in the year 1996 when US Robotics brought out its Pilot series with newer features that PDA s started becoming a sought after device. Calendar, notepad and address books, mobile phone with GSM technique are now common features on a PDA. Therefore now the user can; Write a memo while on the move, Use the calendar , Use it as a Personal Information Manager Jot down notes on the LCD screen from the heights of an airplane, Talk to the boss, Combine computing, telephone/fax, and networking features Send an email to other colleagues. Surf the net for useful information about the construction business or to know the latest trend the real estate market. Chat with the networked group, passing on information/ instructions to subordinates and colleagues. Transfer urgent files on the net. Can sign the important files using digital signatures with appropriate notings. Take photographs of some eye-catching building architecture for future reference To top it all the device prices are consistently coming down day by day. The range starts from as little as $150. Much like a traditional computer, PDAs consist of a display screen (the screen is usually a touch screen, and it is called a LCD display), a processor, memory, and an operating system. There is a wide range of operating systems that PDAs run on, one of the most popular being the Palm OS. Microsoft also has PDA operating system called Windows CE. While the PalmPilot is widely known because of its influence on the market, there's a wide range of PDAs for today's consumer to choose from. What is most amazing about a PDA is its low power consumption
Monday, August 26, 2019
Analysis of Oscar Wildes The Picture of Dorian Gray or The Importance Research Paper
Analysis of Oscar Wildes The Picture of Dorian Gray or The Importance of Being Earnest - Research Paper Example Web. A modern review of Lady Bracknell includes interviews with women and men who have played the most formidable character in Earnest. I will use this article to show how Earnest has accumulated meaning over time. Gagnier, Regenia. Idylls of the Marketplace: Oscar Wilde and the Victorian Public. Stanford: University Press Stanford, 1986. Print. This book talks about the 'truth' of Earnest, which will add a different angle to my discussion of expectations both internal and external to the play. It also talks about the popular reaction to Wilde's downfall, shortly after the play opened, which will be of use as my paper will examine not only Earnest but also its playwright. Gillespie, Michael Patrick. Oscar Wilde and the Poetics of Ambiguity. Gainesville: University Press Florida, 1996. Print. Gillespie's book talks about Earnest in terms of expectations: contemporary expectations of Wilde, of young men, and of the play genre. This is something I would like to investigate further, and with this book's help I will show how studied triviality and Wilde's reputation interacted with expectation in Earnest. Kohl, Norbert. Oscar Wilde: The Works of a Conformist Rebel. Trans. David Henry Wilson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989. Print. The chapter on Earnest begins by declaring that before its first opening, audiences expected that Wilde's new play â€Å"would offer the very opposite of what was promised by the stolid-sounding title†. I find this interplay between title, content and expectation very interesting – with Earnest, was Wilde subverting expectations or living up to them? Prewitt Brown, Julia. Cosmopolitan Criticism: Oscar Wilde's Philosophy of Art. Virginia: Virginia University Press, 1997. Print. Prewitt Brown argues that Earnest â€Å"reflects the national myth of the century†, that an orphan can achieve great things in spite of uncertain origins. I will use her examples to ask whether Earnest was at all trivial, or if Wilde' s calculated superficiality is little more than a veneer. Sweet, Matthew. Inventing the Victorians. London: Faber & Faber, 2002. Print. Sweet's book offers a comprehensive new look at the Victorian era, and is very useful for subverting our expectations of Wilde's time. I will use this book to help create the background for my paper, placing us in Wilde's world rather than a modern misconception of Victorian Britain. Taylor, George. Players and Performances in the Victorian Theatre. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1989. Print. In this book George Taylor looks at Victorian drama as a whole, examining how actors felt about their art. I hope to use this as a standard of expectation and seriousness by which to compare Earnest. Expectations of, and Undermined Triviality in, The Importance of Being Earnest The Importance of Being Earnest, Oscar Wilde's last play and penultimate piece of literature before his untimely death in 1900, is pivotal in the life of its playwright because it was first performed in 1895, just a few short months before Wilde was sentenced to two years' hard labor in prison for his homosexual liaisons. The play is part of Wilde's carefully cultivated persona as a dandy, creating a tone of studied triviality which was lapped up by an audience â€Å"engaged in a continuous search for bigger and better thrillsâ€
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Financial Regulatory Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Financial Regulatory Systems - Essay Example All these points are dealt with close contrast between Australian and Singaporean financial system. The main aim of the paper is to deal with some important points that make a well-structured financial system by comparing the Australian system with that of Singaporean one. It brings sharp contrast of the western financial system with that of Asian. The paper stresses the importance of institutional structure in the design of strong financial regulatory system. After thorough study of sources like International Monetary Fund's report on Australia's and Singapore's financial system, the report of Monetary Authority of Singapore (2006), Perkins, J.N.O., book , The Dergulation of the Australian Financial System: The Experience of the 1980, Ng Nam Sin's speech in 2004, Ginnie Teo's articles on Singapore. There are other sources of information that help to make this paper worthwhile. The main findings of the paper is the structure and functions of the financial regulatory system in Australia and Singapore and the related changes that both the nations have brought in to stand as the ultimate destination the financial sector. The paper concludes with the point that how both the nations are trying to become the regional financial services hub. For this the two countries are ready to bring certain changes in each other system to show their prowess in the financial sector. ... e some recommendations in the form of table, which is vital for financial stability and that's more important for any country to fit into the global financial regulatory system. "Identify and discuss the differences and similarities between the structure of the Australian Financial regulatory system and one Asian country, such as Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia or Hong Kong". Introduction Maintaining financial stability is an important step towards the development of economy. Every nation is now working hard to bring financial stability. It not only checks the inflation but also brings transparency in the financial system, including the activities of hedge funds. The main objectives of the financial regulatory system are to maintain market confidence in the given financial system; to create public awareness of the financial system; to protect the consumers and to minimize financial crime. A well-structured financial regulatory system encourages competition and diversity in the provision of financial services through information disclosure, auditing and enforcement. It is a known fact that the financial system structures changes continually in response to financial innovations and to changes in both the economic environment and the regulatory framework. If we are talking about the world-class financial regulatory system then Australia tops the list. Australia has built a world-class financial sector regulatory regime, which provides security and integrity, through a sound, flexible and strong system of financial regulation. It is specially designed to prevent systemic failure, and avoid unnecessary burdens on business. Even some of the Asian countries such as Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, etc. are also trying to ensure a strong financial regulatory
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Providing Services for Human Sexuality and Well-being Essay
Providing Services for Human Sexuality and Well-being - Essay Example The most evident means in integrating an individual's sexuality is through their actual gender (Molina, 1999). Being a male or a female could already totally affect one's sexuality. Men and women are different in so many ways even from the smallest aspects to the most salient features - males and females walk, stand and sit differently from one another, both also have their own definite way in looking at something, both will have different opinions about a certain matter, both think in a very distinctive way. Nonetheless, one does not have to go into the psychological details of being a male or a female since physically, the two genders already show numerous differences, from the shape of the face to their body structure as a whole. This aspect of differences is explained by a branch of science called biology - it explains about sexual differentiation, sexual response and sex hormones. It is through sexual differentiation that not only the outer physical attributes of male and female differ but also their sexual reproduction (Bancroft, 2002). Gender is determined in this area, the X and Y chromosomes are the designated determinants of what a male or a female is (an XY chromosome suggests a male while and XX chromosome implies a female). Based on this biological sexual differentiation, the majority of the society only has two rooms form gender identity and that is for a boy and for a girl, unfortunately, it is not always that sexual differentiation and chromosome development produce what is considered as right, correct and acceptable. There have been various cases of intersex or also known as hermaphroditism which is labeled as a â€Å"sexual disorder†and â€Å"chromosome anomaly†(Fallon, Jr., 200 2).... There have been various cases of intersex or also known as hermaphroditism which is labeled as a "sexual disorder" and "chromosome anomaly" (Fallon, Jr., 2002). Consequently, sexual response referred to the sexual arousal and changes in the body physiologically (Bancroft, 2002). It is also referred to as a psychosomatic circle in which changes that occur in the genitalia affect the processes of the central brain procedures. What is sexual is different among people as what is sexual for one will not be sexual for the other; it depends on the experiences that the person has undergone or the culture that he has lived in and has been accustomed to (Bancroft, 2002). Sexual response is considered as a cognitive activity where it is both a perception and an evaluation (Walen & Roth, 1987, as cited by Molina, 1999). As a perception, it has three basic essentials which are detection - which refers to the capability of the person in identifying stimulus and differentiating it from the other of its type, labeling - which pertains to the categorizing of the stimulus occurrence by the person, and attribution - which refers to the overall articulated rationalization of the whole perception. The said three features could greatly affect the overall sexual performance of a person (Molina, 1999). Lastly, sex hormones is said to be important factor in influencing sexual behavior (Molina, 1999). The hormones that are being secreted by the different glands in the human body, it is solely responsible for why sexual differentiation exists. Male and female, though they are said to be producing the same hormones, differ in the amount of the hormones being produced. Thus, they are not the same - for example, males
Report Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Report - Coursework Example In this context, poor communication resulted from unclear goals and duties that the woman had. Indeed, it seems like the woman did not have a clear understanding of her duties in the group. Lack of a job description in this context led to poor communication since the woman did not know what to do in the group presentation. Moreover, the cultural diversity in the group led to poor communication since members had their own way of interpreting things especially the visual aids used by the woman in the presentation. As such, they felt that she did not contribute much to the work done by the group. The group had poor leadership who failed to offer clear direction throughout the assignment. Indeed, the incompetent leadership in the group failed to inspire confidence on the members (Brookins 2014). As such, the woman lost confidence in her work leading to poor communication. In some cases, the leadership failed to address the queries raised by the woman leaving her in the dark over her role in the group. The woman lost interest in the assignment and only did what she thought was right and nothing more. She felt unappreciated as she lacked an opportunity to exploit her skills, knowledge, and creativity. As a result, other group members felt that she did not contribute much to the work done by the group. On the other hand, the woman and other group members had personal issues that affected their concentration and commitment to the assignment (Brookins 2014). This fostered poor communication that led to the dismissal of the woman from the group. Additionally, fear is another factor that led to poor communication in the group. After losing her confidence and interest on the assignment, the woman developed the fear of failing in the assignment. As such, her contribution to the group was below the group’s expectation and hence the dismissal. There was low momentum in the group where members were not facing
Friday, August 23, 2019
Lab work for an 8 week semester Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Work for an 8 week semester - Lab Report Example This is inertia because the sudden change of speed alters the state of the water inside the glass, which was in motion. d) After walking in a straight line with a constant speed then making an abrupt stop, the water experience turbulence. This turbulence is caused by inertia Questions 1) The observations of the behavior of water inside the container (turbulence) conform to Newton’s law of inertia. While moving with the container, water inside the glass also moves at the same speed. When an abrupt stop or left or right hand turn is made, the speed of the water inside the container is suddenly changed and water resists this change of motion (Nardo, Don, and Ashlee 16). 2) While the container is accelerated towards the left, water moves in the same direction of acceleration and resists the forces that compel it to stop. 3) Another similar example to this experiment is when one is driving a car. The body of the driver will be moving at a speed that is equal to the speed of the car . When the driver makes a sudden stop, his body will continue moving at the speed and he will resist the sudden change of speed. Therefore, the driver’s body will experience inertia, which is the reluctance to sudden change of motion or speed The washers with the larger mass and weight pull the washers on the other side of the pulley. The lighter washers move up the pulley while the heavier washers move down the pulley. Trial M1 M2 Change of M2 Time (s) Acceleration 1 1.4 3.0 1.6 0.51 12.1 2 1.4 3.2 1.8 0.56 11.5 3 1.6 3.5 1.9 0.66 8.6 4 1.5 3.6 2.1 0.68 9.1 5 1.6 3.8 2.2 0.66 10.2 Trial M1 M2 Change of M2 Time (s) Acceleration 1 0.9 3.0 2.1 0.68 9.1 2 1.9 3.5 1.6 0.58 9.6 3 1.2 3.8 2.6 0.81 8.0 4 0.9 3.9 3.0 0.77 10.2 5 0.7 3.2 2.5 0.71 10.0 Newton’s third Law of motion In this experiment, the balloon is tied to a straw in which a string passes through. Both ends of the string are attached to two chairs that are separated ten meters away from each other. The balloon i s inflated with air and placed next to one end of a chair. Observation: On releasing the balloon, it moves instantaneously in the opposite direction while it pools the straw towards the other end of the chair. This observation can be used to explain Newton’s third law of motion that states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. 1. Explanation of observation: The air that was filled inside the balloon was under pressure. When the balloon is released, the air shoots out of the balloon in an opposite direction. The force exerted by the air that moves out of the balloon has another equal and opposite force (the balloon) that causes the balloon to move in the opposite d
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Gun politics Essay Example for Free
Gun politics Essay This family was a victim of a problem they could have avoided-a problem that, according to Florida park rangers, hundreds of visitors suffer each year. Several times a month, ranger Rod Torres of OLeno State Park said, people get scared and leave the park in the middle of the night. Those people picked the wrong kind of park to visit. Not that there was anything wrong with the park: The hikers camped next to them loved the wild isolation of it. But it just wasnt the kind of place the couple from New Jersey had in mind when they decided to camp out on this trip through Florida. Here is an example of a student model answer of an Expository Essay from The Write Source:Did you know that 7 out of 10 students have cheated at least once in the past year? Did you know that 50 percent of those students have cheated more than twice? These shocking statistics are from a survey of 9,000 U.S. high school students.Incredibly, teachers may even be encouraging their students to cheat! Last year at a school in Detroit, teachers allegedly provided their students with answers to statewide standard tests.Here is an another example of an expository essay. This example comes from Essay Start:Throughout history and through a cross-section of cultures, women have transformed their appearance to conform to a beauty ideal. Ancient Chinese aristocrats bound their feet as a show of femininity; American and European women in the 1800s cinched in their waists so tightly, some suffered internal damage; in some African cultures women continue to wear plates in their lower lips, continually stretching the skin to receive plates of larger size. The North American ideal of beauty has continually focussed on womens bodies: the tiny waist of the Victorian period, the boyish figure in vogue during the flapper era, and the voluptuous curves that were the measure of beauty between the 1930s and 1950s. Current standards emphasize a toned, slender look, one that exudes fitness, youth, and health. According to psychologist Eva Szekely, Having to be attractive at this time . . . means unequivocally having to be thin. In North America today, thinness is a precondition for being perceived by others and oneself as healthy (19). However, this relentless pursuit of thinness is not just an example of women trying to look their best, it is also a struggle for control, acceptance and success. Finally, here are excerpts from argumentative essays: Gun control has been a controversial issue for years. A vast majority of citizens believe that if gun control is strictly enforced it would quickly reduce the threat of crime. Many innocent people feel they have the right to bear arms for protection, or even for the pleasure of hunting. These people are penalized for protecting their lives, or even for enjoying a common, innocent sport. To enforce gun control throughout the nation means violating a persons Constitutional rights. Although some people feel that the issue of gun control will limit crime, the issue should not exist due to the fact that guns are necessary for self defense against crime, and by enforcing gun control is violating a citizen’s second amendment right to bear arms. Another examples of an argumentative essay comes from Bogazici University:Throw out the bottles and boxes of drugs in your house. A new theory suggests that medicine could be bad for your health, which should at leastcome as good news to people who cannot afford to buy expensive medicine. However, it is a blow to the medicine industry, and an evenbigger blow to our confidence in the progress of science. This new theory argues that healing is at our fingertips: we can be healthy by doing Reikion on a regular basis. On Essay By Example, on the other hand, the sample argumentative essay addresses online games and socialization: Online games arent just a diversion, but a unique way to meet other people. As millions of gamers demonstrate, playing online is about friendship and cooperation, not just killing monsters. These games are a viable social network because players focus on teamwork, form groups with like-minded people and have romantic relationships with other players. Massively-Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) feature millions of players interacting in the same environment. The games are social in nature as they allow players to band together and complete missions based on a story line, or test their skills by fighting against each other. At the start of the game, the user creates a fictional character, and customizes its physical appearance. Since many games involve combat, players also outfit their characters with armor and weapons, as well as choose their profession. Many popular game titles like World of Warcraft and Everquest follow a fantasy theme, so most professions have magical abilities like healing other players or raising undead minions. While the process seems simple, players may spend hours agonizing over the perfect look for their character, from their armor color to the type of skills to use in battle. Once their character is created, the player is free to explore the vast, digital world and interact with other players; however they must pay on average $15 a month for game content. MMOG users are mostly male usually between the ages of 18-34 although titles like World of Warcraft have a healthy population of female players as well. With millions of players, there are plenty of people to adventure with. The key to learning to write a good essay is to read and study other essays and then practice, practice, rewrite and practice some more
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Post-election Economic Implications for South Africa
Post-election Economic Implications for South Africa Jasper Kotze Introduction South-Africa is a country with a difficult past as it is for any developing country. We have had our wars and internal conflict but one of the biggest mistakes we made is still haunting South-Africa today. We never invested enough in our people and when we did it was only in a small portion of the population. This problem was not so apparent at first because of how rich in high value minerals and agricultural land we had this in turn allowed our economy grow at a great pace. While the mining industry in South-African exports is still very large it is at the lowest point it ever was and will only shrink in times to come. Today our government is struggling with this problem as we have a barley educated population heading into and age of growing globalization where a skilled labor force is critical. Depending how fast we develop and improve as a country will intern influence our global standing as a stable economy that the international market will want to invest in. Priorities of resou rce allocations are made by government and is closely watched and monitored by the world. This makes election times a critical point in economical time as the decisions we make as the people and the government will determine the effects on the economy. Education and Unemployment One of the critical parts of the economy is a skilled work force. Education is the starting point for the development of a laborer or an employed person. It is the foundation of the entire economy and links into every aspect of the economy. If you look at the problems that are caused by an uneducated or largely illiterate nation it is staggering to see how many problems South-Africa is facing is linked to education. Education is linked to employment as a requirement, this intern links to the inverse in uneducated to unemployment and long term unemployment leads to greater levels of poverty and poverty leads to crime. But if there is no job there can be no employment even if you are educated. This is where education promotes entrepreneurship and successful entrepreneurs start businesses that employ more people as they grow. One of the big reasons why education will start to play a bigger and bigger role in South-Africa is because the demand for crude metals is dropping. We are moving to into the age of technology that is becoming more and more refined and sophisticated in size. This requires high quality products that intern requires a high quality labor force and the quality of your labor force is determined by their education. Because of the efficiency effect technology has on business there is a huge increase in company capital investment into technology and fewer and fewer physical labor will be required in the future. For example: The cars that we drive are not welded by skilled workers they are welded by automated robots. The Solidarity Research institutes (2011) did a study on the labor market and matriculates. This study was a great source to quantify the scale of the education problem in South-Africa. Currently in South-Africa we have a total population of 50.6 million of that 32.5 million is in working age. Of the 32.5 million of working age only 40.9% are employable, this percentage is also called the absorption rate. Currently average absorption stated by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is at 65%. We are lagging far behind our population is too young and far more people are reaching working age that the amount of people at are retiring. Looking at the effect of the recession our absorption rate fell by 5% from 2008 to 2011 this. The extent of the education problem is also highlighted. Currently of the population older than 19 only 11.2% have tertiary education, 26.2% finished Matric, 37.5% has not finished high school, 18% have not finished primary school and 7% have no education. There has been a steady increase in the levels of education but the big problem is that it is happening too slowly. The biggest reason for this is too many children are dropping out of the education system and eventually adds to the unemployment rate. To show this of the amount of grade 1 students that start only 45.7% make is to matric and of that amount only 29.8% pass the exam. The alarming problem is that government prize themselves with a high matric pass rate but the real figure is much more alarming and a true representation of the situation that our education system finds itself in. Another issue discussed in this study is the quality of your school system and the alarming requirements set for a student to pass The picture painted does look grim but what has the Government done and planned in recent years? Looking at some big news for the education industry on (2014) the government budgeted for the period of 20142015 20% of the budget for the maintenance and development of education, a total sum of R253-billion. The money will to a large extent be used build new schools. 433 new schools are to be developed in the coming 3 years and this will aid children the more than 9 million in the country side. The government has largely improved on the free school initiative. There has been an increase of 20% of schools that are free from the 40% figure of 2007. This had a big increase of the amount of children that can now attend school with a figure of 5 million in 2007 to 8.8 million in 2014. The government has also launched a school nutrition program that feeds all of these children this helps these children stay healthy and acts as an incentive to keep them in the education system. To improve on the quality of education and increase the total of qualified teachers the government started the Funza Lushaka bursary scheme for students who want to teach in the public schools. The scheme has helped produce 3000 graduates so far that are ready for placement in public schools. For tertiary education 21% of the education budget will be spent on National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) (R19 billion) and university subsidies (R21 billion). South-Africa can now be proud of its first university built in democratic times seen on (2014). This is a huge achievement seeing that the last university that was built Rand Afrikaans University (RAU) , was 46 years ago. One other great initiative from government is the Green Paper for Post-School Education and Training. Explained and summarized Yuven Gounden(2012), the aim of the paper is to help integrate the government development plans and strategies with all tertiary education institutions and address the e ducation backlog. The plan also mentions all the goals and objects set out by the department of education and how government funding will be used to achieve the set goals up to 2030.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Nutrition Behaviour in Attraction to Wellness Programme
Nutrition Behaviour in Attraction to Wellness Programme The Role of Nutrition Behaviours in Employee Attraction to a Workplace Wellness Program Nutrition, Overweight Obesity Between 1980 and 2014, obesity has more than doubled, on a global scale. In 2014 alone, over 1.9 billion adults were overweight, and of those, an alarming 600 million were obese (39% overweight, of those, 13% obese; WHO, 2015). Using overweight and obesity incidence from a Australian longitudinal study from 2000 to 2005, Walls and colleagues (2011) estimated future prevalence of weight gain to result in less than a third of the Australian adult population categorised as healthy weight, with a 65 percent increase in obesity prevalence by the year 2025. Similarly, an American study predicted obesity prevalence and associated costs, based on national survey data (collected from 1970s to 2004). It was estimated that by the year 2030, 86.3 percent of American adults would be classified as overweight or obese, and 51.1 percent would be obese (Wang et al, 2008). Health care costs associated with overweight and obesity were predicted to double every decade by the year 2030, and account for 16 to 18 percent of total health care related costs in the U.S (Wang et al, 2008). Poor nutrition and unhealthy eating behaviours are key contributors to overweight and obesity, with the increase in consumption of energy-dense, high fat content foods observed worldwide. Unhealthy nutrition coupled with sedentary lifestyle, and the resulting imbalance of calories consumed versus calories expended, have been considered the primary driving force behind the ever increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity (WHO, 2015). Serious health implications are associated with overweight and obesity. Elevations in Body Mass Index (BMI) equal to or above 25 is considered a major risk factor for non-communicable (chronic) diseases including cardiovascular disease (mostly heart disease and stroke), diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders (particularly osteoarthritis), and some cancers (including endometrial, breast and colon cancer) (WHO, 2015). Furthermore, increases in BMI have been found to be proportionally related to increases in the risk of non-communicable diseases (WHO, 2015). Various health and wellness initiatives have been developed and administered, in response to the obesity epidemic. Workplaces, easy accessible environment for WHPP The workplace presents a practical setting for the delivery of health promotion strategies, by providing pre-existing structure, resources, potential social and organisational support, and access to a large percentage of the adult population (Goetzel Ozminkowski, 2008). Workplace based health promotion programs (WHPPs) have been associated with both health and cost related benefits, including the health and wellbeing of employees, reduced medical costs, reduced absenteeism related costs, and increased productivity, mutually benefiting both the individual employee/s and larger organisation (Goetzel Ozminkowski, 2008). Not surprisingly, the workplace is considered by the World Health Organisation as a priority setting for public health promotion (WHO, 2009). Effectiveness of WHPP in improving nutrition, eating behaviours and cost benefits to organisations Improving nutrition: Research has demonstrated the effectiveness of WHPPs in producing positive health behaviour changes in employees, particularly those targeting nutrition and physical activity, across a diverse range of workplaces, and internationally (e.g., Anderson et al, 2009; Goetzel Ozminkowski, 2008; Mhurchu, Aston Jebb, 2010). A review by Mhurchu, Aston Jebb (2010) assessing 16 studies published between 1995 and 2009, demonstrated the short term benefits of WHPPs targeting employee diets. Findings indicated workplace based health promotion programs were associated with moderate improvements in employee nutrition / dietary intake including fruit, vegetable, and total fat consumption. Of the studies included in the review, eight included employee education, and the remaining targeted changes in the workplace alone or in conjunction with an education component. Reviews by Anderson and colleagues (2009), and Maes and colleagues (2011) demonstrated longer term benefits of WHPP, targeting employee weight related outcomes including body mass, BMI and body fat percentage. Both reviews demonstrated limited to moderate positive effects in employee weight, BMI and body fat percentage. Anderson and colleagues (2009) assessed studies published between 1966 and 2005, with 50 percent of included studies conducted in the U.S, the remaining were conducted in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Canada, India, and Iceland. Only one randomised control trial (RCT) focused on nutrition, reporting weight loss of -1.17 pounds (0.53 kgs; 95% CI= -8.38 [3.80kg], +4.95 [2.25kg]), and five multi-component RCTs targeting both nutrition and physical activity indicated a pooled effect of -3.18 pounds (1.44 kgs; 95% CI= -5.88 [2.67kg], -0.50 [0.23kg]). Overall, the findings indicated moderate improvements in employee body mass between 6 and 12 months post intervention, with the authors concluding that WHPPs targeting nutrition, physical activity, or both, produce modest reductions in weight. The review by Maes and colleagues (2011) assessed the effectiveness of 13 European based studies published between 1990 and 2010, targeting nutrition / health eating, alone, or in combination with physical activity. Effectiveness of WHPPs was assessed by nutrition, physical activity, body composition and behavioural determinants.. Findings indicated a limited to moderate positive effect of WHPPs on employee nutrition and physical activity. Of all the studies reviewed, few looked at the effectiveness of modifying the workplace environment (Anderson et al, 2009; Mhurchu et al, 2010). However, recent research has demonstrated the benefits of an environment modification intervention, finding increases in access and exposure to nutrition information resulted in increased employee consumption of fruits and vegetables (Kushida Murayama, 2014). Improving cost benefit: In addition to improved health outcomes, WHPPs have also been associated with economic benefits including increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, and reduced health care costs for both the organisation and individual employee (Anderson et al, 2009; Goetzel Ozminkowski, 2008). Baiker, Cutler and Song (2010) conducted a meta-analysis, demonstrating the capacity of WHPPs to reduce absenteeism and health care related costs, with the majority of interventions targeting smoking, obesity, and multiple risk factors such as nutrition, alcohol consumption, blood pressure. Studies were assessed based on positive return on employer investment in WHPPs, with 36 studies assessing outcomes of absenteeism, health care costs, or both. Overall, findings indicated absenteeism and health care costs were reduced by $2.73 and $3.27 respectively, for every dollar invested in a WHPP. Studies were grouped based on design, and included randomised controlled trials (RCTs), matched comparisons, non-randomised trials (NRTs), non-matched designs and studies reporting only post intervention results. Costs were standardised to the 2009 dollar value. In terms of absenteeism, all studies save one, reduced the number of absentee days and only two studies demonstrated no associated cost ben efit. Cost benefits were higher when absenteeism and health care outcomes were combined. The authors noted that participation was primarily voluntary, thus selection bias may be a confounding factor and should be considered when interpreting results. Potential for publication bias was also acknowledged, due to the higher likelihood of publishing significant findings regarding positive return on employer investment, which may reduce generalisability of results. Generalisability may also be limited to larger organisations, as of the studies included, over 90 percent had a sample size of more than 1000 employees, and 25 percent included samples of over 10,000. Furthermore, conclusions are limited due to the relatively short evaluation periods (studies averaged three year follow up), when considering the cost of implementing WHPPs are higher initially, with cost benefits accruing over time, indicating the need for further investigation into the long term economic savings of WHPPs. A systematic review by van Dongen and colleagues (2011) examined the cost benefits of WHPPs targeting employee nutrition, and or physical activity. A total of 18 studies comprising four randomised, controlled trials, 13 non-randomised studies, and one modelling study were included. Two studies assessed ROI of WHPP targeting physical activity, and 16 multi component WHPP targeting nutrition, physical activity, and other unhealthy lifestyle behaviours such as smoking, and alcohol consumption. Intervention duration ranged from six months to five years (Median 23.7 months; Mean: 21.1 months). WHPPs were assessed using return on investment analyses, comparing program costs after initial implementation to economic savings over time. Outcome measures of benefits associated with WHPP were defined as medical and productivity costs. The findings produced mixed results, with non-randomised studies demonstrating WHPPs linked to reduced absenteeism and medical costs, and RCTs failing to produce any evidence of financial return. Results from the NRTs must be interpreted with caution, due to possible confounding factors previously identified, such as selection bias. Although RCTs are considered ‘gold standard’, interpretation of comparisons between NRTs and RCTs are limited by the fact that NRTs were generally assessed over a longer time period than RCTs, and the higher costs associated at the initial stages of program implementation compared to higher benefits, lower costs over time may confound results. Furthermore, all NRTs except one were conducted in U.S, whereas all RCTs except one were conducted in Europe, and it was noted by authors that in the U.S health care costs per capita are double the costs of health care in Europe. Jensen (2011) conducted a systematic review, analysing the effects of workplace nutrition programs on productivity and absenteeism and presenteeism, 30 studies were included, with 13 assessing productivity and economic outcomes, and the remaining studies assessing health related outcomes as a secondary measure of expected financial savings. The studies addressing economic effects were categorised via study design, and included RCTs, quasi-experimental, and observational cross-sectional studies. All intervention demonstrated reductions in employee absenteeism, and increased productivity. Costs effectiveness of WHPP have also been investigated in smaller businesses and organisations, for example, Allen and colleagues (2012) demonstrated the cost effectiveness of a WHPP within an organisation of 172 employees. Findings demonstrated a $10.17 per percentage –point reduction in LDL cholesterol, $454.23 per point reduction in risk of coronary heart disease. Although WHPP have been demonstrated to provide benefits, both health and cost related, they are not without barriers and challenges, and face a number of limitations reducing program effectiveness. Low participation levels The most notable of limitations reducing effectiveness of health promotion programs delivered within a workplace based setting, is low level employee participation (Robroek et al, 2009). Roebroek and colleagues (2009) conducted a review of 23 studies, published between 1988 and 2007, to determine levels of employee participation in WHPP. Participation levels ranged from 10 to 64 percent, with a median of 33 percent (95% CI 25-42%), emphasising the need for further research investigating determinants of employee participation. The predictive capacity of intention to participate, as a determinant of actual participation has been demonstrated. A meta-analysis by Webb and Sheeran (2006) included 47 studies, experimental in design, testing intention-behaviour phenomenon, found medium to large changes in intention resulted in small to medium changes in behaviour. Similarly, a study by Rongen and colleagues (2014) demonstrated the predictive capacity of intention to participate to actual participation at the 6 month follow up, with 21 percent of participants reporting positive intention to participate were found to be more likely to partake in WHPP when offered. The presented evidence supports intention to participate as a predictive, albeit weak determinant of actual participation, and the need for further research into other determinant factors contributing to higher participation intention is evident. Characteristics / determinants of participation / intention to participate in WHPP (GAP IN LITERATURE – health determinants not thoroughly examined) A study by Middlestadt and colleagues (2011) identified factors associated with intention to participate, in 279 rural service and blue collar employees. Findings from multivariate analyses of variables including demographic, health and occupation, indicated higher intention among younger individuals, employees who had been physically active in the past 30 days, and those who reported higher consumption of fruit and vegetables. Toker, Heaney Ein-Gar (2014) highlighted the need for research into barriers to participation, and characteristics of both participants and particularly non participants. Roebroek, et al (2009) identified a lack of research into determinants of participation, in addition to program user and non-user characteristics, with more than 80% of included studies failing to provide data on determinants of individuals opting not to participate. Systematic review by Robroek and colleagues (2009) evaluated underlying individual, health- and work-related determinants of participation in WHPPS, analysing program characteristics that influence participation levels. Of the studies included in the review by Robroek and colleagues (2009), a number of health-related determinants were addressed; however only one study looked at current nutrition behaviours as a determinant of participation in a WHPP. From the current evidence, research into the capacity of health-related factors to influence employee intention to participate, is clearly lacking. The current study aims to fill this gap, by providing insight into the role of nutrition behaviours in in employee attraction to, interest in, and intention to participate in a nutrition workplace health promotion program. Hypotheses. Employees with healthier nutrition behaviours indicated more interest in improvement, assistance and intention to participate in workplace nutrition program than those employees with less healthy / unhealthy nutrition behaviours Method This study was conducted as part of a larger study by The Wesley Research Institute and received ethical clearance from the UnitingCare Health Human Research Ethics Committee (#2013.03.74).Study Design. The study employed a cross-sectional design, the intervention consisted of a self-report survey. The study / data collection / intervention was conducted between ____ and ____. EXAMPLE = This study was a nonrandomized controlled trial consisting of an intervention and a minimal intervention comparison group. The study was performed for 24 weeks between October, 2009 and March, 2010. This study was part of a project conducted by the Niigata city government in Japan. Participants and Recruitment Employees from a mining company and rail freight company, from several work sites located across rural and remote Queensland, Australia, were invited to participate in a survey. Employees were recruited via convenience sampling. Include power analysis? Did we estimate the number of participants we required? Work sites were selected based on ____? Employee accessibility? Rural remote sites, due to minimal access to health services? A total of ___ employees participated / completed the health risk assessment and survey / study. Of those, ___% were male, ___% female, ranging in age from ___ to ___ (Mean:___ years). Mining sites included _______ (N = ). Employees were provided with a detailed information sheet, explaining / outlining the study, and informed consent was obtained prior to participation / commencement of risk assessment / survey. Procedure Surveys were, both in hard copy and electronically . Self-report data including demographic, health / nutrition behaviours, and desire for improvement, desire for assistance and intention to participate in a work-based health promotion program, were collected. Health behaviour and nutrition items, included salt, milk (fat), and fast food consumption, and meeting national guidelines for daily fruit and vegetable intake ( National Health Survey, ABS 2011-2012). Demographics were measured / obtained using/ with use of survey items from the National Health Survey (ABS, 2011-2012). Nutrition items measuring fat content of milk, salt intake, frequency of takeaway consumption, vegetable servings and fruit servings per day were based on items included / in National Health Survey (ABS 2011-2012) and Queensland Health survey (Overweight and Obesity, 2011). Results Discussion Implications. those individuals least healthy nutrition/ health behaviours, less likely to participate in WHPP, uptake of program – may require health risk assessment and health education prior to WHPP implementation, to raise awareness and increase program reach / uptake for those more at risk of health problems / illness related to / due to poor nutrition and eating behaviours.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Hypnotherapy: Can it Stop Cigarette Addiction? Essay examples -- Hypno
Hypnotherapy: Can it Stop Cigarette Addiction? â€Å"And now, when I snap my fingers, you will never smoke again! †Could there be something more useful to hypnosis than just magical entertainment? Are there applications for hypnosis in the medical realm? Hypnotherapists now advocate hypnosis as a near panacea, claiming it can help one lose weight, stop smoking, improve memory, improve athletic ability, reduce stress, build self-confidence, overcome phobias, find lost articles, and even manage chronic pain (http://sageways. com/sageline/0196/hah. html). It has been estimated that some 390,000 Americans die prematurely from cigarette smoking each year. Smoking has been linked as a major risk factor to lung cancer (and many other forms of cancer), heart disease, chronic lung diseases, stroke, and respiratory illness. However quitting smoking can decreases the risk of these chronic illnesses and those who quit smoking generally live longer and healthier than those who do not. As scientific evidence revealing the harmful eff ects of smoking has accumulated to the of point universal acceptance, smokers are now seeking heavily (even desperately) to terminate their potentially fatal habit. Furthermore, smokers usually must make multiple attempts to quit their habit before reaching the point of abstinence. In such despair, an unorthodox treatment such as hypnosis can arise as a tantalizing option. But can a hypnotherapist really use hypnosis to end such an ingrained habit, or are the seemingly magic powers of hypnosis being used to swindle money from the gullible and the desperate? Who Advocates Hypnosis? In general hypnotherapists and other alternative therapists endorse hypnosis. Many of these advocates do not possess a... Physician, 42(5Suppl), 70S-73S. Schwartz, J. L. (1992). Methods of Smoking Cessation. Medical Clinics of North America, 76(2), 451-76. Schubert, D. K. (1983). Comparison of Hypnotherapy with Systematic Relaxation in the Treatment of Cigarette Habituation. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 39(2), 198-202. Spiegel, D. , Frischhlz, E. J. , Fleiss, J. L. , & Spiegel, H. (1993). Predictors of Smoking Abstinence Following a Single-Session Restructuring Intervention With Self-Hypnosis. American Journal of Psychiatry, 150(7), 1090-7. Sorensen, G. , Beder, B. Prible, C. R. , & Pinney, J. (1995). Reducing Smoking at the Workplace: Implementing a Smoking Ban and Hypnotherapy. Journal of Occupational Medicine, 37(4), 453-60. Van Dyck, R. & Hoogduin, K. (1990). Hypnosis: Placebo or Nonplacebo?American Journal of Psychotherapy, 44(3), 396-404.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
To Save or Not To Save - That Is the Question Essay -- Animal Research
When you look at a bald eagle, you see how powerful and majestic this bird is, which is how many people feel about the United States; that’s why the bald eagle is our national emblem on our Great Seal. It would be a dishonor to our Nation to have such a worldwide-recognized symbol of The United States extinct, but in fact that’s exactly what almost happened. To help the bald eagle regain it’s numbers, on December 28, 1973, President Richard M. Nixon signed The Endangered Species Act. â€Å"The law established procedures for conserving plants and animals in danger of extinction and those that are threatened, or likely to become endangered in the foreseeable future (Cooper, â€Å"Endangered Species Act†855). Since its establishment, the Endangered Species Act has been a topic of debate on whether the way the act is set up now has been worth the securing of land, including land that is privately owned, the time to research and the money that has been spen t. Once species are listed as either threatened or endangered of becoming extinct the first move is to figure out what can be done to help them. What kind of habitat does it need to thrive? Is it isolated to only a few regions of the country or widely located? Could it be introduced into new regions, whether rural or urban, and still have a chance of survival? The lands that are being protected range from mountains to national parks to any neighborhood across the country, so that the smallest plant to the largest wild animal has an environment where they can continue to thrive. Some species have been reintroduced and their populations have recovered enough to bring them out of the endangered status and off of the Endangered Species Act listing. Wolfs and grizzly bears are two out of the... ...have their valid points. The two sides need to work together discuss which animals are vital to the balance of the eco-system and which plants could help create medicine that fight illnesses like cancer. The laws also need to reflect not only the time and money involved in saving the world’s species of plants and animals but also protecting the livelihood of the populations of people who are involved in such areas. The balance between the two is possible as long as both sides work with each other not against each other. Works Cited Arrandale, Tom. "Disappearing Species." CQ Researcher 17.42 (2007): 985-1008. CQ Researcher. Web. 24 Mar. 2012. Cooper, Mary H. "Endangered Species Act." CQ Researcher 9.37 (1999): 849-64. CQ Researcher. Web. 24 Mar. 2012. ---. "Endangered Species Act." CQ Researcher 15.21 (2005): 493-516. CQ Researcher. Web. 24 Mar. 2012.
Essay --
Credit Rating Check: Improve Your Credit Score Your credit score is one of your most important financial attributes. Fortunately for those who are unsatisfied with their credit rating, there are plenty of options available. Improving your score is an attainable goal that everyone should aim for, even those who are content with their credit rating. Checking Your Score The first step to improving your credit score is simple, yet essential; request a copy of your credit report. Improvements can only be made when you are aware of your starting point. Luckily, this process is free, easy, and can be done from the comfort of your own home. You can visit to complete the necessary forms online, or find information on how to complete the process via phone or mail. Aside from informing you of your score, it is also important to request a credit report to ensure that there are no errors. Clerical mistakes can occur, and you want to make certain that your credit score reflects completely accurate information. It is best to request a credit report as soon as possible, since disputing any issues can be a lengthy process. Paying Bills on Time This may seem like a no-brainer, but one of the most important steps to improving your credit score is to pay all of your bills on time. Even making payments a few days late can have an impact on your score, so try to always pay on (or, even better, before) the due-date. If you find yourself with a missed payment or two, it is very important to get caught up as soon as possible. Although older information will remain on your credit report, it holds less value than current financial activity. The longer you can go without missing a due-date, the less relevance y... On top of that, a sudden increase in credit portrays you as a much higher risk than someone who has steadily built up accounts and credit as needed. Improving your credit score can be a difficult and frustrating process that takes plenty of patience. It is important to build strong financial habits that will increase your score over time. When you find yourself dealing with credit from the past, this process becomes even more complicated, but this is when it is most essential to take charge and begin to work on these steps. First and foremost, you must get a credit rating check if you want to improve your score. With that information, you can decide what steps need to be taken; they will be slightly different for everyone. It may be tough to motivate yourself to take charge of your credit score, but you will definitely thank yourself for doing so.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Measurements of physical characteristics Essay
Measurements of physical characteristics are used widely in everyday human life, whether in household or industrial processes, in service or in scientific researches. Some of the main categories of regularly measured parameters are weight, length, area, volume, temperature, density, concentration, voltage, amperage and power. Measurement units historically differed from nation to nation, but over time there is a straight tendency for unification of units. Metric system is recognized as universal in ever-growing number of countries and this allows to minimize differences and errors in international scientific, trade and other types of communications. In metric system, meter, its multiples and fractionals are used for the measurements of length, square meter and its derivates are for measurements of area, cubic meter – for measurements of volume. For measuring temperature there are Celsius or Fahrenheit degrees used, for measuring density – kilogram per cubic meter. Voltage in international metric system is measured in volts, amperage – in amperes, and watts are used for measuring power. To perform measurements one needs to have appropriate instruments. These instruments should have accuracy grade acceptable for the type and purpose of measurements that will be performed. When measurement of length is performed, the only kind of instruments needed is tape-measure or straight scale, if size of measured object is relatively small. If distance that has to be measured is large, and surface between starting and finishing points is not smooth, more sophisticated instruments will be needed to perform required measurements. Measurements of area and volume will sometimes require certain calculations in addition to direct measurements. If measurement of an area of regular shape is performed, it is enough to measure length of the sides of that area and then apply relatively simple formulas for calculation of that area. But if the area measured has irregular shape with edges of bizarre form, calculations will be far more complex and may require solution of integral equations to determine approximate size of an area in question. When it is necessary to measure volume of a liquid, volumetric glassware is enough. But when the volume of a body with complex form shall be calculated, procedure of measurement may become much more complicated. If the body with unknown volume is available for direct measurement, it may be submerged into the water or any other liquid and volume of displaced liquid that is equal to the volume of that body, could be measured. But if that body is not available for direct measurement and is given in form of a scheme with known parameters measured or set beforehand, then rather complicated calculations may be required to estimate the volume of a said body. Density of a liquid may be measured using special instrument called densitometer, which is based on displacement of a certain amount of liquid by the weight of the instrument. The higher density of examined liquid, the smaller will be volume of liquid displaced. For estimation of the density of gases or solid bodies another methods shall be applied, because displacement-based densitometry cannot be applied to non-liquid substances. Measurements of mass and volume are usually performed, and density then is calculated using the simple formula of mass divided by volume. Temperature can be measured using thermometers of different types – liquid-filled, electric, etc. Electric parameters like amperage, voltage and power, could be measured either directly using specific measuring devices, or indirectly by measuring related parameters and later calculating values of parameters required. For a list of physical parameters there are specific units in the system of measurements. Some of the examples were given above. For another example, unit for measuring force is newton, and unit for pressure is pascal. Certain parameters can be formulated indirectly through other units. Speed, for example, is defined as unit of distance passed per unit of time, and acceleration – as rate of change of speed per unit of time. Consequently, force that influences a body, may be calculated through known mass of the body, its beginning speed and rate of change of its speed under the influence of the force studied. Unfortunately, measurements can never provide us with absolute values of parameter we are interested in. Due to imperfection of both human perception, instruments for measurements and because of influence of unstable environmental conditions upon the instrument, body that is subjected to measurements and the person performing measurements, some imprecision will always be present. Additionally, when performing measurements, observer sometimes has to use estimated data because more or less precious values can not be obtained under current conditions. Or maybe high precision values of a given parameter are not important for the current task. Either way, estimation of measured data sometimes takes place, as well as certain ever-present
Friday, August 16, 2019
Does repositioning a patient every two hours prevent pressure ulcers?
Pressure ulcers are a common problem in all health care settings. Risk factors associated with increased pressure ulcer incidence have been identified. Activity or mobility limitation, incontinence, abnormalities in nutritional status, and altered consciousness are the most consistently reported risk factors for pressure ulcers. While evidence based protocols are in place are we doing enough to prevent pressure Ulcers?In the first Article I read, Developing a Protocol for Intensive Care Patients at High Risk for Pressure Ulcers it states That â€Å"National Database of Nursing Quality indicators report that facility acquired pressure ulcer rates for critical care units range between 7.14% and 14.5%†(Critical Care Nurse June 2012 Vol 30 no.3 77-80). The article goes on to say this number is still too high of an incidence. Before any protocol will be effective all personnel involved in direct patient care need to be trained to ensure continuity of care.The second article I read , Does Regular Repositioning Prevent Pressure Ulcers, states that â€Å"Despite gaps in our knowledge of optimal positions for specific patient groups, the ideal frequency of repositioning, and the complex relationships among support surfaces, repositioning practices and tissue interface pressures, contemporary clinicians and scholars continue to assert that repositioning is an essential component of a pressure ulcer prevention†.(Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing Nov 2008 Vo1 35 Number 6) The article goes on to say that repositioning every 4 hours along with alternating air mattresses are just as effective in preventing pressure ulcers.The third article I read Preventing Pressure Ulcers in Hospitals: A systemic Review Of Nurse-Focused Quality Improvement Interventions stated that â€Å"pressure Ulcer prevention may reduce overall incidence of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers†. (The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety June 2011 Vol 3 7 Number 6) The article goes on to talk about the gaps in research and the need for more studies as well as the need for documenting details (where the ulcer is, what unit the pt is in, how long they have been in the hosp., pt’s co morbidities).Pain, infectious complications, prolonged and expensive hospitalizations, persistent open ulcers, and increased risk of death are all associated with the development of pressure ulcers. The tremendous variability in pressure ulcer prevalence and incidence in health care settings suggests that opportunities exist to improve outcomes for persons at risk for and with pressure ulcers. In doing this research I learned that even though we have made a lot of progress towards preventing pressure ulcers we still have a long way to go. I will be using the protocol of turning my patients every two hours and when they are at a higher risk I will initiate the alternating air mattress for them.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Marriage and Ancient Greek Culture
Marriage is when a man and a woman are religiously committed to each other. In ancient Greek culture, this reflected on the relationship of the King and Queen, and Odysseus and Penelope, but they weren’t quite similar. The King and Queen had a closer relationship, while Odysseus and Penelope were always separated. Odysseus and Penelope’s marriage was nothing like the King and Queens. Odysseus wasn’t really faithful while trying to get back to his wife. For example, the first time Odysseus wasn’t faithful was when he was captured by Calypso. In The Odyssey, it said â€Å"Even as he spoke, the sun set and the darkness swept the earth. And now, withdrawing into the cavern’s deep recesses, long in each other’s arms they lost themselves in love†. That basically says that they had a sexual relationship. This wasn’t really good of Odysseus due to the fact that he’s married. On the other hand, Penelope is at home waiting for him, and making up excuses that she will marry someone new. To make the other people believe that she unsows her quilt to take longer. The better relationship is between the King and Queen. Unlike Penelope and Odysseus, they live together. In The Odyssey, they said â€Å"Alcinous slept in chambers deep in his loft house where the queen his wife arranged and share their bed. †That showed that they didn’t sleep in different beds, but that they slept together and shared it. The King and Queen are an example of what marriage should be like. Men and woman play different roles. In The Odyssey, there are different roles. For example, woman had to be seen with their husband and not any other man, because then they would be called a bad name. Also, men shouldn’t change in front of other woman while he’s married because it doesn’t show respect for their self and their wife. Ancient Greek culture had many rules, and they were better if you followed them. Marriage and courtship is very important to Greek culture. Not everyone takes it serious, for instance, Odysseus. He wasn’t faithful, and showed he doesn’t care for his wife back home. The King shows he’s very loving to his wife because they live together. Not all marriages are the same, and not everyone takes it as a commitment.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Marks & Spencer SWOT and PEST Essay
Marks and Spencer is the British multinational retail company that specializes on producing clothing and high-quality food. Being the dominant force on the UK market Marks and Spencer owns 600 stores in the home country and over 225 stores worldwide. Bird (1986) claims Marks and Spencer to be the most powerful image of Great Britain; the company currently being the most profitable UK organization also is one of the most innovative in the world. Two main features of the Marks and Spencer are centralization and simplicity. The firm tends to use centralized organizational structure and tries to keep everything simple avoiding the complexity in any aspect of systematic applications (Howells, 1981). Strengths: Marks and Spencer has been known for its highest standards of fair-trading, which include acquiring strong contacts with current suppliers, producing and proposing high-quality food, being friendly to the staff and having a flexible exchange policy for existing customers (Grayson, 2011). Having a stable and positive reputation is inevitable for the big worldwide brands. The company being initially only focused on producing garments lately diversified its market to the other sectors, such as food, electronics and furniture (Hamil, Crosbie, 1990). Diversification guaranteed bigger amount of customers for the company and expanded its growth. The company tends to locate its stores in the high streets which leads to obtaining large amount of customers every day and therefore larger profit. (Bird, Witherwick, 1986). Furthermore, Marks and Spencer does not rent the premises, it owns stores eliminating the possible rental costs. Marks and Spencer is an international retailer which owns more than thousand shops approximately in forty countries, covering market of such a big size is beneficial for the company’s income (Salmon, Tordjman, 1989). According to Doyle (1982), Marks and Spencer is the Britain’s strongest and most successful brand that makes company well known around the world and differentiates it from competitors making it unique. Weaknesses: Marks and Spencer due to diversification and operating in more than one market (garments, food, furniture) is not concentrated on any particular segment, unlike its main competitors such as Tesco and Sainsbury’s which retail only food (Lewis, Thomas, 1990). The lack of the focus and concentration may lead to the reduced innovations and scarcity of the expertise in one particular market area. When Marks and Spencer tried to expand their market adding the clothing line for younger people, it experienced loss and failure, as it wasn’t able to follow latest fashion trends to satisfy younger audience and kept a reputation of the retailing brand mainly for elder women (Fletcher, 2007). According to Alon (2000), Marks and Spencer experienced lack of inventory control which led to the underperforming other major British companies by 25% in 1998. The average price comparison made by Telegraph in 2008 has shown that the prices on the Marks and Spencer’s food exceed thos e in Asda by 3.6%. The company is considered high-priced and looses large amount of customers from middle and lower class, who prefer daily shopping in other big retail chains like Asda, Sainsbury’s and Tesco, where prices are much cheaper and more reasonable (Avery, 2011). Political factors: Each company which desires to maximize its profit should develop within the governmental policies. Marks and Spencer is not an exception, as the company believes that engagement with the government is beneficial for the organization’s income. According to Marks and Spencer’s official website, company tends to communicate with the political audiences either directly or through the trade memberships. After the â€Å"green†governmental policy in 2008, Marks and Spencer introduced the 5p charge for the plastic bags across its stores (Vaughan, 2011). Marks and Spencer is located in the UK, which has stable political background and tax policies (McGrattan, 2005). However, in 2005 the company experienced losses in the EU area and appealed to the court for the opportunity to deduct international losses from its UK tax bill (European Commission Legal Services, 2005). After European Court of Justice announced that Marks and Spencer and other UK companies have the right to counterpoise British tax bill, Marks and Spencer has won this case receiving 30 million tax relief (BBC, 2005). Economic factors: The majority of international companies are considering the USA a perfect area of franchising due to the big population and large size of the market. Marks and Spencer was among the first British retailers who considered expanding its business to the North America (Alexander, 1995). However, the September 11 attacks have caused economic crisis and change in the purchasing behavior of American citizens which led to the extreme losses experienced by Marks and Spencer throughout the following year imposing the company to close the non-core branch in North America (BBC, 2002). Due to the financial crisis taking place in 2007-2008 (Barrel, 2008) and later severe crisis in Eurozone, the sales of Marks and Spencer has significantly decreased, as the salaries of the middle-class didn’t math the high-priced food and garments offered by the retailer (Rayner, 2008). Social factors: According to Marks and Spencer’s official website, company is focused on applying ethical trading, producing nontoxic food and employing responsible use of an energy, as the company believes that adapting CSR is vital for the development of business. Company is especially focused on the animal welfare, being the first UK retailer to sell only free-range eggs in its stores (Jones, 2005) and along with several other British retailers promotes food without additives (Jones, 2007). However, several years ago Marks and Spencer was accused in using the child labour in Morocco which might have damaged the company’s reputation (Frankental, 2001). According to Moore (1995) and Campbell (2010) Marks and Spencer over the past years has increased the amount of advertisement using different types of commercials. Nevertheless, the company was not been able to satisfy customers’ needs, while producing their clothing line for young people which led to the losses of profit (Jobbe r, 1999). Technological factors: According to Butler (2013), Marks and Spencer is the only big British food retailer that does not have an online shopping service, while other companies like Sainsbury’s and Morrison are making millions of pounds through the web. The company for the long time is using RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology that helped to achieve more efficient supply chain system. After the success with Marks and Spencer other British supermarkets implemented this technology in order to reduce costs and improve customer service (Jones, 2005). In 2012 Marks and Spencer announced the new marketing plan that included the wi-fi connection throughout its stores, planning that the customers would be able to see the full stock of products on their devises which would simplify searching for the preferable item (Raddick, 2012). Conclusion: Marks and Spencer is the powerful international retailer that can maximize its future profit taking into consideration further opportunities and threats of substitutes. Marks and Spencer should consider adding online shopping for its food products, as the other British food retailers like Tesco and Sainsbury’s already have this feature that gives a big percentage of companies’ income. Another way for developing company may be expanding to the Asian market which can guarantee huge profit due to the big size of population. One of the main threats caused by economic crisis both in USA and European Union is the loss of bargaining power of customers. People find it hard to afford the high prices offered by Marks and Spencer and therefore try to search for a cheaper alternative. Retailer in future should adapt to the social changes when producing their clothing line for younger people in order to satisfy this audience.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Answer the questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Answer the questions - Assignment Example In experiment 1a and 1b, they sought to demonstrate how failing to donate when a hedonic product is referenced affects self-image. Experiments 2a and 2b complemented the previous experiments by establishing the effect of reference products on donation choices. The final experiment (3) sought to test the theory behind donations and reference products by using the same reference product (a blender) as hedonic and utilitarian (29). The researchers established that consumers are inclined to donations whereby there is reference to a hedonic product as opposed to when a utilitarian product is referenced. In addition, when a similar product is used both as a hedonic and utilitarian reference, consumers will donate more on the hedonic reference. The researchers noted that base rates for donation reduced when larger amounts of money are requested regardless of referencing a hedonic product. Such results were not expected. However, they recommended that future research ought to focus on the relation between the reference product and the amount of money requested
Monday, August 12, 2019
Minicase-10(Managerial Accounting) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Minicase-10(Managerial Accounting) - Essay Example Restricted stock is that part of equity of the company that is allotted or sold on a conditional basis in lieu of compensation to be paid or as a part of ESOP. The conditions associated with the restricted stock would be that the investor should hold the stock for certain period of time. Another condition would be that the Employee needs to stay with the company for certain period of time to be eligible to trade in the restricted stock. Companies need to disclose the Stock based employee compensation in the Notes to the financial statements. 1ESOPs should be accounted based on Fair value based method of accounting or intrinsic value based accounting. Compensation cost under the fair value based method is measured at the option grant date based on the value of the option and is recognized over the service period, which is usually the vesting period. Compensation under the intrinsic value based method is the excess, if any, of the quoted market price of the stock at grant date over the amount an employee must pay to acquire the stock. Restricted stock awarded to an employee is measured at the market price of the non-restricted stock on the grant date. However, if a restriction is imposed after the employee is vested with the stock, then restricted stock is accounted at the fair value of stock calculated after taking into account such restriction. The major advantage of ESOPs is that the compensation cost pertaining to ESOPs is not charged to profit and loss account but is just disclosed in the notes to the financial statements. This would enable the companies to show more profits. Now the proposed accounting change of FASB is to make the companies to charge ESOP to the Profit and loss account. This will reduce the profits of many companies and hence the price of the stock of the company, this would prevent these corporate managers from selling the ESOPs granted to them. Apple
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