Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Public Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Public Relations - Essay Example Corporate social responsibility will always be given the emphasis that it richly deserves because it makes or breaks an organization in the sheer sense of the word1. To start with, public relations aim to focus on the aspect of building credibility for the sake of the organization in the eyes of the publics so that they can think, act and feel positive about the organization, the individual or an entity for that matter. The public relations are usually given importance because the organizations know that they will be able to derive a great amount of mileage from the intended publics as they aim to touch upon new avenues and explore the novel pathways upon which these publics can be reached in essence. What is most important is the fact that ethical manifestations start making the rounds of the discussions which center on the premise of public relations and the related corporate social responsibility2. ... Since public relations are all about understanding how the organization should be viewed by the public in terms of its important dealings, it will never afford to have a negative word about its own self. The role of public relations within the corporate social responsibility ranks is all the more necessary to gain an insight from. This is because public relations have always been forthright about the organization’s corrective stance no matter how difficult it is to reveal to the varied publics. This gains importance with the changing times since people are now properly realizing how they must be treated at the hands of these organizations and what kind of attitudes rule the roost at the end of the day. Public relations will always assist in building up a corporate social responsibility understanding as it takes care of the problems which arise every now and then, and assures one of complete responsibility and commitment to an organizational cause. The role of the public relati ons at improving and enhancing the levels of corporate social responsibility should be such that there is empathy within the related ranks, and this shall mean success for the organizations in the long run. If corporate social responsibility understandings are properly managed, then this would immense success for the organization because these are run parallel with the public relations domains4. The management regimes of the organizations always look at addressing the grey areas so that these weaknesses could be plugged and turned into strengths in a very free flowing manner5. Since the corporate social responsibility measures take care of the ethical look of the organization and thus it creates harmony amongst the aegis of the organization, it would always
Monday, October 28, 2019
People in the film Essay Example for Free
People in the film Essay The creation of the monster involves the use of gadgets. The storm detector was needed to show when to lift the monster on to the roof. After lifting the monster up onto the table and elevating it up through a hole in the roof. It was then shocked by lightning, to bring it to life. The table the monster is position on in the centre of the room this is to put emphasis on him and to show that this is the most important aspect of the film. Dr Frankenstein brings the monster to life. A low angle is used on the monster to make him look big and scary, this is created due to the bold features of the monster. A low angle, which gives the effect that, the audience are actually watching the table rise. A tracking angle is used to follow the monster up onto the roof but when the table is on the roof a low is used, we cant see what is happening on the roof, this creates unpredictability, which creates suspense and tension. The lighting is used on the monster, this is used to define the bold features of the face, and this lighting is low lighting. The people appear shocked, amazed and scared as if they dont know what is happening, this influences the audience to feel the same way also this makes the audience feel insecure also because the camera angles and sound draw us into the film it makes the audience feel the same emotion as the people in the film. When the creature moves its hand a close up shot is used, this is to show that the monster is alive. When this happens the sound effects get louder, this is to increase the tension and suspense. The Dr Frankenstein shouts hes alive, its alive, he then shakes around and he is restrained as if he was mad, this creates more tension due to Dr Frankensteins unpredictability and this scares the audience. In the novel we are slowly set into the scene but in the movie we are straight into the storyline this is due to that it would be boring if we were slowly set into the scene also this is a horror movie so there should be no moments where there isnt tension. In the novel and the movie there are differences this is because there are only certain things that you can do with a book but in a film you can do more for e.g. in a film you have sounds and you can have camera angles to add to suspense and tension. In the novel Dr Frankenstein doubts what he is doing (a moral dilemma) but in the film he is very excited by what he was doing. In the book Frankensteins room is described as a small candle lit room but in the movie it is a big tall room with high tech equipment. In the novel Dr Frankenstein is not evil and the monster is not really evil but in the film Dr Frankenstein and the monster are perceived as evil. This is because the film is a horror movie. In the novel there are less gadgets (if any) described but in the movie there are many gadgets this is because in a movie the audience want to shocked amazed and interested, these gadgets do all of these things. In the film Frankenstein is perceived as a loner but in the novel he has a loving family and background. This is because if Frankenstein came from a loving family we couldnt see Dr Frankenstein as evil and evil is needed to create a good horror movie. In the novel, he doesnt have an assistant but in the film he does. In the novel the monster is created without anybody there but in the movie there are witnesses to his creation, this is because in the film the director wanted to involve the audience, which makes them scared. James Whale needs to create tension, suspense, and unpredictability to create a good horror movie. He did this by using different lighting and camera angles. He used certain camera angles to put us into the scene such as p.o.v and long shot, this shows where things are and shows whats happening in a certain areas. He used some shots for emphasis such as close up and extreme close up; this draws your attention towards something so that you notice it. Some of the shots he used were to involve us in the scene such as low angle, rolling shot, tracking this is to make us more scared because it makes us sense what we are seeing so therefore its makes us feel mise-en-scene. The lighting that James Whale uses is under lighting, filler lighting and there is flashes of lightning these are all used to create suspense from the same building in different ways.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Behaviorism Essay -- Behavior Psychology Psychological Essays
Behaviorism Psychology is the science of behavior. Psychology is not the science of the mind. Behavior can be described and explained without making reference to mental events or to internal psychological processes. The sources of behavior are external (in the environment), not internal (in the mind). Behaviorism is a doctrine, or a set of doctrines, about human and nonhuman animal behavior. An important component of many psychological theories in the late nineteenth century were introspection, the study of the mind by analysis of one's own thought processes. It was in reaction to this trend that behaviorism arose, claiming that the causes of behavior need not be sought in the depths of the mind but could be observed in the immediate environment, in stimuli that elicited, reinforced, and punished certain responses. The explanation, in other words, lay in learning, the process whereby behavior changes in response to the environment. It wasn’t until the twentieth century that the scientist began to uncover the actual mechanism of learning, thereby laying the theoretical foundation for behaviorism. The contributions of four particular scientists are Ivan Pavlov, John B. Watson, Edward Lee Thorndike, and B.F. Skinner. A Russian neurophysiologist, named Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936), found that if he consistently sounded a tone at the same time that he gave a dog food, the dog would eventually salivate to the sound of the tone alert. Through this research he discovered a basic mechanism of learning called the Conditioned Reflex. A Conditioned Reflex is if a neutral stimulus (i.e. the tone) is paired with a nonneutral stimulus (i.e. the food), the organism will eventually respond to the neutral stimulus as it does to the nonneutral stimulus. Perhaps the strongest application of classical conditioning involves emotion. Common experience and careful research both confirm that human emotion conditions very rapidly and easily. Particularly when the emotion is intensely felt or negative in direction, it will condition quickly. His findings raised the possibility that many of our responses, like those of the dogs, were the result of a simple learning process. In other words, our loves and hates, our tastes and distastes might be the consequences of nothing more mysterious that a conditioning process whereby various things in our environment became "linked" in our min... ...lly "spreads," or generalizes, to thinks that resemble the conditioned stimulus. An example to this is in Watson's experiment with little Albert's spontaneous fear of rabbits, and other animals that resembles a white rate. The opposite side of the coin from generalization is discrimination that is learning to distinguish among similar stimuli and to respond only to the appropriate one. People learn to discriminate between similar stimuli, between a friendly smile and a malicious grin. When one turns to have reinforcing consequences and the other does not. When I was a little boy I loved the ice cream man. There would be so much noise going up and down my block but I could always hear his music over all the noise. Shaping is a critical process to operant conditioning. Throughout this process there is a positive reinforcement of successive approximations. The basic assumptions of behaviorism are that psychology's task is to study behavior, or the responses an organism makes to the stimuli in its environment; that psychological research should be empirical, based on measurement; that behavior can be controlled and predicted, and that the major component of behavior is learning. Behaviorism Essay -- Behavior Psychology Psychological Essays Behaviorism Psychology is the science of behavior. Psychology is not the science of the mind. Behavior can be described and explained without making reference to mental events or to internal psychological processes. The sources of behavior are external (in the environment), not internal (in the mind). Behaviorism is a doctrine, or a set of doctrines, about human and nonhuman animal behavior. An important component of many psychological theories in the late nineteenth century were introspection, the study of the mind by analysis of one's own thought processes. It was in reaction to this trend that behaviorism arose, claiming that the causes of behavior need not be sought in the depths of the mind but could be observed in the immediate environment, in stimuli that elicited, reinforced, and punished certain responses. The explanation, in other words, lay in learning, the process whereby behavior changes in response to the environment. It wasn’t until the twentieth century that the scientist began to uncover the actual mechanism of learning, thereby laying the theoretical foundation for behaviorism. The contributions of four particular scientists are Ivan Pavlov, John B. Watson, Edward Lee Thorndike, and B.F. Skinner. A Russian neurophysiologist, named Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936), found that if he consistently sounded a tone at the same time that he gave a dog food, the dog would eventually salivate to the sound of the tone alert. Through this research he discovered a basic mechanism of learning called the Conditioned Reflex. A Conditioned Reflex is if a neutral stimulus (i.e. the tone) is paired with a nonneutral stimulus (i.e. the food), the organism will eventually respond to the neutral stimulus as it does to the nonneutral stimulus. Perhaps the strongest application of classical conditioning involves emotion. Common experience and careful research both confirm that human emotion conditions very rapidly and easily. Particularly when the emotion is intensely felt or negative in direction, it will condition quickly. His findings raised the possibility that many of our responses, like those of the dogs, were the result of a simple learning process. In other words, our loves and hates, our tastes and distastes might be the consequences of nothing more mysterious that a conditioning process whereby various things in our environment became "linked" in our min... ...lly "spreads," or generalizes, to thinks that resemble the conditioned stimulus. An example to this is in Watson's experiment with little Albert's spontaneous fear of rabbits, and other animals that resembles a white rate. The opposite side of the coin from generalization is discrimination that is learning to distinguish among similar stimuli and to respond only to the appropriate one. People learn to discriminate between similar stimuli, between a friendly smile and a malicious grin. When one turns to have reinforcing consequences and the other does not. When I was a little boy I loved the ice cream man. There would be so much noise going up and down my block but I could always hear his music over all the noise. Shaping is a critical process to operant conditioning. Throughout this process there is a positive reinforcement of successive approximations. The basic assumptions of behaviorism are that psychology's task is to study behavior, or the responses an organism makes to the stimuli in its environment; that psychological research should be empirical, based on measurement; that behavior can be controlled and predicted, and that the major component of behavior is learning.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Biography of Edgar Allan Poe Essay example -- Biographies Edgar Allan
Biography of Edgar Allan Poe Many authors' literary works are often influenced by their own personal life experiences. Among these authors is Edgar Allan Poe, one of the most inventive writers of prose and poetry in the nineteenth century. The juxtaposition of Poe's life and work is most evident in the morbid personalities and melancholy themes of his literary compositions, similar to those of his life. Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts on January 19, 1809. His mother, Elizabeth Arnold Poe, had been widowed at eighteen, and two years after his birth she died of tuberculosis at the age of twenty-four. Poe's paternal grandfather had been a wealthy man, but his father, David Poe, had left the family to become an actor, and Edgar was left with nothing. When his mother died, John Allan, a Richmond tobacco merchant, at the urging of his wife, Frances Allan, adopted Edgar. She was devoted to Edgar, and in his childhood he enjoyed a security that was never to be his again after he left home. In 1815 John Allan took the family to England in the hope of furthering his business. During the next five years Edgar attended various schools, the most significant of which was the Manor House School at Stoke Newington. The gothic atmosphere of this school provided him with many details he was later to make use of in his fiction. He wrote about his impressions of the London school in a story called "William Wilson". (Meyers, 1992, p.12). During the fall of 1823, when Edgar was fourteen years old, his classmate Robert Stanard introduced Poe to his mother, Jane Stanard, who was a beautiful and compassionate young woman. Edgar became devoted to her. He called her Helen, which to his ears sounded far more... ...7, 1849, at 5:00am. (Meyers, 1992, p.254-255). Edgar Allan Poe's deplorable life was filled with unfortunate calamity, endless tragedies, and pathetic misery, which inevitably led to his pessimistic view on life and obsession with death. His personal mind frame is automatically conveyed in his essays, which for him was a primary form of expression. Thus, a strong emphasis on somber despondency has proven to be a thematic element of his literary career. Bibliography: Works Cited Krutch, Joseph Wood. Edgar Allan Poe. New York: Alfred A. Knopp, 1926. May, Charles E. Edgar Allan Poe; A Study of the Short Fiction. Boston: Twayne's Publishing, 1991. Meyers, Jeffrey. Edgar Allan Poe; His Life and Legacy. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1992. Poe, Edgar A. The Complete Tales of Mystery and Imagination. New York: Octopus Books Inc., 1981.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Approaches to Management
APPROACHES TO MANAGEMENT Dr. M. Thenmozhi Professor Department of Management Studies Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai 600 036 E-mail: [email protected] ac. in APPROACHES TO MANAGEMENT 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Empirical Approach Human Behaviour Approach Social System Approach Decision Theory Approach Mathematical Approach Socio-Technical Systems Approach Systems Approach Contingency Approach Operational Approach REASONS & PROBLEMS 1) Semantic problems in management literature. 2) Contributions from different disciplines. 3) Misunderstanding of principles. EMPIRICAL APPROACH †¢ †¢ †¢ – – – –Study of managerial experiences and cases(mgt) Contributors: Earnest Dale, Mooney & Reiley, urwick. Features Study of Managerial Experiences Managerial experience passed from participationer to students for continuity in knowledge management. Study of Successful & failure cases help practicising managers. Theoretical research combined with practical experiences. †¢ – Uses Learning through experience of others †¢ – – Limitations No Contribution for the development of management as a discipline Situations of past not the same as present. HUMAN BEHAVIOUR APPROACH †¢ – – Organisation as people ) Interpersonal Behaviour Approach – Individual Psychology b) Group Behaviour Approach – Organisation Behaviour †¢ – – – – Features Draws heavily from psychology & sociology. Understand human relations.Emphasis on greater productivity through motivation & good human relations Motivation, leadership, participative management & group dynamics are core of this approach. HUMAN BEHAVIOUR APPROACH Contd.. †¢ Uses – Demonstrates how management can be effective by applying knowledge of organisation behaviour. †¢ Contributors – Maslow, Herzberg, Vroom, Mc Cleland, Argyris, Likert, Lewin, Mc Gregor, etc. Limitations â€⠀œ Treating management as equivalent to human behaviour. – Talks about organisation & organisation behaviour in vague terms. SOCIAL SYSTEM APPROACH †¢ †¢ Understanding the behaviour of groups & individuals. Features 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Social System, a system of cultural relationship Relationship exist between external and internal environment of the organisation. Formal Organisation – Cultural relationships of social groups working within the organisation. Co-operation necessary Efforts directed – harmony between goals of organisation & goals of groups.SOCIAL SYSTEM APPROACH Contd†¦ †¢ Contributors – Pareto, Chester Barnard †¢ Uses – Organisational decisions should not be based on desires of one group alone but should reflect the interests of all the parties. †¢ Limitations – Broader than management & its practice – Overlooks many management concepts principles & techniques that are important to practising ma nagers. DECISION THEORY APPROACH †¢ Manager – Decision maker †¢ Organisation – Decision making unit. †¢ Features – Management is decision making. – Members of Organisation – decision makers and problem solvers. Decision making – control point in management – Increasing efficiency – the quality of decision – MIS, process & techniques of decision making are the subject matter of study. DECISION THEORY APPROACH †¢ Contributors – Simon, Cyert, Forrester, etc. †¢ Uses – Tools for making suitable decisions in organisations. †¢ Limitation – Does not take the total view of management – Decision making – one aspect of management MATHEMATICAL APPROACH †¢ †¢ †¢ Management- logical entity Actions- Mathematical symbols, Relationships and measurable data. Features 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Problem Solving mechanism with the help of mathematical tools and techniques.P roblems Expressed in mathematical symbols. Variables in management – quantified. Scope – Decision making, system analysis & some aspect of human behaviour. Tools – Operations research ,simulation etc. MATHEMATICAL APPROACH Cont.. †¢ Contributors – Newman, Russell Ackoff, Charles Hitch, etc. †¢ Uses – Provided Exactness in management discipline. †¢ Limitations – Not a separate school – Technique in decision making. SOCIO -TECHNICAL SYSTEMS APPROACH †¢ Features – Social & technicals systems interact. This interaction is important for organisational effectiveness. – Organisation – governed by social laws as well as psychological forces. Technical aspects of organisation modified by the social aspects. †¢ Contributors – Trist, Bamforth, Emery etc. †¢ Uses – Organisational effectiveness depends on looking at people and their interactions and also at the technical environment in which they operate. – Change in technology – Change in social interactions at work place SOCIO -TECHNICAL SYSTEMS APPROACH †¢ Limitations – – – – Lack of total managerial view Concentrate on factory or other production system No new contribution People aware about the role of technology of the social system of the work placeSYSTEMS APPROACH †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ An enterprise Man-Made system Internal parts Achieve established goals External parts Achieve interplay with its environment Manager integrates his available facilities with goal achievement. †¢ Uses – Quick Perception – Better Planning †¢ Limitations – Complicated – Expensive CONTIGENCY SCHOOL †¢ In developing management concepts the environment within which the concepts are to be applied has to be considered. †¢ Internal environment – Structure, Processess, Technology. †¢ External Environment – Social, Economic, Political etc. †¢ Features Appropriateness of a management technique depends on situation. –If – Then approach. OPERATIONAL APPROACH †¢ Management is a process. †¢ Universalist / Classist / Traditional Approach. †¢ This school concentrates on the role and functions of managers and distills the principles to be followed by them. †¢ Features – – – – – Functions of managers remain same Functions of management core of good management Framework of management Principles of management †¢ Contributors – Fayol, Lyndall Urwick ,Harold Koontz, Newman, Mc Farland, Taylor. †¢ Uses – Flexible & practical but not universal.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free sample - Reflection Paper. translation missing
Reflection Paper. Reflection PaperIntroduction Hinduism and Christianity are religions that have existed in the world for a very long time now. Each of the religions have many followers depending on the area of presence Hinduism is a religion that is commonly known as Sanatana Dharma meaning eternal religion and Varnasramadharma which emphasizes the fulfillment of duties and responsibilities that are prescribed by both the class and the stage that one is in. It is the perennial faith for the Hindus. It is one of the oldest among the religions that are practiced in the world and still is today amidst the dharma faith. This paper discusses the distinctive aspects, similarities and differences of the two religions. Discussion Hinduism is characterized and comprised of a diverse array of beliefs, scriptures and practice system. It originated from the ancient Vedic culture back in 2000 BC. It is estimated to be the third world largest religion in the world having about 940 million people. 96 percent of these people reside in Indian subcontinent. If the yoga followers are included the religion carries about 1.05 billion people in the whole world (Dogra and Dogra, 2003). It has neither traceable founder nor a date when it originated. The authors and the dates of the sacred texts of the Hinduism religion are unknown. Hinduism is not a homogenous organized religion. Most of its followers are committed followers of Shiva whom they look at as the only true God. Others refer in ward to the divine self that is called atman. Most of its followers identify the existence of Brahman as the unifying factor and the reality responsible for all that lives. Hinduism religion is thought to have its name originating from the Persian word Hindu which means river. It was used by outsiders to refer to people of the Indus river valley. Hindu practice distinguishes itself from other religions by encouraging its followers to be tolerant to other people with different beliefs. This is because the religion posits that temporal systems cannot assert solitary understanding of one transcendental truth (Hawley and Narayanan, 2006). The followers respect the Brahmans and the Vedas while some others consider only one of the two authorities. The religious life of its followers is devoted to God or gods, meditation and duties of the family life. The first sacred writings of Hinduism were mostly about the ritual sacrifices to numerous gods who acted as representatives of the forces of nature. After the development of the Vedanta philosophy, new belief and custom systems came up from Hinduism forming Buddhism and Jainism. The Hinduism tolerance to diversity in belief made it acceptable to many persons in the west as an alternative to most the religion in the west. Although Hinduism got a relatively few converts from the west, its thought and practice influenced the west indirectly as seen in the development of new religions such as the hare Krishna and new age. Indian beliefs and practices such as the chakra and the yoga system were incorporated in books that covered health and spiritual issues. The Hindu followers worship in the temple. Christianity has been defined as a monotheistic set of values and practices that are primarily based on the Old Testament and the wisdom of Jesus Christ as brought out in the New Testament.The Christian religion is monotheistic in nature. It has its belief in one God who created the entire earth and all that is in it. Different groups of people that support Christianity place different weight on the three issues but they all put their beliefs in them. The Christian religion is divided into two groups; the Catholics and the Protestants. Christians believe in the holy trinity that is comprised of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The followers of the Christian faith believe that the three are contained in one God almighty. Followers of the Christian religion worship in the church. Christians consider that man was created in the likeness of God. Those human beings are both physical and spiritual beings who are rational, are able to establish relationships with one another and are capable of making wise decisions (Bainton, 2000). Christianity bases its belief on Jesus Christ. That he is the son of God who was sent to the world to come and save the human kind from sin and their inequities to the righteousness and love of God. That he descended died, resurrected and ascended in to heaven where God is. It emphasizes on the free conscience of a free person in a free community. Christianity is not just bout morality. It is about repentance and the relationship with Jesus Christ as man`s savior. The three most significant features of Christianity encompass the axial role of human freedom of serving their God. People are allowed to make willingly their choices about servitude. Secondly, that man should devout things that belong to God to Him. This is clearly shown in Ceaser`s story in the bible. That all things that belong to God Should be given unto Him. Thirdly, the recognition that man often does what he is not supposed to do and do not do the things that he is supposed to do. This is manifested as sins that are supposed to be repented for so that God may have mercy and forgive the sinners. What should be clear is the unity of humanity as reality and persistence of differences without which permanent and deep unity and affection could not be there. Hinduism and Christianity share some form of similarity. The goals that are brought out from the two religions are alike. This touches more on issues of after life, heaven, and the goodness that people should display. Both the two religions encourage people to do good while on earth so that after their death they may go to heaven. It however they engage in bad deeds they will go to hell where there is suffering. The believers of the two religions are supposed to be perfect on their spiritual lives. This is seen in Hinduism Moksha and Christianity`s heaven. Christianity teaches about the teachings of Jesus Christ regarding the goodness as a means of measuring right and wrong. This is the same with Hinduism teachings on karma. The two religions both teach about soul and sin cleansing with emphasis on water. Christianity has its belief in the holy trinity that is encompass of God the father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit. Hinduism has a similar belief in the role and responsibility of its many gods. Hinduism has three primary gods that some Hindus believe work as one in Brahman. Most Hindus believe that all gods and goddesses work as absolute reality referred to as Clemmons. In Christian churches there is always water at every entrance to bless persons with the love of God and to be cleansed before getting into the church. In Hinduism worshippers cleanse in communal baths before getting to the temples for prayer. Hinduism talks about Maya and atman which corresponds to Christianity concepts of grace and sin. These aspects are linked to the relationship of Christians with the coming of Jesus Christ to the world and Brahman on the part of Hindus. Despite having similarities, Hinduism and Christianity have differences. Hinduism recognizes Christianity as a valid religion with the same goal like its own. Hinduism considers all other religions as different ways that lead to the same end unlike Christianity that does not consider any other religion as valid. This is brought clearly through the teachings of Jesus Christ that state that no one will enter in heaven except through him, the way, truth and life. The eventual Hinduism ideal is mysticism which is basically a matter of intellect, consciousness and intuitiveness. Christianity on the other hand encourages sanctity which has to do with God`s will and love (Caldwell, 2010).  Eastern religions Hinduism being one of them are understandable from within only by the few people who share the understanding which makes Hinduism esoteric. It has many levels of truth comprising of sacred cows, reincarnation and monism. Western religions, Christianity being a party are exoteric, democratic and open to everyone. Hinduism is a religion that is evolving. It has no known founder unlike Christianity that has Jesus Christ as its central entity. Hinduism has no exact time that it started or was founded. Hindus believe that everything is part of God whether right or wrong and thus to them God is manifested in both good and evil. Christians on their side consider that God did not create evil but instead gave man a free will to exercise what he feels good for himself but with a price to pay. Conclusion Hinduism as an eastern religion and Christianity as a western religion have distinctive features that make them stands out from each other. The two religions have some similarities that link them together as well as differences that clearly separate them. Even though they have differences and similarities, Hinduism exists in the west just like Christianity exists in the east. It is only that they are minimally established in those areas. The two religions have existed in the world for over two thousand years and will still be there in the coming years. References Dogra, R. C. Dogra, U. (2003). Let's Know Hinduism: the Oldest Religion of Infinite Adaptability and Diversity. 2nd ed. Kuala Lumpur: Star Publications. Hawley, S. J. Narayanan, V. (2006). The Life of Hinduism. California: University of California Press. Bainton, H.R. (2000). Christianity. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Caldwell, R. (2010). Christianity and Hinduism. New York: BiblioLife.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Understand What Normality Means in Chemistry
Understand What Normality Means in Chemistry Normality is a measure of concentration equal to the gram equivalent weight per liter of solution. Gram equivalent weight is the measure of the reactive capacity of a molecule. The solutes role in the reaction determines the solutions normality. Normality is also known as the equivalent concentration of a solution. Normality Equation Normality (N) is the molar concentration ci divided by an equivalence factor feq: N ci / feq Another common equation is normality (N) equal to the gram equivalent weight divided by liters of solution: N gram equivalent weight / liters of solution (often expressed in g/L) or it may be the molarity multiplied by the number of equivalents: N molarity x equivalents Units of Normality The capital letter N is used to indicate concentration in terms of normality. It may also be expressed as eq/L (equivalent per liter) or meq/L (milliequivalent per liter of 0.001 N, typically reserved for medical reporting). Examples of Normality For acid reactions, a 1 M H2SO4 solution will have a normality (N) of 2 N because 2 moles of H ions are present per liter of solution.For sulfide precipitation reactions, where the SO4- ion is the important part, the same 1 M H2SO4 solution will have a normality of 1 N. Example Problem Find the normality of 0.1 M H2SO4 (sulfuric acid) for the reaction: H2SO4 2 NaOH → Na2SO4 2 H2O According to the equation, 2 moles of H ions (2 equivalents) from sulfuric acid react with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to form sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) and water. Using the equation: N molarity x equivalentsN 0.1 x 2N 0.2 N Dont be confused by the number of moles of sodium hydroxide and water in the equation. Since youve been given the molarity of the acid, you dont need the additional information. All you need to figure out are how many moles of hydrogen ions are participating in the reaction. Since sulfuric acid is a strong acid, you know it completely dissociates into its ions. Potential Issues Using N for Concentration Although normality is a useful unit of concentration, it cant be used for all situations because its value depends on an equivalence factor that can change based on the type of chemical reaction of interest. As an example, a solution of magnesium chloride (MgCl2) may be 1 N for the Mg2 ion, yet 2 N for the Cl- ion. While N is a good unit to know, its not used as much as molarity or molality in actual lab work. It has value for acid-base titrations, precipitation reactions, and redox reactions. In acid-base reactions and precipitation reactions, 1/feq is an integer value. In redox reactions, 1/feq may be a fraction.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Learn the Spanish-language Version of O Christmas Tree
Learn the Spanish-language Version of O Christmas Tree Below is a Spanish-language version of O Tannenbaum, a famous German Christmas carol more formally known in English as O Christmas Tree. After exploring the translated lyrics, learn how the word order changes for poetry in Spanish, along with additional vocabulary and grammar notes for the translation. These notes will better explain how phrases and terms change in translation from German to Spanish, plus how the definition of the word can transform itself into the Spanish language. Review the lyrics of Quà © Verdes Son below and then learn about the difference between hoja, brillar, airosas, and other words and phrases within the song. Qu verdes son Quà © verdes son, quà © verdes sonlas hojas del abeto.Quà © verdes son, quà © verdes sonlas hojas del abeto.En Navidad quà © hermoso estcon su brillar de luces mil.Quà © verdes son, quà © verdes sonlas hojas del abeto. Quà © verdes son, quà © verdes sonlas hojas del abeto.Quà © verdes son, quà © verdes sonlas hojas del abeto.Sus ramas siempre airosas son,su aroma es encantador.Quà © verdes son, quà © verdes sonlas hojas del abeto. Translation of the Spanish Lyrics How green are, how green arethe needles of the fir tree.How green are, how green arethe needles of the fir tree.At Christmas how beautiful you arewith your glittering of a thousand lights.How green are, how green arethe needles of the fir tree. How green are, how green arethe needles of the fir tree.How green are, how green arethe needles of the fir tree.Your branches always elegant are,your aroma is enchanting.How green are, how green arethe needles of the fir tree. Vocabulary, Grammar and Translation Notes An unusual word order is used throughout the lyrics in the Quà © verdes son song for poetic purposes, and so the lyrics tend to go well with the music.The phrase typically used to refer to a Christmas tree is rbol de Navidad. Although these lyrics do not specifically refer to a Christmas tree, neither do those of the original German carol.Hoja is normally translated as leaf, but needles is used in this song because that is what the leaves of a fir tree are typically called. Hoja can also be used to refer to a sheet of paper or a sheet of metal.Brillar is a verb usually meaning to shine, to glitter, or to be conspicuous. The infinitive form here, like other infinitives, can be used as a noun. In nonpoetic use of the language, the noun brillantez would be more likely here.Airosas could have been translated more literally as airy.Note that the word aroma, like many other words of Greek origin ending in -a, is masculine.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Organization Design Structure Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Organization Design Structure - Assignment Example Naturally raised food is hard to come by on such large scale, so Chipotle leaves some of the procurement to regional or local levels in order to supply the best product to the local markets. This also allows Chipotle to leverage other markets when product demand cannot be met in a certain area. This allows the top management to offer leadership to the company to the right way while maintaining core competencies and allowing the operational levels to maintain daily quality standards. This structure is ideal for geographical focus where chipotle’s different geographical units can alter their products to suit the local market. Workplace policies can also be crafted to cater for the specific region only. Lack of competent and qualified managers in newly established units is a greater problem that Chipotle is experiencing. Chipotle can adopt a single tier multidivisional matrix level called New Restaurant Development whose main purpose would to open new stores and to train managers from different regions. This would mean that the new stores would be opened by trained professionals who know how to handle all the problems of opening a new store and how to lean on the local and regional managers for additional help and information. This also would be an excellent way to hold a high quality standard during the most essential part of a new restaurant, the
Friday, October 18, 2019
Pelagic food-web in the Southern Ocean Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Pelagic food-web in the Southern Ocean - Essay Example Autotrophs are grazed by herbivores that in turn are consumed by carnivores. A number of trophic levels form the food web with primary producers at first level, the second level comprising herbivores, third level comprising carnivores and the next level comprising carnivores that eat carnivores. Pelagic food web exchanges take place in the water column. The primary producers of the food web are phytoplanktons which are consumed / grazed by the herbivores zooplanktons which are in turn consumed by filter feeding planktivores or piscivores – carnivores or eating fish that eat other types of animals. In pelagic food web omnivory is common with organisms obtaining food from one or two trophic levels. For example, salmon eats the planktivores juvenile fish but also eats zooplanktons that are euphausiids (Marine Biology). The pelagic food chain is comprised of a diversity of organisms including bacteria, heterotrophic and autotrophic nano and microplanktonic organism. The presence of microbial forms in Antarctic waters is underestimated due to the dogma that the region features a short and simple food web that are not accounted due to technical limitations. However, a research on the food web indicates an abundant distribution of heterotrophic ciliates and flagellates in polar waters with the presence of microbial assemblage that inhabit the water column and sea ice. Estimates of grazing point out that they are the important consumers of the Antarctic food web. Though seasonality is not accounted, heterotrophic nano and microplankton are formed after an autotrophic bloom and reach a maximum biomass during summer (Ross, R.M., Hofmann, E.E. & Quetin, L.B. 1996 p.155). The ecosystem in southern ocean is highly influenced by factors like climate, ocean currents and ice. The amount of ice cover results in a competition between species of the primary producers which in turns affects the competition among zooplankton species that
Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Term Paper Example As such, women, people with disabilities, people of color as well as people who are older face a many impediments to their full and active participation in the labor force of this country (see Heilman et al, 2002). The following research paper aims to explore discrimination with an eye to how this form of discrimination affects certain types of people, both within the wider society as well as within the labor market. What influences discrimination in the twenty-first century? How has society attempted to protect people from discrimination? These questions and many more will be discussed with reference to discrimination today. This is a timely and topical issue which warrants more extensive scrutiny. We now begin with an overview of the key integral for this research paper, including discrimination, prejudice and social bias. The United States has undergone quite substantial changes within the past century the country is much more diverse than it ever was. Immigration and the growth of globalization have altered the social composition of the United States of America. Today, there is a much larger percentage of people of color and visible minorities within key social institutions including government office – President Barack Obama is perhaps the most obvious example today. There is also increased the representation of visible minorities across the country in all aspects of public life – including in the police services and the education sectors, just to name a few. Changing worldwide immigration patterns have led to an increased flow of people from around the world to the United States, facilitating intercultural communication. American society has quickly become far less homogenous and cultural institutions are beginning to reflect this. Unfortunately with the changing social landscape of the United States and the changing nature of this country, the multicultural setting may lead to a rise
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Should thin people have to pay Medicare and other health costs Research Paper
Should thin people have to pay Medicare and other health costs - Research Paper Example In this article, Bhattacharya and Sood address the economic costs of obesity to the society. Through various statistics the authors found out that the existing healthcare program caters for the problems of obese people through the use of funds from normal individuals which should not be the case. Regarding this , the authors suggest that the obese individuals should pay higher premiums to cater for their healthcare problems and to be more cautious with their dietary choices. The importance of this article to this bibliography is that it brings an economical analysis of the costs of obesity. Bhattacharya, Jay, et al. "Does Health Insurance Make You Fat?" July 2009 . Web. 17 April 2012. In this article, the authors critically analyze the concept of healthcare premiums. The authors argue that health insurance tend to make individuals less concerned about their health problems hence increasing cases of obesity. The authors have also indicated that programs such as Medicaid and Medicare fail to address the problem of obesity.... Regarding this , the authors suggest that the obese individuals should pay higher premiums to cater for their healthcare problems and to be more cautious with their dietary choices. The importance of this article to this bibliography is that it brings an economical analysis of the costs of obesity. Bhattacharya, Jay, et al. "Does Health Insurance Make You Fat?" July 2009 . Web. 17 April 2012. In this article, the authors critically analyze the concept of healthcare premiums. The authors argue that health insurance tend to make individuals less concerned about their health problems hence increasing cases of obesity. The authors have also indicated that programs such as Medicaid and Medicare fail to address the problem of obesity. Moreover, the authors have suggested that a difference in wages in which obese people are paid less will help them to take necessary measures regarding health. This article is important to this annotated bibliography as it addresses the concept of pooled insu rance in which obese people benefit unfairly from premiums paid by normal individuals. Bauer, Brad. â€Å"Higher Premiums for Obese Workers Growing.†News and Sentinel, 20 November 2011. Web. 17 April 2012. Bauer is a consultant in insurance-related matters, whose articles on healthcare insurance demonstrate his experience in the field of insurance. In this article, Bauer has highlighted that obese people benefit more from healthcare since they pay equal premiums with normal people. In this article, the author articulates that premiums are being internalized so that the obese individuals can bear the burden that results from costs of catering for their health
REITS Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
REITS - Case Study Example In addition to that, it will access the SWOT analysis, as well as the PSTEL analysis. It will evaluate the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats under the SWOT analysis. On the other hand, it will access the political, social, technological and economical analysis of the Coca-Cola Company. The Company has been the most complex part of many countries' culture over a century. The recognizable branding of coca cola products is one of the company's greatest strengths; the image of its products is displayed on other goods like T-shirts and hats. In addition to that the bottling system is also strength; it allows them to conduct business on global scale and at the same time it maintains a local approach. The bottling partners are owned and operated by the independent business parties who are authorized to sell the products of the company. The coke does not have the outright ownership of its bottling network; its main source of profits is the sale of concentrate to its bottlers (Johnson, Scholes and Whittington 2008, p.208). The labour relations practices for the coca-cola company are among the best worldwide and are in a continuous motion to improve them. Coca-cola structure is one of the most greatly unionized multinational companies in the world with over thirty percent of workers belonging to unions. Its environmental practices are among the best in the planet yet they are still working to improve on them. The Coca- cola quality structure is a worldwide program involving all aspects of their business; every employee of Coca-Cola is empowered and anticipated to maintain the high standards of value in their products, relationships and processes. The company's quality system mandates in self-assessment throughout its operations, by all the business units ( This enhances the high standards of quality production of their goods. The company performs ingredient evaluation in their laboratories for example, precise analysis of fruit juices and all other ingredients sent by suppliers to the company's factory. Moreover, their processes undergo regular inspection in order to safeguard the water they are using in their production and packaging. Weaknesses: The coca cola company has recently reported some declines in unit case volumes in some countries like Indonesia and Thailand. This is due to the reduced consumer purchasing power. According to Cole (2006, p. 88), Japan is suppose to contribute to three times as much to profits. South East Asia, Latin America and Japan generate around 5% of the coke's volume but none, of them are performing to the expectation. Coca cola products have effects on the teeth, which is a significant health care issue. In addition to that, the sugar present in the coca
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Should thin people have to pay Medicare and other health costs Research Paper
Should thin people have to pay Medicare and other health costs - Research Paper Example In this article, Bhattacharya and Sood address the economic costs of obesity to the society. Through various statistics the authors found out that the existing healthcare program caters for the problems of obese people through the use of funds from normal individuals which should not be the case. Regarding this , the authors suggest that the obese individuals should pay higher premiums to cater for their healthcare problems and to be more cautious with their dietary choices. The importance of this article to this bibliography is that it brings an economical analysis of the costs of obesity. Bhattacharya, Jay, et al. "Does Health Insurance Make You Fat?" July 2009 . Web. 17 April 2012. In this article, the authors critically analyze the concept of healthcare premiums. The authors argue that health insurance tend to make individuals less concerned about their health problems hence increasing cases of obesity. The authors have also indicated that programs such as Medicaid and Medicare fail to address the problem of obesity.... Regarding this , the authors suggest that the obese individuals should pay higher premiums to cater for their healthcare problems and to be more cautious with their dietary choices. The importance of this article to this bibliography is that it brings an economical analysis of the costs of obesity. Bhattacharya, Jay, et al. "Does Health Insurance Make You Fat?" July 2009 . Web. 17 April 2012. In this article, the authors critically analyze the concept of healthcare premiums. The authors argue that health insurance tend to make individuals less concerned about their health problems hence increasing cases of obesity. The authors have also indicated that programs such as Medicaid and Medicare fail to address the problem of obesity. Moreover, the authors have suggested that a difference in wages in which obese people are paid less will help them to take necessary measures regarding health. This article is important to this annotated bibliography as it addresses the concept of pooled insu rance in which obese people benefit unfairly from premiums paid by normal individuals. Bauer, Brad. â€Å"Higher Premiums for Obese Workers Growing.†News and Sentinel, 20 November 2011. Web. 17 April 2012. Bauer is a consultant in insurance-related matters, whose articles on healthcare insurance demonstrate his experience in the field of insurance. In this article, Bauer has highlighted that obese people benefit more from healthcare since they pay equal premiums with normal people. In this article, the author articulates that premiums are being internalized so that the obese individuals can bear the burden that results from costs of catering for their health
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Business Report about Olympic Games 2012 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Business Report about Olympic Games 2012 - Essay Example There are six strategies that one can employ to market their company at little to no cost. Marketing a business via press release is a method that has been around for quite some time and still continues to be the method of choice. Because businesses will have to do a great deal with public relations, as they work with and serve the public interest, press releases are just one more way to keep the public engaged, so they will be more than likely to seek out the products and services that businesses offer. Press releases can be used to market the opening of a company. They can also be used to promote new products or services. If a company is sponsoring a special event, such as that of the Olympic Games, a press release can also be used to announce this, so people will not only attend the event but will possibly become customers for many years to come. While press releases are wonderful for getting word out about the business with very little effort at all, there are a few rules that need to be followed, should this particular method be utilized. An article titled, "Still th e One, Crafting the Perfect Press release," sheds some insight into what they are. First of all, press releases need to be concise. They must not contain a bunch of useless rhetoric. Should press releases not be concise, the attention of their audiences will be lost, thus making them ineffective and a useless waste of time. Secondly, press releases must communicate real news. They should not talk about things that are of no real concern. The news that is being communicated has to be something that is really going to affect the audiences. Finally, when constructing press releases, the inverted pyramid method needs to be used. This method is to start out small by engaging the readers, build up larger and larger throughout the press release, and then give a call to action at the end, meaning that this is the largest point of all that needs to be made. Something else to remember is that press releases should not be overdone, meaning being released much too often, or it will detract from the overall reputation of the business. Should a business release press releases too often, their audiences
Discuss Nationalism in the ERa of Good Feelings Essay Example for Free
Discuss Nationalism in the ERa of Good Feelings Essay Nationalism, not sectionalism, was the driving force during the era of good feelings. Nationalism became the leading ideology of the American republic. While sectionalism proceeded in bringing the nation into turmoil and constant bickering among the politicians, as in the case with dealings leading to the Missouri compromise, nationalism was able to unite the nation into a headstrong body, led by an ever-increasing, more powerful central government. Nationalism, many can argue, was a guiding light that helped the populous in Europe unite. As early as the late great Roman Empire, it was that notion of being a part of a uniform body of civil, governed people who helped these places flourish. In early 19th century America, during the Era of Good Feelings as one newspaper put it, Americans began to root themselves in all that the nation stood for which helped them in turn begin to think about moving the United States into a respectable position among the worlds super powers. For example, Stephen Decatur toasts the country and acknowledges that it is our country, for better or for worse. This is a sharp contrast to the views of our founding fathers because George Washington himself, the father of our nation, saluted king George although he was a part of the attempt to establish a separate nation. Poets and writers also began to capture the nations spirit. In her Address to the New York State Legislature, Emma Hart Willard, explains how America has no problem in setting precedents and taking risks for the benefit of the country. For example, did the country take a risk in having a democracy instead of a monarchy? The answer to this question is yes, because no one in the history of the world before America, was able to successfully run a government the way that new nation ran. Although they had to switch from the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution, this just proved that the nation could adapt with its people, thus setting precedents. Sectionalism only succeeded in dividing the country. This is because sectionalists always had their own agendas, which often clashed with that of their opposition. The division of votes on the tariff of 1816 was a pretty noticeable one, although the final vote was not really affected by non-tariff votes. Sectionalism can be found here in the numbers of each region. The majority of New England Votes were cast against the tariff. This should be of no surprise because New England, which at the time was largely federalist, was against the whole war of 1812 effort from the get go. If it were not for the nationalistic pride of the western and southern regions, this protective tariff would have not been passed. Nationalism creates an atmosphere which attempts to propel the nation forward instead of becoming entangled in issues which cause a separation of agendas, thought, and eventually causes a rift in peoples beliefs. The nationalism brought about by the Era of Good feelings helped the United States get on track to becoming what it is today. If you look at current events, you can see that the United States operates with more fluidity when we have a common enemy instead of creating enemies out of our brethren because of our ideals.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Example of micro operations microinstruction
Example of micro operations microinstruction Q1. Give an Example of micro operations, microinstruction, micro program, micro code. Sol :- Following are the examples of micro operations:- Bus and Memory Transfers Arithmetic Microoperations Logic Microoperations Example of Microinstruction:- For Fetching Data:- IF inter. ELSE next Example of micro program :- sp := sp + (-1); mar := sp; mbr := ac; wr; wr; This pushes the AC value onto the stack Example of Micro code:- mar := sp; rd; sp := sp + 1; rd; ac := mbr; Pop a number from the stack and place it in the AC Q2 How Information Technology can be used for strategic advantages in business? Ans Globalisation- IT has not only brought the world closer, but it has allowed the worlds economy to become a single interdependent system. We not only share information quickly and efficiently, but also bring down barriers of linguistic and geographic boundaries. The world has developed into a global village due to the help of information technology allowing countries like Chile and Japan who are not only separated by distance but also by language to shares ideas and information with each other. Communication- With the help of information technology, communication has also become cheaper, quicker, and more efficient. We can now communicate with anyone around the globe by simply text messaging them or sending them an email for an almost instantaneous response. The internet has also opened up face to face direct communication from different parts of the world thanks to the helps of video conferencing. Cost effectiveness- Information technology has helped to computerize the business process thus streamlining businesses to make them extremely cost effective money making machines. This in turn increases productivity which ultimately gives rise to profits that means better pay and less strenuous working conditions. More time IT has made it possible for businesses to be open 24 x7 all over the globe. This means that a business can be open anytime anywhere, making purchases from different countries easier and more convenient. It also means that you can have your goods delivered right to your doorstep with having to move a single muscle. Q3. What Characteristics of software make it different from other engineering products? Ans :- Characteristics of software products :- Software products may be Generic developed to be sold to a range of different customers. Custom developed for a single customer according to their specification. Q4. What are different addressing modes available? Sol :- Various Addressing Modes are :- (1) Immediate Addressing Mode :- Immediate addressing is used to load constants into registers and to use constants as operands. The constant is part of the instruction word e.g. ADD 5 Add 5 to contents of accumulator 5 is operand Limited range (2) Direct Addressing Mode :- With direct addressing the address is part of the instruction Usually the OpCode is one word and address is the succeeding word or words. Effective address (EA) = address field (A) e.g. ADD A Add contents of cell A to accumulator Look in memory at address A for operand Single memory reference to access data No additional calculations to work out effective address Limited address space (3) Indirect Addressing Mode :- RegisterMemory cell pointed to by address field contains the address of (pointer to) the operand EA = (A) Look in A, find address (A) and look there for operand e.g. ADD (A) Add contents of cell pointed to by contents of A to accumulator (4) Register Direct Addressing Mode :- Limited number of registers Very small address field needed Shorter instructions Faster instruction fetch No memory access Very fast execution Very limited address space Multiple registers helps performance Requires good assembly programming or compiler writing (5) Register Indirect Addressing Mode :- The instruction specifies a register which contains the address of the operand MOVE #$1000,R7 ;R7 = $1000 As there are usually only a small number of internal registers the address of the register is easily contained in the instruction word. It is efficient and is very useful for working with arrays and pointers. Operand is held in register named in address field EA = R If an array of numbers is stored at $1000, then can be accessed in sequence by adding 1 to the register after each access. Operand is in memory cell pointed to by contents of register R Large address space (2n) One fewer memory access than indirect addressing (6) Displacement (Indexed) Addresing Mode :- EA = A + (R) Address field hold two values A = base value R = register that holds displacement or vice versa Q5 How will you differentiate b/w Arrays and Stacks?Explain by giving an example. Ans- An array can be defined as an infinite collection of homogeneous elements. A stack is a data structure in which all insertions and deletions are done at the same end called the top. It is often called last in first out (LIFO) data structure. Q6. How translator differs from Complier? Ans :- translator- it is a device that changes a sentence from one language to another without the change of meaning. Compiler :- It reads the entire program and converts it to the object code. It provides errors not one line but errors of the entire program. It consumes little time for converting a source program to an object program. Compilers are preferred when the length of the program is large. It provides security. Q7 Out of Linear and Binary Search, which one is preferred where and why? Ans- in linear search,we access each elemnt of array one by one sequentially and in binary search we seach in minimum number of binary search elemnts have to be in the sorted form. Binary search is preferred over linear search because time consumed is less.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Suffering Idealized Essay -- Religion, Raskolnikov
Universally feared, pain and suffering are typically detested and avoided at all costs. Raskolnikov is humanized in Crime and Punishment due to his fear of suffering and avoidance of it. However, due to the social and economic ruin of Russia during the setting of the novel, many characters seek out suffering. Inspired by Christianity and the self-sacrifice of the Savior, people turn to the religion as a security blanket, which adds meaning to their existence. These characters not only welcome suffering, but also search for it and throw themselves into adversity. Ironically for the time period, female characters in the book represent Christian symbols, sacrificing themselves for what they love. Raskolnikov’s own sister, Dunya, acquires a very Christ-like position due to her extensive self-sacrifice. Having grown up in the same environmental situations as Raskolnikov, there is still a distinctive difference in their personalities. This difference allows Dunya to be adored by those around her as contrasted with Raskolnikov who, when at school, was mentioned to have â€Å"no friends†¦Ã¢â‚¬ and â€Å"nobody liked him†(63). Here Raskolnikov’s differentiation from society is clearly demonstrated. Dunya takes her role a step further and is described as someone who â€Å"demands to accept torment for someone else’s sake as quickly as possible.†(567). The connotation of the word â€Å"demands†conveys her self-brought on obligation to undergo hardships. The word â€Å"quickly†demonstra tes just how frenzied her need to suffer for others is. An akin female who also craves suffering is Sonya. This is most clearly validated by her occupation as a prostitute. A prostitute typically sacrifices all they physically have for the sake of others. Her life is meager...’s a real pleasure!†(575). This simple delight is Svidrigailov’s way of enjoying suffering without being harmed himself. Like, Raskolnikov, it stems from his subconcious’s need to expereicne repercussions. Suffering is highly idealized as a positive situation in St. Petersburg, Russia at this trying time. Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov find their positions to be aggravating and painful. Those around them take suffering in strife, and with pride. Yet these two cannot let down their walls and allow the punishment in. As a result, Raskolnikov is suffering greatly from lack of air and falls deeper into delirium. His life function begins to falter. The two men are lost, Raskolnikov in his failed theories and Svidrigailov in the trials of his being. Eventually suffering reaches a point where it must be acted upon for everything to run its natural course.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Development of Attachment Essay -- Psychology
It has been shown that the relationships infants develop early on in life have lasting effects on their identity and behavior. Extensive research has indicated that the relationship between an infant and its caregivers is particularly important. All children are different, and in order to have a healthy relationship with your child, you should adapt your parenting methods to fit his specific needs. All children differin fundamental ways, two of the most comprehensive being their temperaments and attachment styles. A child’s temperament is the way in which he reacts to the world, new situations, people, and experiences. Attachment is an infant’s enduring emotional bond to his parentsor primary caregivers. Both of these factors affect children not only in infancy, but throughout their lives. Temperament has been shown to be a consistent aspect of a person’s behavior over time, and their style of attachment to their primary caregiver often shapes the quality of platonic and romantic relationships with others as they age. A child’s temperament can affect his parent’s reactions and feelings toward him, and subsequently his attachment style. Infants are put into three defined categories of temperament: easy, difficult, and slow to warm up. Easy babies adjust readily to new experiences and are generally happy and easy to calm. Difficult babies are easily upset, have intense negative emotional reactions, and have irregular bodily functions. Slow to warm up babies react to new stimuli as difficult babies would initially, but with repeated exposure will react more like easy babies. Easy babies often engender positive reactions and feelings from their parents, which helps produce a secure attachment relationship between the paren... ...t them independently. This not only sets him up for immediate success in school or whatever he is focusing on, but also in the future when dealing with college or work. He will be more motivated to complete his work to the best of his ability and to work past any barriers or conflicts that arise. Works Cited Allard, Lindsey T., and Amy Hunter. â€Å"Understanding Temperament in Infants and Toddlers.† Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning. Vanderbilt University, n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2014. . Davis, Jeanie L. â€Å"10 Commandments of Good Parenting.† WebMD. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2014. . Siegler, Robret, Judy DeLoache, and Nancy Eisenberg. How Children Develop. 3rd ed. New York: Worth Publishers, 2011. 425-98. Print.
Closing Case Study One
Closing Case Study One Information Systems in Enterprise (ISYS – 3001 – 3) Group B Participants-Matthew Gilliss, Arlene Gulley, Renee Hicks Kemara Mcintyre, and Andrew Ginn Walden University February 10, 2013 Abstract This will be a paper that has been a group effort with Matthew Gilliss (organizer and website account setup, homepage and student webpage template), Arlene Gulley (editor/poster), Renee Hicks (compiler), Kemara Mcintyre (summary), and Andrew Ginn (editor). The URL of our website is http://faboulousgroupb. weebly. com/.Our goal will be to respond to specifics questions in regards to two case studies; the first, being Ben & Jerry and secondly, Bigelow Teas. Ben & Jerry’s produce 190,000 pints of ice cream and frozen yogurt daily. It has 50,000 stores in the United States and 12 other countries. The company uses an Oracle database and BusinessObjects for tracking of business operations. They perform various transformation steps to organize long term go als for the business. It prepares strategies to stay line with technological advances.They have applied this technology to storing and manufacturing ice cream with energy efficiency warehouses. This new strategy enhances customer satisfaction, minimize inventory, and reduce manpower. (Haag & Cummings, 2009). Closing Case Study One Question #1 To redesign Ben & Jerry’s data warehouse the dimensions of information include frozen yogurt, ice cream, merchandise, locations, sales and shipping. This company should track all the different types of ice cream and yogurt flavors.They should also monitor these areas with the highest and lowest sales to make adjustments to save money. There should be information gathered on the merchandise being sold by Ben & Jerry. Ben & Jerry will monitor sales from stores in other locations ensuring the right merchandise is being shipped to the right location. The different dimensions are merchandise and locations. (Haag & Cummings, 2009). Question #2 When looking at Ben & Jerry’s ice cream stores, they would have to have a record of the different types of ice cream and frozen yogurt they offer.Along with the different products they would have to be able to track individual sales, the dates of those sales, and the store locations where the sale was made. When looking at primary keys you can see that the store number, order number and truck number could be primary keys. When looking for foreign keys to connect with the primary keys, you can see that store numbers, truck numbers, and order numbers can all be seen to be foreign keys. These are important because they would allow for Ben & Jerry’s to locate the exact order files of what they shipped, who drove it and where it went.Also then they could take the primary keys even farther and connect directly to the store and get other feedback that is directly correlated with the store. (Haag & Cummings, 2009). Question #3 Because of their familiarity of Microsoft Excel, it was easier to learn Business Objects and they were more inclined to learn the new way of using the Business Objects. They were able to substitute different functions on the Business Objects with Microsoft Excel, which created a more familiarity to them and they were able to be more comfortable with the task.Because of the area of their job, they were required to use spreadsheets, rather than using word processing software. (Haag & Cummings, 2009). Question #4 Bigelow Teas could continue to use Business Objects and they cooperate with each other so they can better understand its in-house and outside strengths and weaknesses. Bigelow Teas should make sure that their suppliers and resellers are part of the information partnership. This would allow the suppliers and resellers to be in contact with each other and to make the necessary adjustments or changes that are required. Haag & Cummings, 2009). According to (Haag & Cummings, 2009), â€Å"business intelligence is collective infor mation –about customers, your competitors, your partners, your competitive environments, and your own internal operationsâ€â€that gives you the ability to make effective, important, and often strategic business decisions. †(p. 87). Bigelow Teas’ would not want their suppliers or resellers to know about their strategic business decisions. (Haag & Cummings, 2009).There might be a person who is a supplier or reseller who might take this information and use it for themselves and/or sell the information for a profit. The suppliers and resellers should only have information that will help Bigelow Teas in regards to implementing cost reduction, and be helpful with their resources. Question #5 Neil Hastie’s belief that most organizations decision making is a lot of trial by error. In a sense that could be true, but good decision making comes from the top and makes it way down.Let’s not lose sight on what decision making really is; finding a logical cho ice of decisions from available options. A CEO or even management of any kind of organization would have to be good at decision making. If you were to turn Neil’s statement about decision making into a positive one, then one would agree that an organization or whoever is running the organization would need to keep an open-mind. Keeping an open-mind would include training, presenting timely information and everyone’s wide assortment of data-mining tools. Haag & Cummings, 2009). Conclusion This assignment was both a learning experience and growing experience. As a group we were able to come together and tackle our case study and the creation of our group webpage. We were able to look at the information about the two companies and use the knowledge that we have acquired with the class discussions and assignments and come up with responses to each question. We were able to: determine what tables and files that Ben & Jerry’s should use and what primary and foreign ke ys they should use.With Bigelow Teas we took a look at personal productivity software tools and how best they could open up business intelligence with buyers and suppliers. Also we were able to take a general statement made and turn it into one that could be used in the everyday business world. Overall, this experience allowed the members of the group to get closer looks into different industries and allowed the group members to use the information that we have acquired so far in our studies. Reference Haag, S. , & Cummings, M. (2009). Information Systems Essentials. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Camelina: a Market Forecast and Strategy Report
Camelina: a Market Forecast and Strategy Report 40 graphs and charts Camelina: a Market Forecast and Strategy Report 40 graphs and charts Published March 2010 From Biomass Advisors, a Biofuels Digest company Camelina has been much in the news of late, as a biofuels feedstock of strong promise, because of its position as one of the few â€Å"sustainable, affordable, reliable, available†feedstocks suitable for aviation biofuels. In November, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines made the first biofuels test flight with passengers on board, powering one engine with a mixture containing biofuel made from Camelina. Great Plains – The Camelina Company provided some of the Camelina used to make the fuel for this flight. Earlier, camelina was one of the feedstocks powering the Japan Airlines biofuels test, while the U. S. military has performed ground engine tests on camelina-based jet fuel in preparation for FA-18 Hornet fighter jet flights planned for this spring. Biofuels Digest has covered the camelina story in 71 different stories since 2007. But what’s the bottom line, for the grower, processor, end user, investor or policymaker? Biomass Advisors  a Biofuels Digest company focused on in-depth research  will release its definitive report on camelina in March 2010, including 40 charts and graphs. It’s based on unparalleled access to and cooperation with key stakeholders, on trends in processing, yields, geographies, and the end user markets opening up for high-value animal feed, and liquid transportation fuels (including aviation biofuels). In the report you’ll find the timeliness and perspective expected of the Digest  but with far more depth than a daily newsletter can provide. To reserve a copy or for more information, use this link to email us with â€Å"reserve†or â€Å"more information†in the subject line. Or to order your copy for $495, click on the button below: Table of Contents 1. Overview 1. 1. What is Camelina? 1. 2. Camelina’s development 1. 3. Camelina for the grower: a wheat rotation crop 1. 4. Camelina for the processor: omega-3 rich meal, high-yielding oilseed 1. 5. Camelina for the end user: animal feed, renewable jet fuel, biodiesel 2. Camelina’s Geography 2. 1. Opportunities within the wheat belt 2. 2. Additional opportunities in grazing or idle lands 2. 3. Trial locations and yield patterns 3. Camelina’s Economics 3. 1. Camelina oil: uses and values 3. 2. Camelina meal: uses and values 3. 3. Camelina economics 3. 3. 1. Inputs: fertilizers, herbicies, pesticides, labor 3. 3. 2. Outputs: yields and values 3. 4. Comparison of Camelina to other rotation crops: geography, yields, economics 3. 5. Camelina’s lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions, and sustainability 3. 6. Camelina Subsidies, Incentives, Grants, Mandates and Approvals for Use 3. 6. 1. National 3. 6. 2. State 3. 6. 3. Local 4. The competition: Petroleum Oil Economics 4. 1. Oil market trends and forecasts 4. 2. Camelina end markets size and potential 5. Camelina Production Forecast 5. 1. Oil parity analysis 5. 2. Available land analysis 5. 2. 1. Wheat fields available for rotation 5. 2. 2. Idle land available for Camelina production 5. 3. Agriculture adoption patterns 5. 4. Existing, planned and potential refineries 5. 5. Camelina production forecast 5. 5. 1. Biodiesel 5. 5. 2. Biojet fuel 5. 5. 3. Biolubricants and biomaterials 5. 5. 4. Animal feed 5. 6. Theoretical maximums 5. 7. Potential impact of market distortions 5. 8. Sensitivity analysis 6. Business and Investment Opportunities 6. 1. Transport and logistics 6. 2. Pressing 6. 3. Refining and blending 6. 4. Site selection considerations 6. 4. 1. Current and planned refineries 6. 4. 2. End-market locations and off-take partners 7. Case Studies, Profiles 8. Additional Resources and Information ?
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Concept of Competition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Concept of Competition - Essay Example Another one is that competition causes organization to be efficient and to prosper due to the contributing role of the factors related to efficiency. This selection process is good for aggregate efficiency. Lastly, competition innovate the major source of gains in productive efficiency (Vickers 1). For further meaning of competition, different perspectives can be given attention such as that of the work of social scientists, humanists, and philosophers. Such works do not merely report any meaning in ordinary discourse. Most of them theorize, explain, explore and penetrate below the surface to uncover the features of competition. Among species and every community competition occurs where resources are in limited supply. Competition is defined as the active demand by two or more organisms for a common source as discussed by Wilson. The using up of other resources to the detriment of other organisms, whether it is not aggressive in behavioral interaction is also another perspective on c ompetition. Two modes of competition are distinguished by Wilson namely scramble and contests. Scramble competition can be defined as exploitative. The winner will be the one who uses the resources first without specific behavioral responses to other competitors. According to Wilson, competition theory is a relatively advanced field in ecological research. A competitive technique is the aggression among members of the same species with a set of behaviors. In addition, competition is a term pertaining to human affairs; and it is a warning of dangers involved in extending our use of the term (Newman 5). Economic competitions also play the role, as a neutral buyer or consumer. According to Tibor Schitovsky a person or an organization has competition if the party wants to trade with has alternative opportunities to exchange. Competitors are people or organizations that offer alternatives and similar opportunities to the opposing party or parties. When there is competition there is an ai m to pursue one’s own interest. Having competitive behavior can be as altruistic as any other kind, but a rational competitor never act on the assumption of what others are doing. Most competitors think of their own goals and are primarily motivated to develop, demonstrate and enjoy competence on their own visions. Competitions are used to overcome feelings of being separated, abandoned and unloved. It permits demonstration of each individual’s significance which gratifies each desire, assertiveness and approval and also they perform in public, assert themselves in the presence of others at the very least of their competitor (Newman 11). Competitors always aim to win for them winning is the object of the game. They want to impress their competitors, to be admired for their success. Most competition is complex in its way especially in pursuing its goal e.g. money, job, a woman’s hand in marriage. In addition, competitive impulse seeks a good fight. Competing is t he act against another human being. Competition itself often takes elusive forms example is a world class athlete producing exact performance measures to compete with the other competitors (p.11). Competition and competence are both derived from the same root. It is a desire to develop, to strive and to achieve even with the risk of defeat of failure in one direction and to strive toward a goal. A social scientist postulates that in competition the rules that can hinder a party to achieve and the rewards that can be attained can be considered equal. It usually takes the form of legitimized conflict regulated by rules. But not all competition is a pure contest in which the other competitors are prohibited to achieve their aims. Those who are legitimized
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Corporation law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Corporation law - Essay Example In her role as accountant, Emma should ensure that the employees, management and the external advisers possess the required skills in managing the business finances. The case scenario indicates that the employee in charge of the accounts was unwell and this distorted all the financial records. Therefore, Emma could have ensured maintenance of all the financial records to enhance effective communication of any information like the Trouble Shooter’s dues and other affairs of the company. As a result, appropriate enquiries could have remained informed on the financial position of the company. As the financial director, Emma could have ensured that the financial records remained updated. The financial director must ensure information on the financial affairs of the company by presenting the current financial viability as well as the impacts related with any further debts (Bosen 2009, p.96). The directors failed in their duty of preventing insolvent trading. At the time of debts, t he company was already insolvent, and Ying engaged in trade with OHS solutions. The law sets out the contravention levels where the directors pay a civil penalty for failing to prevent the incurred debts when aware of the insolvency of the company. Ying new that OHS was insolvent, and he proceeded to trade with the company. According to the Corporation Law, this presents a criminal offense when the directors failed in preventing the company from incurring such debts even after the awareness on the company’s insolvency. The consequences for breaching the duty involve the compensation order where the court may order the director to compensate the companies the equivalent of the suffered loss. This results due to failure of preventing the company from making losses while insolvent. The managing corporation of OHS Solutions could have been disqualified under the justification of sections s206C. In their prevention of breach of duty, directors must account for the fundamental prin ciples. This ensures availability of information on financial affairs of the company and enhances immediate identification of the concerns on the financial position of the company. The company assesses realistically any financial difficulties experienced by the company (Davis 2002, p.403). Failure of the directors in monitoring the company’s solvency as well as the investigation of the financial difficulties and consideration of the timely advice results in breach of duty. The executive director; Satish and non-executive directors; Emma and Ying must have been involved in active monitoring of the OHS Solutions’ financial position. The directors must ensure proper financial records for the company as well as reasonable inquiries to enhance an understanding of the cash flow requirements and financial position of the company. The director must monitor the position of the company to ensure its capability in paying the debts. This requires that the director be remain inform ed on the ongoing basis that rely solely on the financial statements. In the quest for sufficient information of the company, the financial director must ensure they monitor the preparation of the financial records as well as reviewed the company’s capabilities in repayment of debts. The actual steps by the director must ensure proper information on the company’s situation. The director, as in case of Emma, may not be involved directly in
Monday, October 7, 2019
Accountin information system Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Accountin information system - Coursework Example The main parts of the revenue cycle are the sales order processing subsystem and the cash receipts system. The sales order system includes units such as the sales, credit, billing, warehouse, shipping, billing, inventory control, accounts receivable and general ledger. Another important unit is involved with the sales returns on the basis of the fact that the sales made are not always final. The cash receipts system on the other hand is involved in the financial phase of the revenue cycle (Hall 2004, ch.4). 2. Validity checks, completeness tests and reasonableness tests can be used to ensure accuracy of customer orders on the basis of the principle regarding levels of authorization. Validity of the transaction, completeness of the process involved in the sales made and the reliability of the processes undertaken are included in the factors that can determine the finality of the transaction. In addition, the data that are gathered can be used to determine the expected sales in a particular period rendering the amount of funds that can be collected. 3. The CRM refers to customer relationship management which can be considered as one of the important parts of the accounting information systems. It is generally used for storage of customer data (Encyclopedia of Business and Finance). 4. EDI or electronic data interchange is an input device in the AIS that can help the billing and account receivable process by increasing the speed of the phases involved through automatically adjusting the correct input of data (Encyclopedia of Business and Finance). 7. The credit approval is an important part of the revenue cycle on the basis of the fact that it can be considered as part of the build up for a proper provision for in-debt payments. The said process reduces the risk of over invoicing a non-credit worthy customer, thus, decreasing the risk for unpaid accounts. It serves as a way of counter-checking (Encyclopedia of
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Project work of a British company profile Essay
Project work of a British company profile - Essay Example The first store to be opened was in 1929 in Burnt Oak, and the first self service store was later opened in St Albans in 1956 making it the first and self service which was operational up to 2010. Due to the need to expand and the customers and products being congested, the management saw the need to relocate to a larger premise on the same street. During 1950s, Tesco grew bigger and the management started to expand more thus acquiring more than 800 stores in London (Simms, 2007). For example, in 1957 the company bought 70 Williamsons stores, in 1959 other 200 Harrow stores outlet stores were opened and in 1960, 212 Irwin stores among others. The motto of the business was to pile it high and sell it cheap and this made the customers to flock in the supermarket. The company kept on expanding and in 1995, Tesco introduced a loyalty card and later in the same year an internet shopping services were also available for the customers. In 2006, Tesco announced the need to move into United S tates making sure that grocery stores were opened in the western states making it to have an idea to expand globally. The main section that Tesco usually deals with is Tesco Superstores. This is a supermarket that is stocked with groceries and other non food goods and the stores are normally branded as Tesco. The supermarket usually deals with groceries and the store first operated in Liverpool. Tesco express to provide food stuffs to the customers and shopping is done at Tesco express and later the food stuffs are packed. The stores are found in busy districts and in residential areas where the customers get access to the products (Nash, 2006). Tesco Extra stores are hypermarkets that provide all kind of product ranges. These are largest supermarkets and they are stocked with food, clothing, electronic gargets and entertainment systems. The hypermarket is usually on two floors to make sure that all range of products is available
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Applied managment & theory - xerox case study Assignment
Applied managment & theory - xerox case study - Assignment Example In order to analyse the change of management in Xerox, it is necessary to adopt many management theories to analyse friction by friction. PEST analysis, comprising of Political, Economical, sociocultural and technological factors, according to which the marketing environment is made up of three aspects, internal environment, micro environment, macro environment etc. The internal environment consists of staff that is also called internal customers, office technology, wages and finance etc. Micro environment is external customers, agents and distributors, suppliers, out competitors etc. Macro environment consists of Political and legal forces, economic forces, sociocultural forces and technological forces etc. PEST is concerned only with the Macro Environment, which is concerned with the production of the company. "The first is efficiency in the production of a given set of outputs. That is, with a given capital stock a given technology and a given set of resource prices, firms should be producing goods and services with a minimum expenditure of the economy's resources," (Cyert, 1988, p.36). Xerox had to overcome many problems while going through Change Management. It could not compete with the Japanese competitors because of high manufacturing cost. Internal culture and leadership suffered due to mindsets bordering towards complacent inertia. But later, leadership went through an immense transformation that led to the present enviable state of the company. It improved the quality of its products and the organisation turned the corner. In 1990s, Xerox introduced digital photocopiers, high-end laser printers with attached scanners and these products made Xerox march ahead of its competitors in this mercurial field. "Xerox worked to turn its product into a service, providing a complete "document service" to companies including supply, maintenance, configuration and user support." Xerox created excellent name for itself in the employment front as well. Company received 100% rating on the first Corporate Equality Index from the Human Rights Campaign in 2002. "They have maintained this rating in 2003, 2004, 2005. Xerox has been recognized by a number of other organizations for its diversity leadership as well." Ibid. As far as the political factors are concerned, the political scenario has a very large influence on business. It depends on the stability of the political environment, how could the tax regulation going to affect the company, what could be the Government's stand in marketing ethics, government's economic and industrial policy etc. It also depends on its religious or secular policies and if they are religion oriented enough to disturb other cultures or if there are any regional or international agreements and compulsions. Xerox did not face many problems due to political problems in home country, but it must have faced problems in other countries like Asian Specific countries, and to some extent, in India. "But, according to a recent article (Cordtz, 1974, "Xerox is moving into an awkward agethe company resembles a muscular adolescent who has grown so fast that he finds it difficult to coordinate his newly acquired strength" (page 117)" (Burke, 1977, p.22). In economic factors deal with market trends, economic predictions, theories of long and short term both, international market trend, any upcoming national and
Friday, October 4, 2019
Fossil Evidence Essay Example for Free
Fossil Evidence Essay 1. A. Fossil evidence has been used to support evolution. Paleontologists have dug up old bones and other things that were preserved in sedimentary rock. All of these things that were found show evidence that there was life long ago, however that’s not the only thing these fossils show. Fossils also show that there have been changes in the organisms that have inhabited this earth. The reason it supports that is once we compare the fossils to another organism, by using many different techniques, we can then see how the fossil from back then has adapted and evolved into this new organism. However it is still the same organism just modified to the environment it lives in during that time period. Just like everything else that has positives, this also has some negatives. One of the weaknesses of fossil evidence is that many organisms that died never got preserved because of where they were located. Not only were some organisms not fossilized, but some fossils were destroyed by geological processes. That leaves only some to be found. Despite these weaknesses the fossil record is still a great tool to show us the biological change that has occurred over vast amounts of time. B. The relationship between many organisms can be traced back to a common ancestor. As time progresses organisms evolve and change from this common ancestor, making it harder to just see the relationships between organisms. There are three types of evidence that explains how organisms can be related and that it just is the organism evolving; comparative anatomy, comparative biochemistry, and comparative embryology. One of the ones I am discussing is comparative biochemistry which is when you compare organisms by the similarity of their DNA, proteins, genes, gene products and their common genetic code. DNA, RNA, the genetic code and proteins are similar in all organisms. When the genetic and molecular similarity between species is great, that means that those two species are closer to sharing a common ancestor. The second one I will explain is comparative anatomy. This also shows that organisms share a common ancestor, but proves it by the similarities of the organism’s anatomical structure. You look at the organism’s body parts and their anatomy and look to see if there is any connection between the organisms. There are two major concepts to comparative anatomy; homologous structures and analogous structures. Homologous is when the structures are similar due to common descent. While analogous is when structures are similar because they evolved in similar environments. You do this by taking the bone structures and looking the appendages, because that is where you can see if one or multiple organisms have the same bone structure for that particular area.
Thursday, October 3, 2019
The Social Network Facebook And Privacy Media Essay
The Social Network Facebook And Privacy Media Essay Introduction: We are living in the golden age of technology. Day by day technology is going to be more important in human life. Every aspect of our life like education, medical, business, information, transport, communication etc. demand technological support. It is helping us many ways in our daily life. Nothing is impossible nowadays. Information technology, given us the power to move around the world within minutes. What we got from IT: the communicative world is blessed of IT. There is no community in the modern world which can go through without IT. People nowadays become much more depended on IT. Operating business, financial transaction, entertainment, communicating everywhere we are using IT. In a word the globe is in palm and it happened for IT. As the Information technology playing an important role in our life but sometimes it is affecting our privacy and social life. Privacy: Privacy refers to personal secrecy or private or confidential information or property. In general everyone has some preference, someone likes to listening music and collecting songs and it is his personal privacy or secrecy. If anyone interfere his listening or collecting music that mean it is interfere in his privacy. In the website, they published, The word privacy has been used to describe many concerns with the modern world. It is a complex concept even before other concerns are lumped with it. The concept of privacy deserves to be carefully examined. It defies easy, and many proposals to protect privacy have gone forward without a clear articulation of what privacy really is. Importantly, privacy is a personal, subjective condition. One person cannot decide for another what his or her sense of privacy should be. ( So privacy has no visible size or feature. It actually depends on person and varies community to community and situation. It might be personal opinion, political view, or likings or sensitive information. Day by day the globe is coming closer by influence of various inventions and technological bless. And the word privacy is going to be much more complicated in this technological arena Social networks: Social networking is a grouping of people of same community or people of same neighbour or same likings or we can say it a group of friends. But in the IT world, social network is the best way of communication among people from same institutes or workplace via internet. For example; Facebook, twitter, MSN and many other open networks. Facebook: Facebook is the second largest social network on internet was founded by former-Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg and launched in February 2004.People using Facebook find their older friends and stay keep in touch with friends and family, make friendship with new people, publish their personal information. Like as, name, gender, interest, study, job etc. people are posting their likings, personal views, or in a word every single moment of our time we are publishing to share with our friends. This information is recorded by the operators in the server. Though sometimes we are deleting from our profile but we cannot delete it from there. How we are affected: According their (Facebook) privacy and policy, Facebook has the right to save our information and to share with third parties if necessary. That mean, with whom they are sharing our information we do not know it. In the same hand the third party, they do not have any obligation to share our information. So the third party can share our information with anyone or can use our information for any purpose. And thats how we are losing our privacy. Our personal preference is going to anyone who is not familiar with us. On the other hand anyone in our friend list can affect us or our social status putting any comment or any post in our wall which result harassment and hamper social status. Again various companies they can use the preference of individuals for their surveys without acknowledging people from their information given at the time of having the account of any social network. Another thing is, as Facebook is an open source network when you sign in you are gett ing a lot of advertisement or application where someone can easily access. And if anyone access in those applications, there is terms that they can access your personal information. By this you are giving your information to them unwillingly. A case study about Facebook abuse/offence: in 28th of August 2010 the popular newspaper METRO in UK published,  £ 10,000 bill for Facebook Jokes'. The news was about two friends. One of them posted a joke about his friend. He said his friend, he likes kids and he is a gay. And it was claimed that about 800 people watched this and that person was so scared to leave home. And their family expressed, it was a horrible and really stressful time for us. [] This case has been solved by court and the magistrate court fined  £10,000 the person, who commented about his friend. Recent warnings about Facebook: Recently The chief executive of search engine Google has predicted, Web users will one day be able to change their identity in order to escape the traces of their misspent youth available on social networking sites such as Facebook. [] Jason Deans, Wednesday 18 August 2010 16.54 BST Article history In the same hand the founder of Facebook cited, The Age of Privacy is over. In a six-minute interview on stage with TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington, Zuckerberg spent 60 seconds talking about Facebooks privacy policies. He said, If he were to create Facebook again today, user information would by default be public, not private. [ ,January 9, 2010] So that mean in average everyones privacy is the risk. No one is in secret at least who is using the social networks. Conclusion: Finally we can say that social networks does not only publishing or reciting information about personal but also it is a medium of entertainment. If some steps can be taken to prevent the invasion of privacy all the networks are for our society and our community; to entertain people, keeping them happier and peaceful. On the other hand individuals should be much more aware about their privacy and secrecy. And we can stop to interpret anyones personal life and preference and thus the networks of community will be fruitful otherwise day by day it is going to much worse situation as the founder of Facebook is aware about the privacy and policies of society.
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