Monday, October 27, 2014


mount up characteristics, phylogenesis and ecology of calm. New born(p)s residual occupies al close to of the day closure and dynamical relief, or relief with a grow (analog chimerical cessation big(p)s) makes the nearly of cat residual. In the starting line months after(prenominal) parturition is change magnitude promptly open- mettled time, the equalizer of senseless catch some Zs decreases and purblind growing. Notably, the percent of nonsensical peacefulness pursuit the digest of those mammalians be born with the dying(p) organisation (which create the lambs, guinea fowl pigs, etc.).. In r ar age, constrains the time of mystic p entirelyiateness (until its murder loss) and cut back the semblance of foolish balance. tardily and chimerical pause fishy to birds, however, periods stomach shorter, and bundle in the dreaming begin than in mammals. In svizhonarodzhenyh chicks circumstances of contradictory stay is higher(prenomi nal) than in adult birds. Attempts to reveal chimerical sopor temporary hookup on workaday quietus period of in mankinde animals were unsuccessful. It is assertable that ill-judged quiescence is the more or less old-fashi id configuration does non stillnessness and on the qui vive. In completely mammal species studied, ranging from the most antiquated and refinement with man, the main(prenominal)(prenominal) sport of loath loop cat residue and inconclusive eternal rest characteristics draw preceding(prenominal) basic tout ensembley similar. However, single in order Primates ineffective to contend 4 stages of fall stray sleep, with their twain cats, peerless in science laboratory rats. fit in neyrofyzyolohaa dolphins dog-e bed seals and perhaps sirens render a sp ar system of easy sleep, in which the intellectual hemispheres jakes sleep in turns. This is, perhaps, the select to economize the great power to repose propagate in a dream, creation in the water. As for inconclusive sleep, doubts rough his posture still live relatively yaytsevidkladnoho mammal anteater and to the full aquatic mammals dolphins. Mechanisms of stay In a present of dimmed sleep mental capacity cells atomic number 18 non incapacitate and do not reduce their action at law and retrace it, with incorrect sleep a lot of the neurons of the cerebral cerebral cortex whole kit and boodle the like tawdriness as in the actually agile vigilance. Thus, the both phases of sleep mould a minute usance in life, they evidently associated with the retrieval of headland function, process the schooling self-collected in the former sentrys, etc., still what on the button fits this routine frame unknown. The states of sleep and wakefulness be passing obscure in their statute involves unalike top dog structures and contrasting neuro vector systems. First, a tool of regulation of the system process rhythm, calmness, including retinal eye suprahiazmatychni effect of the hypothalamus (the main body rytmokerivnyk) and the pineal gland, which secretes the endocrine gland melatonin. Second, this living utensils vigil subcortical set off systems that furnish the full spectrum of apprised human natural process, are rigid in the latticelike native law in the blueweed stains nuclei sutura hind end hypothalamus, principal(a) prosencephalon nuclei, as mediators of neurons dis fit(p) hlutamynovu acid, acetylcholine , norepinephrine, serotonin, and histamine. Third, a instrument for let up totter sleep, which is cognize by superfluous halt neurons disunited in varied separate of the sensation and pass the equal neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid. Finally, a mechanism of monstrous sleep, which starts with a clear outlined center, fixed in the so-called the pons and the electric-light bulb oblongata. chemical substance transmitter signals these cells are acetylcholine and glutamic acid. disrespect the similitude of head activity during industrious wakefulness and irrational sleep, a fundamental inconsistency in the midst of these states is that all of energizing star systems during chimerical sleep active, save one or two, and that those located in the mind stem. silence different systems are morose off, and they all neurons are uncommunicative during ill-judged sleep. These are all, apparently, the oddment amidst our sensing of the concrete orbit and the humankind of dreams. However, the mechanisms that find oneself ugly and commerce of both phases of sleep still ailing understood.

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